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                          *Chapter 8*

Jimin's POV:

"How's he doc,
does he have any severe illness?"

I'm worried yes,
he's like a brother to me,
after he told me on the phone that he has a severe headache.
I hurriedy went on his apartment, but the scene got me more nervous.
I just saw him there lying on the floor unconscious.
So I immediately took him to the hospital,

"he's fine now,
so are you perhaps related to him?".

The doctor asks me,
It felt like he has something serious to tell.

" I'm his friend,
Is there something wrong?",

I'm getting nervous now,

"Let's go to my office",

before I followed him I took a glance at Jungkook.

'I hope it's nothing serious'

and I left him...

At the hospital...

Seokjin's POV:

My mom got admitted in the hospital, and it's all my fault.
I'll never gonna forgive myself if there's something bad happened to her.
She's the only person I have and
she's the only one who believes in me.
Maybe without her I am nothing,
I held my head tight as I am having an anxiety.
I can't let that happen..

she'll be alright,it's not your fault though."

A sudden female voice rings to my ears as she's trying to comfort me.
Of course it's Lorence who else,
but I got startled when someone
slapped me,

"It's all your fault!!,
If there's something bad happens to your mom!!.
I'll never gonna forgive you,
you useless brat!!".

I chuckled after hearing his words,

" do you think I need your forgiveness. I only want my mom to be safe,
I don't care if you reject me as a son.
Coz you already did that ",

" I'm just doing what's best for you but what!!, huh?!,
You're disobeying me!",

with hatred on his own son..
The only sin that I've ever done was just to be like this...
Yes I'm a gay..
But is it wrong though,


Not only in my heart but in my mind too..

the intense moment of us only got interrupted by the voice of my brother Namjoon.

"Hyung!, Appa!,
Please stop it...Where on a public place,
you know we still have a reputation to protect.
So please stop this"...

After that there's no words came out of my mouth,
as I stayed calm now.

Lorence stayed at my side trying her best to console me.
But again I insist,

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