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                      *CHAPTER 17*


"Jungkook!!," a bad dream once again.
It's already been 3 days since Jungkook went away.
And in that 3 days,
I always dreamed of him...
But all of that was always a bad dream,

"what happened to you now?,
I'm really worried...

I tried my best to act normal,
like there's nothing happened.
But it's so hard,
all I can think is him...
Only him...

"My heart is aching everytime I thought about you Jungkook.
I could just hide you,
so that we can never be separated".

This situation is killing me...

As I am lost in my in thoughts,
I suddenly heard my phone rings.

" Mom?,
I wonder why she's calling ", I picked my phone and answered it.

" Hello mom,
how are you and why did you call?",
I asked her as she replied from the other line.

"Jin son,
can we meet up?...
Not in the house though,
but in a restaurant...
your favorite restaurant..."after she said that I felt like she tell something that I don't want to do.
Or maybe I'm being paranoid,
because of the uncertain things that happened.

I took a deep breath before saying,

" ok mom,
I will go there in what time though?".

Time skip...

I search for her in the restaurant, it's already 10 am as I'm a minute late.

And I saw her waving at me,
beside the mirror wall where she's sitting.

But she's not alone,

'I knew it...'I told to myself after knowing who was it with her.

I miss you son...
Since I got discharged, you never got to visit me in our house.
What happened to you, huh?,
you look stress".

She's definitely my mother,
she knows me so well...

" I'm okay mom don't worry,
I'm just stress from the work.
What about you?",

"Let's have a seat first,
by the way I invited Lorence too. Sit beside her", I do as she says.

But I felt uncomfortable,

" good morning Lorence ",

" morning ".

She slightly smiles after greeting me,
and turn her attention to my mom again.

" What's with the sudden lunch date mom?", I asked her.

"I just want to see you both,
you look perfect to each other".She smiles while looking to the both of us, I don't understand why she's acting like that.

She knows that I'm gay,
why she's forcing me to be with Lorence.

" Jin why don't you call a waiter, so that we can order our food now".

"Yes mom,
Waiter!! ", after calling the waiter immediately went to us.
And started to get our orders,
minutes had passed as we started to eat.

My mother begun to speak again,

we already prepared everything about your wedding ceremony.
So it is set next week",

this is it...
She got straight to the point now,
I knew she will said that.
I suddenly felt uneasy,

" are you okay son?",

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