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                        *Chapter 7*

(Phone Calls)

"Don't worry boss, I've already worked on that..
I'm sure he was having a hard time collecting some evidence about our boy"...

(Other line)

" Good job Suga,
you're truly an intelligent person, I'll give you bonus if you took that case from him..."

"I will boss...
I will... ",

he ends up the call and a sly smirk crept on his face...
Remembering what he did...

" I will surely gonna take you in your right place...
Kim Seokjin.."

Jungkook's POV:

I was sitting on the couch having some beers on my coffee table,
just to relieve my stressful day...
Until now,
I still didn't saw him again...
It's like fate had closed our chapter to see each other.

"Where am I gonna start? ",

asking myself on how to search for him anywhere in Seoul,
it will never gonna be easy.

I took a deep breath,
as I'm holding my head tight as a headache occurring again.

I don't know why I'm having a severe headache these days, is it migraine or what.

" Arghhhh...,
It hurts!!!",

I reached on my phone and tried to call Jimin hyung, he's the only person I trust.
After living our childhood in an orphanage,
he became my older brother.
He helped me a lot,
but when I got abducted..
by those crazy people and become their slave.
We got separated from each other,
but life truly has a special plan for you.
We meet again 2 years ago on a bar,
as he was a part time bartender.
I was drinking an alcohol when I noticed someone was looking at me, and there he goes with a frown on his face.
I thought back then that he was gay and he got attracted on me but..
He was just only looking at my scar on my face,
that I got when I was just 5 years old.
And yes it became permanent and he's the one who treats that.
But he got disappointed on my job,
and he always tells me to stop killing people.
But I can't...
As I dialed his number he immediately pick up...

"hello Jungkook-ah, what happened why do you call",

" hyung I need help...
can you buy me some medicine for headache..",

I said as I'm trying to ease the pain,

"Ok.. I'll be right there with the medicine",


I ended the call and stay there trying my best to stop the pain...

Is this the payback of all the wrong doings I did,

maybe it is...

Police station...

Author's POV:

" Ahm...
Good morning ",

Regine greeted Seokjin first as she finally went to work,
after being absent yesterday..

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