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                       *CHAPTER 18*


He was again punched in the face by the person who abducted him.
But no matter what they do,
he will never gonna say what they want to know.

He's definitely a tough one,
of course he's Min Yoongi...

But he still has a residual fear,
afraid to think about what had happened to Jungkook.
But he knows that Jungkook will get through this,he hope so.

"Where's Jungkook,
and where is that f*cking drive?!".The man in black leather jacket said,as he was now getting impatient.
He was asking for an hour now and his right hand was swollen,
after punching Yoongi many times.

But even though Yoongi has a lot of scratch and wounds in his body,
he still decided not to speak.

Yoongi just chuckled at the enemy's state,

"no matter what you do to me,
I will never gonna say a word...
I'd rather die though",after saying that he smirked at him.

The guy punch him again and again,
he's getting tired of him.

He knows that Yoongi will never gonna say a word,
not even the place where Jungkook is.

But to be honest,
Yoongi has no clue if Jungkook did what he told him.He knows that his getting attacked too, so no wonder.

The man stops in his trance,
as he took out his phone on his pocket and call his boss.

Unknowingly the man didn't knew that there was a plan already running in Yoongi's mind,
he was really a genius when it comes to this kind of situation.
He was already prepared for this,
coz he knows that the boss will involved him.
After all...
he's the one who's taking his orders,
Jungkook was just the one who's doing it...

As the man turned away from him,
that's when he took the blade hidden on his sleeves.
He purposely put it there,
just in case he will get abducted.
And after 2 days of abduction,
the time for his escape finally come.

The timing was just right,
as the enemy was only few now.
Maybe 3 or what,
he could knock them out in such a situation.
He already estimated it...

Not so long,
when the rope loosen..
Good thing it was connected to his feet,
so it was not difficult to remove.
He carefully took it away,
so that the enemy wouldn't notice.

After that when the enemy will turned to him again,
he then suddenly hit him with a chair. Strong enough to make it unconscious,
but in the other hand Yoongi was still weak as he felt a little bit drowsy after that move.

But he wasted no time,
as he took the gun of that man and more like a car keys dangling on his pants.
And walk away while limping,
but on his way out...
He encountered 2 more guards,
as they exchanged gunshots.

But he soon killed the two men,
and he quickly got in the car to flee.


Gizelle was clueless,
as she was now sitting on her couch thinking about Yoongi.

She's been worried about him,
coz it's already been 2 days since the last time she saw him.

And that was the incident of him,
confessing to her rudely.

But she's not even mad at him,
actually when she walked out the door.

She shuddered on his confession,
but as a girl with no experience...
Definitely it was disappointing,

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