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                       *CHAPTER 15*


It was already 7 pm,
as I'm waiting here at the City View, Hill Top.

It looks peaceful in here,
I wish I could take him here with me.
This place was far from the cruel city,
and very few people come.

I want a peaceful life now,
and let go of the past that I have.
I only want to thought about our future, far from this life.

That's the thoughts that came in my head as I decided to quit the job.
But why do I felt nervous,
it's not like he will already find out that I'm the criminal he was looking for.

"I hope not", I told to myself... As I watched the city lights that shining in the dark night.

Maybe he's still at the police station,
trying to find out who's the killer.
He has no clue that it was me,
or is it...
I don't know..
And I don't want to think about that...

I turned my attention on the road as I saw a car coming on this way.

It was him now,
he took so long to got in here...

I waited for him as he got off from his car, and slammed the door closed.

He was wearing a dark aura, surely he was definitely pissed off by me.
As I told him my decision...
but before I say something, he suddenly throw a papers to me.
More of a file though or not...

As I saw what's on it,
it was a printed picture of me...
Holding a gun while pointing it in the head of Mr. Gwan,

I suddenly felt nervous, it was a new feeling because I'm not like this..
Not before when I met him,

" we are doomed now,
I thought you were a professional killer..
But how can this be happened!!..",

he shouted at me and I know in his tone that his afraid too.
Afraid to lose his job,
and marked as a criminal but he can just turned me down if he wants.

"I told you to be careful right,
you're not like this Jungkook...
That's why you're the one I trust the most when it comes to this,
I've been hiding you for 5 years now,
but what did you do...
It was all useless",

" can you please stop now!!,
It's not my fault if that f*cking person,
saw me killing that bastard.
So don't blame me,
I'm just not in my right mind that I didn't notice him.
And if ever..that person is definitely dead right now", I said to him as I brush my hair with my fingers frustratedly.

You're not in your right mind?,
and why Jungkook...
What is bothering you that day, is it about your health...
You said it was not malignant right..
Then who is bothering you, is it someone...?"

He's being a detective now,
but no way I will tell him about Jin.
So I tried to change the topic...

"Did they already put this on the media?",

" definitely...
you don't know Seokjin,
I'm sure on this time...
Your face,
was all over South Korea now..."

I became silent as I heard his name,
how can I face him now...

I don't care if I go to jail or die there, all I care was him and what will he think about me.

I'm a mess now...

"If I were you...
You should leave the Seoul now..
Go to my rest house in Daegu for a moment,
you will be safe there...
while I'm taking care of your escape from the country...
And just wait for my signal".

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