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    I was seating on my office chair,
mind full of thoughts about what happened that night.

It was tiring but... I still enjoyed it,
Every inch of what happened,feels like heaven.

His touch and kisses, everything about him was paradise.

   "Will I ever gonna experience that again", I told to myself, not even notice the person who entered my chamber.

  " And what is that though,are you hiding something? ", Regine said,
as she crosses her arms around her chest and having a frown on her face.

'She's definitely like a mushroom,
always popping out everywhere'.

  " What are you doing here,you don't know how to knock? ".

  " Of course I know,
don't change the topic I heard you. What do you want to experience again?",  that sheepish smile and twitching eyebrows really annoyed me a lot.

But I'll try to be calm, because I am in good mood right now.

   "It's nothing, don't mind me...
By the way how's the investigation going? ", I tried to change the topic so she can't asked for more,

   " changing topic again, huh!.
The investigation was useless,
we can't even find any evidence on who's the killer was and what his identity. Because he suddenly vanished from the scene,
it's like he already knows that we're investigating him."

My mood suddenly changed after hearing that,
definitely there's a person behind here.And I have a feeling that he's being a spy here at the police department.

   "So just like that, we will stop investigating?...
No, whatever it was we will never gonna stop this.
I'm definitely not gonna loose on this f*cking case, whoever that criminal is... I will caught him no matter what, and I will find out who's behind this.
Tell officer Jung that I need him in 5 munites,"

"yes Sir"...

And she went out of the office,
while I'm still trying to calm myself.

'I can't just jump into conclusion if I don't have any evidence but...
I'm guessing a person who I think was behind this'...

"Min Yoongi, I will find out if you have anything to do with this.
And I'll definitely gonna put you too in bars together of that killer."


It's been 3 in the afternoon,since Jungkook got a call from Yoongi. Indicating that he will have another mission. But actually for him, he already want to quit this job.

And he'll definitely gonna do that, because he doesn't want Jin to get scared of him or even worse left him.
And not only that, he also wants to take care of his health.

After that night when he wakes up, Jin wasn't there anymore.But left a note saying...

'Let's meet again-Jin'

He only not want to see him again, but be with him forever. That's all he wants,but the sudden voice coming from his left side cutted his thoughts about Jin.

As he turned to him, "nice to see you again, Jungkook-ah". Yoongi said wearing a smirk on his face, as he went near Jungkook.

" Well, not for me ", Jungkook simply replied to him as he was still seating on his motobike.

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