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Basil couldn't get back to sleep after he fed Queenie. He paced the kitchen, making himself a cup of herbal tea as the cat wound her way between his feet. It was as the tea bag was seeping in the water that he turned on the small tv in the corner of the kitchen, keeping the sound low enough to avoid waking Henry above. The first thing to flash across the screen was the news and the headline was enough to make him pause. The tea suddenly forgotten. 

Tony stark missing. Alien ship in New York. Is this the Invasion of New York all over again? 

On the screen was images of a circular ship, reminding Basil of a donut, lifting into the clouds over New York City. It was a grey circled thing, glowing amber in the centre of the circle as the engines fires up and it disappeared into the sky. For a second he gaped at it. He had not seen nor spoken to Tony in person since that day in the abandoned hydra base and for a second he couldn't make sense of he jumble of feelings that were welled in his chest. Frustration, anger, fear, concern, dread were just a few. "It's almost like clockwork", he muttered as he watched the headlines flash across the screen. The news reporter speaking distantly, their voice a buzz in the quiet kitchen. "Every year or two major shit happens. I suppose that asking for a break would be too easy".  

Queenie meowed as if in agreement and he gave her a rub behind the ears. A low rumbling purr echoed back as he watched the images flash across the screen. He debated waking up Henry but  it was silent with the night outside and he had lived through enough wars and ends of the world to no longer feel a sense of urgency about them. Sleep was more important. Besides, Henry was probably slumbering in the library where Basil had left him. The author needed his sleep if he wanted to get his next book finished for the deadline. (He was becoming quite the cult author for romance crime thrillers. Though Basil had never seen Henry to date anybody so he had no idea where the man got the romance from.)

He occupied himself with sipping his drink and watching the news continue. The presenter changing from a woman to a man standing in the streets of New York and explaining about the sights of Spider-man and ironman fighting two aliens. The footage shown was blurry and out of focus and Basil snorted into his mug at the sight of two wizards also taking part in the fight. There was wizard now? Actual magic? He was too tired to even try and absorb that new information but he guessed that it wasn't too surprising. He'd just had Wanda and Vision living in his house for two weeks after all. If there was magic, he supposed that it wasn't too different to those two. 

The mug clinked in the sink as he set it down in the sink. With a flick go the tv remote the screen cut off. Basil yawned, arms raising high as he stretched and Queenie waiting patiently at his feet. He eyed her. "What do you want? I've fed you". She blinked at him and licked her lips. A thud resounded from the front door. He blinked and waited. It was late at night, who would be at his door? The knock echoed again. Thud thud thud. 

Basil was striding out of the kitchen and towards the front door before the third knock had even finished echoing through the house. Hands moving with quick ease to flick off the locks and pull the handle down, swinging the door open enough for him to peer through. Steve was standing on the front step in full darkened captain America armour. Blue eyes serious through the helmet as they met green. Basil glanced behind the blonde to see Natasha supporting Vision, the man in his normal red skin and clutching at a wound in his side. Wanda was panting next to him, her hair in disarray and dirt smudged. He swept his gaze over them before returning to Steve. "Hey Bad", Steve muttered. "Can we come in?" 

Basil sighed but held open the door. "Heya Stevie. Could I be hopeful as ask if this is just a social call?"

"Unfortunately not", Steve gave him a wry smile as he stepped through the doorway. "There's something big happening and we are going to need you". 

Basil ran a hand over his short cut curls. "Shall I wake Henry?" He was going to need the man to look after Queenie. "Or are we going to need him?" 

"I think we are going to need anyone we can get", Nat voiced from the doorway as Wanda shut the door behind them. The black widow had cut her hair short and it was now in the platinum blonde bob. 

Basil huffed. So it was that type of problem. He should have guessed from the news of Tony missing. "Nice hair Nat. Vision, please don't bleed over my rug. I maybe a doctor but you are beyond my expertise. Hold it in until we get to wakanda and their stellar medical equipment". 

Vision chuckled weakly. "I shall endeavour to do as you request Basil, but it maybe inevitable". 

Basil waved a hand at the rugs underfoot and pointed at a smaller gold one with a noticeable coffee stain in the corner. "Maybe stand on that one instead. Phillip spilled coffee on it back in eighty six and has hated it ever since". (He had read that in the journals his brother had left behind and that currently sat in their library). Nat made a cut off laughing noise and Wanda snorted as the two women helped Vision stagger over the rugs until he was standing over the aforementioned coffee stained one. Basil grinned. "Thank you. Now let me go and get my cousin". He began running up the stairs. "Henry! Oi! Henry!" 

"Shut up!" The library door banged open as Basil reached it and a sleep rumpled Henry stumbled out. "Jesus Basil, what is it?" 

"Aliens", Basil grinned. 

Henry blinked at him, one had brushing down his ginger hair. "Aliens?" 

"Yep. Aliens have attacked and Steve is here to pick us up". 

"Where are we going?" Henry yawned as he smoothed down his clothes. 

"Wakanda". Basil reached out and grabbed Henry by the hand. "Come on. We need to get changed and find Queenie's cat carrier. Vision is bleeding on the rug so we don't have much time. I assume the others brought a jet". Henry yawned again but let Basil pull him in the direction of his room to wash up. They were going to meet royalty after all. 


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