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They put Bucky in a big  metal chair which was inside a reinforced glass box. The metal was thick enough to strap down his metal arm and the glass reminded Basil of an aquarium. He watched as Bucky was loaded in a bulletproof transit van. Steve, Sam and T'Challa all marched into the smaller van behind. As soon as the vehicles were driving, Basil let the cuffs slip through his wrists and sighed. He flexed his arms and rolled his shoulders. The streets of Romania passing through the windows.

"So you like cats?" Sam asked.

"Sam", Steve sighed. They had been forced to change out of their suits and into plain clothes. Basil, who hadn't been wearing a suit to begin with, had also been forced to change. The clothes and knives taken away and he had been left with black jeans and a black hoodie. He lounged in his seat, reaching back to help Sam out of his cuffs before doing Steve's. T'Challa was the only one they had not cuffed. Probably because he was royalty.

"What? Dude turns up dressed like a cat. You don't want to know more?" Sam rubbed his wrists and glared at the king's head.

"I'd like to know more", Basil piped up. "The only time I've seen people dressed up in leather and with cat ears is either on Halloween or at kinky parties". Then he paused. "Actually, that usually the same thing. I assume yours means something different". He leaned towards the other man. "Come on Your majesty, spill the beans".

"Your suit", Steve voiced when no answer was forthcoming. "Vibranium?"

T'Challa tilted his head towards them. "The black Panther has been a protector of Wakanda for generations", he spoke finally in a low tone. His voice accented in a way that Basil was unfamiliar with. "A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. And now because your friend murdered my father. I also wear the mantle of king. So I ask you, as both warrior and king". His voice became stern and hard. "How long do you think you can keep your friend from me?"

"I don't think he did it", Basil objected. He met T'Challa's gaze firmly. "I mean, the only evidence you have that it was him is a grainy video. I mean, the winter soldier is a soldier. He was a tool for hydra. Nothing more, nothing less. It was what he was designed for. Taking orders. So even if he did do it then he was nothing more than a weapon deployed. You should be looking at the one who deployed him, not going after the weapon that had no control. Bucky Barnes, the person he was once and the person I hope he can be again, he was my lover. And I will spend the rest of my life keeping him from you if that is what it will take".

T'Challa met his gaze head on. The car was silent for the rest of the journey.


The vans stopped in the basement of the local shield building. Basil stepped out of the car to watch as Bucky's cage was moved passed. Bucky's face was unreadable through the glass. He had a air of resignation about him that pulled on Basil's chest. Steve's face was concerned as he took in the room. The blonde female Agent, Karen, Basil recognised from the DC incident was waiting for them with a man. The man was about Basil's height and was dressed in a light grey suit. Four armoured swat agents waiting behind him.

"What's going to happen to him?" Basil asked, walking over.

"Same thing that ought to happen to you", the man replied almost cheerfully. "Psychological evaluation and extraction". Basil grit his teeth, frustrated and worried.

"This is Everett Ross, deputy task force commander", Karen introduced. They ignored her.

"What about a lawyer?" Steve asked.

Agent Ross smiled. "A lawyer, that's funny". Then he turned to his men. "See that their weapons are placed in lock up. Don't worry, you'll get a recite". Basil huffed and turned in the opposite way, walking after Bucky's cage. Ross paused. "Mr Parrish. You need to come with me. You are not allowed to go with him".

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