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Stepping through the magic portal that had been conjured in the Wakandan countryside was not to dissimilar to walking through a door. On the other side Basil could see a dark sky where storm clouds loomed. There was a ship hanging there, a thing almost rectangular with curved lines. It seemed big enough to cover half of Manhattan where it blocked out the sunlight. Below was wreckage and earth. If Basil hadn't been told that it was where the Avengers headquarters had stood, then he wouldn't have recognised it. What had been a complex of stone, metal and glass was nothing but ruins and wreckage. It had been shattered and he wondered who was dead and who was still alive. 

When he stepped through, the warm air of Wakanda changed into the cooler breeze of New York like stepping from a warm room to a cold street. He could smell smoke and dust and earth. The sky was hazy but the figure standing on the edge of the hill in front of him was clear enough. Steve's uniform was battered and filthy with dirt and blood stains. (Did he honestly expect anything else from the man? Steve couldn't go more than a year or two without picking fights and getting his arse handed to him. Basil wondered if it was an addiction). When the blonde turned, he could make out the blood of split lip and wide eyes through the holes of his helmet. 

"Hiya Stevie", he greeted, comms instantly latching onto the signals. He heard the exhaled sigh of relief down the line. As he stepped forwards, Bucky at his side with his large automatic cradled in his hands, the army on the horizon became visible. Basil stopped at Steve's side and sighed deeply and he rested the borrowed sword against his shoulder. "Really? Chitari again? It took ages to get that purple blood out of my hair last time". Thanos' army was huge. A shapeless wave of grey and purple that blocked out the horizon. Basil counted at least five of those mechanical turtles along with thousands of alien soldiers. He grimaced. 

"These are the same guys you fought in twelve?" Bucky asked as he flicked the safety off his gun. Behind them, T'Challa was leading his army through the portals. The noise of their war chants echoing up as they filled into lines. Basil glanced around and saw Asgardians coming through another portal. Spiderman swinging through a third. Wakandan ships flying through a fourth. He lost count of the portals after that. Seeing sorcerers dressed in robes similar to Dr Strange and a few aliens that he didn't recognise but assumed were on their side. 

"Unfortunately", Steve grunted in response. 

Bucky brushed his hair from his face and Basil wanted to kiss him. "Looks like fun". The super soldier glanced around at the army assembling behind them. Then there was a crashing of rocks and they turned to see a huge form burst from the wreckage to their left. Antman standing as tall as a block of flats as he brushed debris from his suit. Basil laughed in delight as Hulk dropped down from the giant's hand. 

"Is that a racoon with a gun?" 

Steve ignored him. "Avengers!" He yelled, voice echoing down the comms as well as across the land separating the two armies. He held out a hand and caught Mjölnir as it came swinging through the air. Basil gaped again as Thor dropped from the sky behind him. (When the fuck had that happened? Also, what had Thor been eating?) With the godly hammer in one hand, and his shield in the other, Steve bared his teeth. "Assemble". 

Basil let out a whoop of delight as war cries echoed up. His confusion pushed aside as they all began running. He was looking forward to spilling Thanos' blood. His cackling laughter bursting out of him as the two armies collided with an all mighty crash. The fight turning into chaos from the beginning. He instantly lost Steve and Bucky, running through his opponents like a ghost only to reappear and slice off a limb or two. The loose dirt under his feet making it easy for him to drop down and spin on his knees as he sliced through multiple legs in one swift move. (This sword was wickedly sharp and he was officially in love with it. He may have to never give it back). He giggled as he saw Scott Lang punch one of the giant space turtles in the face, sending it crashing into the earth. A winged horse flew overhead and he stood up to admire it for a second. This was all very cool and very confusing.

"Anyone see an ugly brown Van out there?" Steve's voice came through the comms. Basil glanced around as several Chitari ran through him. The grey aliens letting screeches off frustration and surprise when their claws and weapons couldn't pierce Basil's form. He couldn't see the van, but he saw Thanos and a grey alien with white hair and a squashed face (looking sort of like a cartoon) in the distance. Purple blood splattered him as he swung his sword around and neatly beheaded the five chitari surrounding him. The bodies slumping to the floor in a way that he found greatly satisfying. 

Now Basil had never fought with any blade longer than a hunting dagger, nor had he trained with one. His sword suspiciously light for it's size and he was swinging it around more like a baseball bat (or a cricket bat, since he has only ever played baseball once) than a sword. But the vibranium blade was sharp enough that it did the job. His fighting style relying more on swiftness and his ability to go intangible than any official training. With that knowledge, he was enjoying himself immensely with his sword swinging. A smug smile that promised pain on his face as he started marching towards the cartoon faced alien. Thanos having been distracted by a very angry Wanda, which he decided not to interrupt. 

The general of Thanos' army was looking as panicked as his squished face could look. He was speaking down his own comms as Basil approached, not noticing the man as he grew closer. "But sir! Our troops!" A pause. Basil was almost right behind the man. "Rain fire!" The alien ordered, then he turned around. A gasp left his lips as Basil grinned at him, all sharp teeth and grim satisfaction as his blade sliced the Alien's head clean off his shoulders. 

"Wow", he sighed as he rolled his shoulders, the body crumpling as the head rolled away. "I feel like a monarch with all this beheading". That's when the ship above them opened fire and the battlefield was rained down with explosions. 


hi. missed me? Basil is having way too much fun with that sword. 

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