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                         *Chapter 1

Author's POV:

"Ahhhhhh.... Right there... Ohhh fuck it felt so good... "

He moaned in the midst of a hot session,
as he's breathing got more and more heavy.
As if someone was eating him all in,
to pleasure him all at once...

"Ahhhhh...hmmmm don't stop.... Faster please,

Sweats dripping on his body,
Moans didn't even stop as the person continously
Eating him.

Pleasure after pleasure...
As his grip from the sheets got tightened,
And he already knows that this pleasure is coming to an end.

His d*ck is already twitching
Inside the mouth
Of that person.
And it's going to blow anytime soon...



Seokjin got startled
At the sound of his alarm clock.,
As he's eyes suddenly opened
and he began to look around his surroundings.

A deep sigh escape from his mouth,
as he recalls his dream...

"Wet dream??"

He chuckled after those words came out from his mouth.
He didn't expect that another wet dream will come on his deep sleep.

He brushed the sweats on his face with his two hands
and stays like that for awhile.


Kim Seokjin,
one of the most eligible and famous
Detective Chief Inspector
In Seoul, South Korea.
All the cases that helds on him was swiftly driven him to what he is now.
All cases were closed
and all of that was outstandingly in good terms.
Good looking man
with a God's like body,
and came from a very prominent family with good backgrounds.
He has two brothers but in a separate field of professions.
Only his field was the dangerous one because criminals were his enemies.
His father was a business tycoon but already retired on his position as the CEO of the Kim Corporation.
While his mother is a kind and caring housewife,
but not all of that was perfect.

Seokjin's POV:

It's already 8 am in the morning as I held my way to the police station.
I still can't believe I'm having that dreams.
'Who's that person in my dreams though,
it's like he's the same person I dreamed of everyday'.

"But why the hell I'm dreaming like that,

I said to myself as I was driving in my black BMW X5 series.
Frustratedly thinking about the crazy dreams I have....

....Police Station

I walked down the hallway of the police station, as the employees were greeting me a good morning
and bowing at me all at once.
Well most of the ladies here were secretly crushing on me,
so no wonder they will act like a teenager instead of their age.

"Hey hello there mister, how's your day",

I sighed as I heard that annoying voice came from my so called bestfriend aka partner
Regine Han.

"Oh looks like,
you don't like to see me early in the morning huh?!"

That freaky smirk she had everytime she wants to teased me,

'can I just break her neck instead'...

"What do you want?",

I asked irritatedly on her sassy attitude,

"Hey what do you think of me?
a gold digger?
That everytime you will see me,
you will asked what do I want?!
What if I tell you I want your Lamborghini or maybe your BMW though".

" Can you please stop acting like a child,
you're ruining my day",

" oh really I'm ruining your day,
I'm your bestfriend though.
Do you even forget what secret we have huh?!",

After that she became silent,
as I death glared at her,

"peace✌(◕‿-)✌ hehe.,

She open the door of my chamber,
as I sighed on her craziness

'How come this girl became my partner,
she's so damn annoying",

"Oh by the way I have a news for you",

" what is it,good or bad?

I asked as I sat on my revolving chair made of leather.

"Well it's a good and a bad news,
what do you want me to tell first? "


" Ok I'll go with the good news first, there's a new case
that's lurking around the station right now".

She said

"And the bad news?"

She became silent at the moment
but continued on her words,

"Not only you,
who chose for the case though,
but Min Yoongi too your mortal rival".

Yes my rival Min Yoongi,
everytime I'll have a big case
he's always there to take that away from me.

" So him again,
When will he be leave my life though,
He's been a thorn to me since the beginning".

Well I don't know either,
by the way someone called me this early morning"...

She paused after sometimes,

" Your fiance,Lorence Yun",


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