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                       *CHAPTER 13*


"It looks delicious",I said as I'm leaning on the counter.Watching the beautiful creature in front of me,while cooking some delicious meal for the two of us.

He just came here a munite ago, he was exhausted but it got vanished after seeing me. Well we're both the same, I'm exhausted too and I really need him with me to ease my stress.

Until now Yoongi hyung didn't send me the pictures, of my last target.Maybe he was busy though, but it's okay, it's better if no one will disturb me right now.

" What are you thinking?",his voice cut my thoughts as I turned my attention on him.

"It's nothing, just work...but I feel better now, because you're here". I leaned on him as we kiss each other passionately, his lips was really addicting. I can kiss him all day, but the kiss just cut off with the sound of my notif.

'I think it was Yoongi hyung', I thought to myself. As I sadly parted my lips on him making it empty.

" I just check it",

"It's okay, I'll finish this so we can eat together"...he smiled at me after proceeding on his doings.

As of me I checked my phone, to see the message. And I'm right it's Yoongi hyung,I click on the message as it opens.

But I suddenly got nervous and my body felt numb, as I saw the picture of the man in my screen.

And Jin maybe noticed me as he asked,

" are you okay, Jungkook-ah"...he was about to go near me but.

"I'm okay, don't worry...
ahm.. Jin can I ask you something?",I look at him straight in the eyes.Before continuing...

" until now I didn't know your whole name,right?",

"Right?, why? ", he has curiosity on his face as he frowned.

" What's your full name though, I just want to know?",I asked again praying that it was just his look a like.

"Kim Seokjin, is my whole name, why did you ask though?, are you perhaps...",

Surprised, or more of a shocked...
why it has to be happen, I tell to myself that this will be the last because of him.
But why it has to be he's the one who's holding my case too.
The man that I've been wanting to meet and now that we're together, it will suddenly vanished.
Because we have an opposite life, me as a killer and him as police officer.

'Why it's so hard to breathe,' I hold my chest and take a deep breath over and over again.

" Jungkook-ah, what's happening to you.. Please tell me if you're not okay then I'll take you to the hospital ", he's worried definitely. So I calm myself and took a deep breath one last time,
before turning to him and said...

" I'm okay don't worry,I-i'll just take a shower,"and I left him on the kitchen as I went to the shower to ease the lump in my heart.


And he went to the shower with that uneasy look on his face.

"What just happened to him? Is he hiding something",I took a sigh as I prepared the food.

He's acting weird after checking something on his phone, but what is it though.

I got lost in my thoughts now,but I decided to follow him on the shower.

And there he is, leaning his head on the black tiled wall,thinking about something.I'm getting worried now and so I entered the shower too,as I took off my clothes and back hugged him.

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