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The sound of his heartbeat was killing him,he was nervous as hell.
As of the time Jungkook was now on the operation room for about 2 hours now.

He needs to undergo for an operation, as he's tumor got worsen and that's the only way for him to survive.
But it wasn't 100% sure if he can live,
they will just gonna remove the tumor but that doesn't mean that,
he will not gonna die.

But in the other hand Jin was thinking about Jungkook's case,how can he help him to that.

The only thing that's on his mind now, was to run away with Jungkook.
He doesn't care about his position as a chief inspector anymore,
he just wants to be with Jungkook for the rest of his life.

"Jin", he heard a voice in front of him as he got out of his thoughts. And see who it was...

" Yoongi,
when did you got here? ",

"just a while ago,
I came here to ask you about the flash drive. What are your plans Jin? ",
he doesn't know what to say.
For now he don't want to think about anything else,
except for Jungkook.

"I don't know, but I don't want to emphasize my brother on his case.
My head is hurting now",

"but the evidence, will be all useless and me...I'll not gonna be imprisoned. Is that what you want? ", Jin think again...does he still care though.

" All I care now was Jungkook, I think I'm going to resign now",

"but what about Jungkook's case?,
do you have any plans,
If you don't have...
then let me do it for the both of you".

He gets confused on what Yoongi said,

"I have to go now, I got something to do. I'll just contact you", and with that he left from there.
He left a confused Jin, but knowing Yoongi he has a lot of connection.
And definitely he already made a plan though,

" the doctors hasn't coming out yet ", Jimin suddenly came out of nowhere,while holding a cup of coffee as he hands it to Jin.
He was worried too,
that time when he saw Jungkook got unconscious he was nervous as hell.
He doesn't want to see Jungkook like that,not even on his dreams.

" Don't worry he will be okay, Jungkook is a strong person,he will overcome this."

"I hope so",another hour had passed, finally a doctor comes out of the operation room.

But his expression shows disappointment, as he said...

" Where's the patient's relative ",

"I'm his older brother what's the problem, is he okay now? ".

The doctor pause for a moment, it felts like he will gonna declare a bad news.

" Doc please just tell us already, how was he. Did he survive! ", Jin can't hold it anymore he will definitely gonna die from a heart attack.
He didn't like such nervousness like this,
as the doctor continued his words.
A sudden hit of agony, pierced on Jin's heart.

" No way", he whispered as he shook his head not believing what the doctor said.

"I'm sorry,
but we didn't make it...
My condolences sir..." and just like that the doctor left the area.

But Jin...felt like he left his body for a moment, as shivers runs down on his body. And he broke down from there,
while on the other hand Jimin just can't believe what was happening.
He was definitely shocked too,
he knows that Jungkook was a strong person so why...
Just why...

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