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Henry stole a car. Hot wired some old Volvo a few blocks away from the Shield building and the chaos. Basil watched him, half leaning against the hood as his legs were still wobbly if not mostly functional by now. Now that his adrenaline was dying down and the exhaustion from the panic was settling in, he realised that he wasn't all that surprised by Henry's background as secret service.  It explained the man's ptsd and insomnia. He'd has his suspicions that Henry was not all that he seemed but didn't really care. Phillip trusted him, so Basil would too. Now that he knew though, a lot of things made sense. How he was able to afford an apartment in the middle of London, even though they split the rent, on his book salary. Henry was an author but his books weren't best sellers. (Not yet anyway. Henry always swore that he would write a best seller one day).

"Hurry up", Basil complained, watching the streets around them. "I could do this in my sleep".

"Fuck off, it's been less than a minute", Henry swore back. The engine rumbled to life and he sat up in the driver's seat to flash him a grin. "Come on Baz. Get in". Basil pushed himself up and shuffled round to the back seat where he sprawled out with a sigh. "No seatbelt?" Henry arched an eyebrow at him in the mirror.

"I'm a doctor. I know the risks", Basil yawned and waved a hand. Henry, far used to his friend's weirdness, shrugged in a 'suit yourself' gesture before pulling out of the parking space and down the road.

"So", Basil spoke up twenty minutes later as they began to leave the city. "How did you follow us?"

"I had some old connections", Henry waved a hand. "Also I watched the news. Nice mess there. Did you have fun?"

"It was great fun. A king dressed like a cat tried to claw my face off".

"Really? Such an honour", Henry snorted. Basil chuckled quietly, eyes closed and body curled up to try and get as comfortable as possible across the back seats. Henry continues talking. "Saw the mess and thought I'd come and help. Really can't afford the apartment by myself".

"How nice of you", Basil commented dryly.

Henry's eyes flickered at him in the mirror. Blue eyes. Not the green that Phillip and Basil shared but close enough. "Also, as I said. Phillip wouldn't want you to die. You're technically my family, however distantly related. There's not many Charlton's or Parrish's left so we need to stick together".

Basil smiled and open his eyes to look at Henry's profile. The afternoon light waning into evening. "That is true. Thank you
Cousin". Henry flashed him a smile in the mirror. "Do you know where you're going?" Basil changed the subject.

"Yep, your buddy Sam handed me this just before he helped Steve pull your boyfriend out of a lake". Henry pulled a small back phone from his pocket then rolled the window down and tossed it out. The phone went sailing through the air behind them and clattered across the concrete only to be crushed by the wheel of another car. Henry rolled the window back up.

"What were Steve and Bucky doing in a lake?" Basil sighed, closing his eyes again. Henry caught him up on the fight that had happened while Basil was paralysed. The winter soldier escaping, the doctor getting away. Basil groaned at the recount of Steve stopping a helicopter with brute strength. "I swear I am going to tie that man up with bubble wrap", he huffed. "How the bloody fuck does he get into these situations?"

"Maybe he learnt it from you?" Henry offered. Basil actually sat up and scowled at him.

"Not cool Charlton. Not cool. He was crazy impulsive way before he met me. I just helped push him along a little". Basil stopped to swing his legs round and phase through the back of the front seat and into the empty space. He leaned back and kicked his feet up on ther dashboard. Henry paying him no mind, far to used to Basil using his abilities. (He had spoked, jumping very time Basil walked unexpectedly through a wall, door, or came rising from the floor for the first six months of living with him. After two years as housemates, he was used to it by now and the swearing had dulled down to being the general daily expletives rather than ones that tended to turn the air blue with their potency).

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