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                          *Chapter 6*

Seokjin's POV:

The heat of the water runs down to my body, as I took a shower early in the morning.
To be honest..
I can't sleep after that incident,
last night.


I'm returning to my car when someone stopped me from walking.
I got curious and turned my head on him,
but after seeing him..
My heart started to beat faster,
I don't know why but he looks familiar.. I think I already saw him somewhere,but I don't remember where.

"Do I know you?", I asked him as curiosity hits me.

But it doesn't take time when he begun to feel hurt on his head,
I don't know what to do. And why I became worried for him, I don't even know him.
But my worries got multiplied,when he became unconscious.
Good thing I'm there to catch him, because if not he will hit his head on the ground.

I began to drive, after I put him in the back seat. But I'm still glancing at him all the time in my rare view mirror, my heart didn't stop from beating so fast.

After a minute of driving to reach the hospital,I hurriedly get out from the car.And went on the back seat to carry him to emergency room.
I give him a piggy back, but I'm careful on carrying him even though he was heavy.

I waited to see if he's okay, and after some time the doctor finally finished checking on him.
As he said...

" are you related to the patient? ",

" Ahm..., no not really, actually I'm the one who saw him unconscious. By the way how is he, is he okay though? ".

was clearly heard on my voice as i ask him about the man.

" Actually..
he's okay....for now",

"what do you mean? ",

the doctor pause for a minute after he continue...

" I'm sorry but I can't tell this to you, you're not even related to him.
So I will just tell this when he wakes up ".

" It's okay, I understand...
Can I just stay here for a while, I'm a police though.So I just want to know if he's safe, "

I asked...

"It's okay Sir",

" thank you ",

and the doctor leave me with him.
I sat on a chair beside his bed and stares at his sleeping figure.
He looks so calm and peaceful,

'wait..why am I even thinking,
why I can't leave him on this state.
I'm so confused',

my mind just can't even explain what's happening in me...
It's almost an hour now since I stayed here,
but he was still sleeping.
So I decided to leave,for my work tomorrow,

" 10 pm,
I need to go home now ",

I said...
but before I go, I glance at him again.

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