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                      *CHAPTER 19*


The sun finally shines again,
but my life was still in darkness..
I woke up early,
coz the truth is I can't sleep...

I am now outside the house, sitting on a rock while glancing at the phone.

I don't know what to do in this,
I really want to know what happened to Yoongi hyung.
I'm worried about him...

But his phone was unreachable now,
what am I gonna do now.
The only person that's on my mind was Jin, I really want to call him.
I took a deep breath because it's suffocating me,everytime I think about him.

But I got startled as the phone begun to ring,
I immediately answered it with no clue on who it was.


" thank god you're ok",

that voice it's definitely Yoongi hyung.

I thought-"...

" I'm okay for now,
how are you Jungkook,
and where are you now?".

I can sense a worriness on his tone,

"I'm okay hyung don't worry,
someone help me,
I got being attacked at the rest house".

" Yeah I know,
I got abducted too but good thing...
I'm able to escaped",

I knew it...

"Where are you Jungkook? ", he asked again.

"It's ok hyung I'm fine...for now,
the person who helped me, doesn't know anything.
But I don't know when it will last,
what about you hyung, where are you?".

" I am with my girlfriend's house, but I will leave here too... I don't want her to get involved ".

I got shocked on what he said, that he has a girlfriend.
I don't even know that,

"And how come you have a girlfriend,
I don't even know that",

" like what you're always saying,
you doesn't need to know everything about me".

"Fine,I have to go now hyung...
Let's talk later, bye"....

I hung the call and went inside, to check if uncle was awake now.



" Who's that?", Gizelle asked as she just got out of the kitchen fixing something.

"It's nothing,I just call a friend.
What are you doing there?".Yoongi asked too,

" I just cooked something,who's that friend though?".

Yoongi smiles at her a little,before pulling her in to a hug.

" I'm sorry, I can't tell you every detail, but I promise...i will tell you in the right time",

" what are you saying?",

he parted from the hug and put their foreheads together.

"I love you, just remember that",

" you're scaring me,you can tell me anything Yoongi-ah".

"I don't want to involve you here,you are the only one that's left to me. So please just understand," he was scared that if the enemy found out about Gizelle, her life will be in danger too.

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