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Basil grinned as the quinjet descended down outside the gleaming city of Wakanda. He could already smell the lush green scent of the trees and the air. He grasped onto the back of Nat's seat as the plane touched down. "Go on then", She glanced up at him as she pressed the button to lover the ramp. Basil made a happy noise as he and Steve met at the back of the plane and were the first to step out under the African sunlight. Basil pulled on his sunglasses as T'challa came into view. 

"Wow", Henry commented behind him as he gazed around at the city. "You take me to all the best places Baz". The landing pad where they had set down was in a courtyard of sandstone surrounded on one hall with trees and the other hall with water over which buildings and skyscrapers shone. 

"Perks of being my cousin", Basil grinned back as he turned to face the king. "T'Challa", he greeted with the wakandan salute. T'Challa smiled as they shook hands.

"It seems that I am always thanking you for something", Steve greeted. 

"What are you doing?" Rhody hissed as Bruce bowed. 

T'Challa just looked uncomfortable. "We don't to that here", he reassured before turning around the beginning to lead the way inside. "So how big of an assault are we expecting?" he asked. 

"From what Bruce says", Basil replied. "A huge one". 

"How are we looking?" Nat voiced. 

"You shall have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and-" T'Challa cut off to give Basil a wink. The smaller man frowned in confusion, which quickly cleared from his face as someone stepped into sight. 

"A semi stable one hundred year old man", Bucky grinned at them. He looked healthy. His skin had some colour and there was more healthy muscle tone to his body. He was dressed in a dark midnight blue leather combat shirt and a new black and gold arm hung from his shoulder. Basil's breath caught as he let his gaze take in the sight. Bucky's hair dusted his shoulders and there was a beard covering his jaw. He looked older but happier. When he smiled, it was with blue eyes that knew them. 

Steve reacted first. He met Bucky in a hug and the two men patted each other on the back. "How are you doing Buck?" 

"Not bad", Bucky smiled as they parted. "For the end of the world". Then he turned those blue onto Basil. "What you looking at Parrish?" He grinned, which was unfair to Basil's heart. 

"Only you Sarge", he smiled back as he stepped forwards. Bucky was reaching for him before he had even gotten close enough. Basil's smile went from teasing to something softer as hands caught his cheeks and he leaned into the touch. Bucky's forehead coming to rest against his in a touch more soothing and intimate than he could remember. He breathed out a sigh at the contact, hands gently resting on the taller man's shoulders. 

"Hey there Parrish", Bucky spoke softly. "Still waiting?" 

Basil chuckled, hearing distantly as Steve and T'Challa began moving the others inside, giving the two of them a moment. "Till the end of the line Bucky. Didn't I promise?" 

"You can change your mind", a note of uncertainty filled his voice. 

Basil shocked his head as much as he could with it still held Bucky's hands. "No. No I won't. Who else will put up with me?" 

"Damn right", Bucky muttered back as he let Basil go. The curly haired man opened his eyes and beamed. 

"Hey Sarge?" He asked. They were mostly alone in the courtyard, if not for Henry waiting for them patiently a few feet away, Queenie's carrier held in one hand. The ginger typing something on his phone and pointedly ignoring them. Bucky hummed at the sound of his nickname. "Can I have a kiss?" 

The laughter that came from the blue eyed man was joyous. Basil was smiling so hard that he felt that his face would split. He couldn't remember a time when he felt so happy. "How many times have I told you Parrish?" Bucky chuckled at him. "I ain't no penny from heaven". 

"Aww but Sarge". It was a whine, poorly hiding the happiness on his face. "Its been seventy years since you last kissed me. I think I deserve at least something". It had been a long seventy years.

The look Bucky gave him was fond. Basil was so stupidly in love with this man that he would quite happily let the world end if it meant that they would be together. "It has been a long time. Crashing planes into the artic, fighting aliens, defeating Hydra. You've been busy". 

"So do I get a kiss or not?" Basil asked. 

Bucky smirked and rolled his eyes. Then he leant closer. Basil held his breath and felt his stomach flutter as the other man leaned in, one hand, the real one coming up to cup his jaw as the metal one grasped his waist. Basil closed his eyes and smiled as he reached up to loop his hands around Bucky's neck, fingers playing with the long and surprisingly soft hair. For a second they just held each other like that. Warm and comforting as their foreheads rested together and they simply breathed. It was safe, grounding. The sun was golden and they were alive and together in this moment. Basil was content with that. 

When Bucky did move that last inch closer and kiss him, it was like coming home. Parts of it were new. The scratch of his beard and the way the kiss started out chaste and soft, the metal hand on his waist. The rest of it, the familiarity and the rush of bubbles in his chest was the same. Basil sunk into the kiss like he was greeting a lover returned from war. It was a hello, it was a reassurance, it was healing. 

When they finally pulled away, Basil sunk into the other man's hold, brain fuzzy. He giggled and rested his head on a firm shoulder and grinned dazedly. "Hey Sarge", his words were slightly muffled. 

"Yeah", Bucky's voice came out from where he had buried his head into the junction of Basil's neck.

"Can I have another one?" 

Bucky lifted his head with a fond sigh and rolled his eyes. "Don't be a brat Parrish. Come on. People are waiting". Basil pouted but let the blue eyed man go, grinning again when a warm hand wove it's way into his. 

"Any day now?" Henry called from where he was waiting. "It's only the end of the world". 


reunited and it feels so good. 

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