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The plane ride to Germany was long and bumpy. All of them cooped up in a cargo hold along with crates full of clinking bottles, all of it rattling as the plane shook with turbulence. Steve and Sam were sitting one one side of the small hold with their backs against crates of wine. Henry and Basil were sat on the other, the ginger somehow asleep despite the noise and the rattling. His head was lolling against a parachute hung on the wall. The thing acting as his makeshift pillow while Sam watched enviously. "How can he sleep?" He exclaimed over the noise. "I feel like I'm about to loose my stomach".

Basil shrugged, strangely quiet through the journey. He too was slightly green with repressed nausea but still he swallowed and opened his mouth. "He can sleep through anything once he gets going. Don't know how he does it. It's unnatural". Steve let out a chuckle and gestured with one hand to Bucky. The man was slumped against the stacks of crates in the centre of the hold, head tilted back and eyes closed. To the casual observer he looked like he was asleep but Basil had seen Bucky asleep dozens of times and he was too still. Breathing too evenly and sitting too still. He knew that Steve had noticed it too but for everyone's sake they pretended like he was sleeping.

Sam pulled a face and groaned. "This is horrible".

"You should have seen the journeys we took back in the war", Steve smiled slightly. He wasn't as nauseas as Sam or Basil but he didn't look too comfortable either, arms crossed over his chest and hood pulled over his head. He sent a slight smile over to Basil and it was returned.

"The boat journey wasn't too bad", Basil muttered.

"The boat was the most restful part of the whole thing", Steve chuckled.

"Yeah. Right at the beginning of it all, before it all went to shit. Straight from London to France. After that it was all long walks, bumpy jeep journeys and don't even mention the zip wires". Basil shifted and grimaced at another bone jolting shudder rumbled through the metal bird.

"What no trains?" Sam asked teasingly.

"Don't talk to me about trains", Bucky's rumbling voice made them all turn to him. He hadn't even moved from his position.

"Jesus I thought you were asleep", Sam jumped. He shot Bucky a glare and Basil giggled.

"Yeah. Let's not talk about trains", he shook his head, internally wincing at the memory of that snowy mountain. "The zip wires though".

Another loud rattling drowned out Steve's snort. "I still think that was revenge for cony island. Very glad I didn't have to do it a second time".

"Oh I don't know", Basil grinned. "A zip wire a thousand feet over a valley in the mountains and straight into the headquarters of hydra. I guess it was fun if you count crashing through a window fun".

"I think I prefer boats", Sam huffed. "You know my parents had a fishing boat. Have nice memories there. You all just have tragic backstories. It's sad man". Basil let out a cackle and Sam shook his head. "Apart from you. You're just naturally crazy".

"The word you're looking for is mad", Basil and Sam shared a grin.

"Half an hour till land!" One of the pilots called back to them.

"Thank god", Sam sighed as he laid his head back against the metal.

"My name is Basil".

"I'm not talking about you". Sam shot him a glare and Basil just grinned. "Besides what did you do anyway?"

"Grace you with my presence?"

Four people snorted in unison. Henry sat up, eyes blinking blearily as he rubbed the sleep from them. "Your presence is never a grace Basil".

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