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Regine just got out of the shower after a shower sex,
yes they done a lot of rounds though. It's tiring but it felt so good,
especially if it was Jimin who always initiate it.

She was now checking something on her phone when she noticed a miss calls and message from Jin.

"Wait why is he calling though",she asked herself as she dialed his number.

But it was only ringing,
she was confused why Jin tries to contact her at this time.
And then she decided to see his text,
as she read it...
She began to get nervous, she have to do something,

" hey Reg,
why are you in a hurry, is there something wrong?".

"I have to go, somewhere", she said while dressing herself.

"Where, we just had finished sex,
where did you want to go in that state?".

" I have to help Jin",


"He's my colleague", Jimin was still confused but he wants to know more.

" I think I knew someone named Jin",

"of course you know him, he's Jungkook's boyfriend though".

She blurted out, without her knowing that Jimin has no idea on that.

" Jungkook?,
my Jungkook has a boyfriend now? ",

" you didn't know?,
by the way I just tell you sometime.
I have to go", but before she goes, Jimin stopped her.

If this all about Jungkook then I'll come with you".

Regine thinks for a moment, it will be dangerous for him to come but.

" Fine,
but do you know how to hold a gun, if yes then let's go ".

" Wait,
so you're a policewoman ",

" I'll just tell you in the way let's go".

"Wait, I'll just get dressed"...


Yoongi can't stop glancing at Gizelle's side, he was so worried because Hoseok was still beside her.

He have to do it now,
that's the only thing on his mind.

He suddenly dropped something on his hand, as he tries to get it but the man at the back of them gets allert.

"What is that? ", the man said as Yoongi immediately pulled out a small gun on the end of his pants.

" here...", Yoongi said as he shoot the man at the back and rolled to get his gun as he throws it to Jin.

Jin just targeted the gun on Namjoon's hand and sprang it out of his grasp.
And that moment gunshots was the only sound that can hear on the whole place.

Yoongi went to Gizelle but too late coz Hoseok already taking her somewhere.

"Gizelle!!",he shouted as he followed them,while Jin tries to unties Jungkook's hands by the rope.

As he was doing that, he was shooting the enemies too.
But in no time Jungkook force to get out of that rope and immediately took a gun from the ground and help Jin shoot them.

They hide from a nearby wall, as Namjoon began to shout.

" Hyung!!, you think you can get away from me huh,
this is now or never!!".

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