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The small apartment in Bucharest Romania was bland

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The small apartment in Bucharest Romania was bland. It was one word Basil could think to describe it. Empty, dull, dead, grey were a few others. There was little personal possessions or decorations, none in fact. The walls were a horrid yellow white and the lighting was weak. Thin yellow curtains and the bed was a mattress in the corner. The only signs of someone living here was the food on the kitchen shelves and a few items of clothing on the mattress. Only a entrance door and a bathroom door stood out on the walls. The whole living space about the size of Basil's bedroom back in London and it smelt like dust and mould. It should have made him sad but he couldn't make the connection between this place and Bucky. This seemed more like a safe house for the solider than a home.

Steve was the first to move across the room, glancing around at everything silently. Basil followed him round the tiny kitchen counter and over to the fridge. He hopped up onto the flat surface, legs kicking, as Steve pulled a small black bound notebook off the top of the fridge. A few chocolate bars sliding to the side as he turned it over in his hands. They both heard Sam's voice down the comm at the same time. "Heads up cap. German special forces heading up from the south".

"Understood", Steve replied. Then he turned, feeling the presence behind him. There hadn't been a sound or a breeze. Just all of a sudden there was someone standing on the other side of the flat. He was watching them. Basil watched Steve turn first. The blonde's reaction was slightly hidden under his helmet but it was unmistakable how his face slackened then steeled slightly. Basil turned too, swinging his legs over and looking up.

Bucky was standing there watching them. He looked better than he had done last time. Any injuries were healed and his skin had a flush brought by sunlight to it. Stubble lined his chin and his dark hair still hung around is shoulders. A baseball cap was pulled over his head and his clothes were dark colours and plain. A brown jacket over a dark red tshirt and jeans. His eyes, which Basil couldn't gaze away from, were still bright blue. A deep blue that had more life to them than he had seen in a long time. He didn't want to hope too much but he couldn't stop it. The want was a painful ache as he waited for someone to make the first move. The silence between then all was tense.

"Do you know me?" Steve asked in a calm tone devoid of emotion. A test. Bucky's eyes flicked over both of their faces.

"You're Steve". His voice had a slight rasp to it and Basil wondered if he was okay. The doctor in him wanting to check if he was eating alright. "I read about you in a museum".

Sam's voice was another shock to reality. "They've set the perimeter".

"I know your nervous", Steve shifted, not breaking Bucky's gaze. "You have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying".

"I wasn't in Vienna", Bucky's tone didn't change. "I don't do that anymore".

"They're entering the building".

Steve took a step closer. Basil didn't move from where he was perched on the table. "Well the people who think you did are coming here now and they're not planning on taking you alive".

"That's smart. Good strategy". Bucky's eyes flicked to Basil again. "What is he doing here?"

"Do you know me?" Basil tilted his head, expression matching the other man's blankness. "Read about me too? I'm here to see if I can get closure. To see if there's hope. I'm here because I need to know how this ends".

"They're on the roof. I'm compromised", Sam's voice was urgent down the comm. They could hear the footsteps of armoured men on the stairwell outside. Outside the door.

"It always ends in a fight", Bucky sounded so defeated that it made Basil annoyed. Annoyed and angry.

"Oh for fucks sake Sarge!" He snapped. He jumped too his feet and snarled at him. "You pulled me from the river. Why?"

"Five seconds".

"I don't know". Bucky turned away to pull the glove off his left hand. Metal shone in the weak light as he flexed his fingers. He turned and glanced at them. Blue eyes oh so open and honest that it hurt.

"Three seconds".

Basil took a breath, meeting the gaze head on. Jade against the sky. "Yes you do".

"Breach! breach! Breach!" There was the sharp shattering of glass as something flew through the window. Steve batted the flash grenade back out with his shield but he missed the second flash grenade being tossed in right after it. The black device clattered across the ground and Bucky kicked it instinctively away from him. Immediately Steve was covering it with his shield. There was a muted thump on the metal and a sharp light. Basil sighed and hopped down from the table. He stretched his arms and cracked his neck.

"We have to put a pin in this", he wagged a finger at Bucky. "I'm not letting you off the hook Barnes". The man turned away from him and for a second there was a twitch in his lips. So fast it was gone in half a second if Basil hadn't been watching. A twitch in the corner almost like a smile. Outside, there was a shout in German. Basil sighed and held out his hands. "Gentlemen", he bowed, hands extended towards the two other super soldiers as if they were at a ball. "Shall we?"

Steve chuckled and took Basil's left hand in his before they both turned to Bucky. The man was staring at them in confusion. "We haven't go all day", Basil reminded with a roll of his eyes. He grabbed Bucky's wrist and before the man could tear themselves away, they dropped through the floor. The apartment door breaking in behind them as they vanished.

The winter solider, terrifying, hydra's greatest weapon and with a unknown kill count, yelped as they passed through the floor, furniture and kept on falling. Basil laughed as he felt Bucky grip his hand tighter. Steve wincing every time they passed through the floor. His expression one of long suffering. They landed heavily on the ground floor. Bodies landing in a tangle of limbs and groans. Steve on the bottom. Basil on top of him and Bucky the last to land. "Urgh Basil!" Steve grunted. "More warning next time?"

"I gave you plenty of warning!" Basil shot back. He felt the weight on top of him move and rolled up on to his feet. He held out a hand and pulled Steve up just as Bucky made a break for it. The man fleeing out of the door and down the street. Basil sighed tiredly, using his powers on two people having exhausted him more than normal. He rolled his shoulders as a guy in a black body suit with cat ears jumped down from the building opposite and chased after Bucky.  "Come on Steve. It looks like there's going to be a lot of running". Then he took off at a jog after them. Steve at his side.


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