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"Remember not to hurt the spider kid", Basil spoke down the comm as he flicked on the starting switches for jet. Lights flared to life and a low hum of the engines began to emanate. "He's only fourteen". 

"You try saying that when he kicks you off  the second story", Sam's pain filled voice replied in his ear. Something exploded and Basil glanced through the glass to see fire on the concrete.

"Oh man I thought that was a water truck", Scott gasped. Basil snorted, trying hard not to start giggling. 

"Don't you dare laugh", Wanda chastised. "We're doing our best".  

"Baz, we see you. Just on our way". Clint's voice. Basil turned to look out of the glass again to see the team running towards him across the runway. He flicked a few more switches and the jets flared to life. 

"How about I just bring this to you?" He asked as he grabbed the controls. The pilot's seat was surprisingly comfortable. 

"Does he even know how to fly that thing?" Clint's voice again. 

"He failed the shield test four times", Steve replied. 

"You do know that I can hear you, right?" Basil scowled. "And I passed the fifth time. I may be a little rusty though".  The jet rose into the air, hovering off the ground of the hanger. 

"Wait a second Basil", Steve said. "Vision has just shown up". 

"Vision? Great. Love that guy", Basil grinned and the jet turned sharply and shot out of the hanger. He let out a gleeful laugh as he pulled on the controls. The two groups below, who had been about to face off with each other, stopped and stared as the ship circled once, then twice overhead before slowing and landing on the empty concrete to their left. The hanger ramp opened and Basil came sauntering out. 

"Hi". He waved. "You done yet?" They all looked rather worse for wear. Bucky looked annoyed, hair messy and a few bruises colouring on his ace. Sam looked the same. Little patches of web were still stuck to his suit and wings. Wanda was the most put together out of the lot but even she looked angry. Clint had a few scrapes but was mostly fine. Whatever damage Steve and Scott had was hidden under their suits. 

"Basil", Tony stated as he raised a hand. "Move before I blow you and that ship up". His team didn't look too great either. Rhodes' suit had chipped paint and scorch marks. The spider kid had a few dirt streaks across his costume and Natasha was pretty bruised. It was hard to tell with T'challa. 

Basil stopped at the foot of the ramp and gazed at Tony calmly. "And here I thought we were friends". 

"This is not the time for your games!" Tony shouted. "Move". 

"Tony. If you shoot, you will have to shoot me. I won't go intangible", Basil warned. "Are you really prepared to kill me?"

There was a sigh from Bucky, heads turned to look at him. "He will let you shoot him. Parrish is dumb like that. Trust me". Basil huffed at being called dumb. 

"Just because I jumped in front of Steve one time!"

"You let me shoot you!" Bucky snapped. Oh, so he was mad about it. Basil scowled.

"It wasn't you who shot me. It was the hydra soldier. Different person!"

"They're still in my head!" 

Bucky was so mad. Basil wondered why he hadn't noticed. It must have been bubbling under the surface for a while now. But still, the knowledge that Bucky was angry about him was a relief. He sounded like he used to when he talked like this. All mothering and chastising. (Bucky was always the mother friend of their group). "But it brought you back Sarge". 

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