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                      *CHAPTER 14*


"Jungkook!, what are you doing?",Jin's
voice echoes in the midst of the mountain.
As he saw Jungkook standing right at the edge of the cliff,
it was foggy and dark,
only the light of the moon serves as the ambient light.

" Jungkook!!,"he just calls for Jungkook but there's no response.
He can't even get close to him, and he doesn't know why.
All he can do was to shout his name to the fullest to stop Jungkook,
from jumping off the cliff.

But why...
Why he would do that?
Even Jin doesn't know what's happening..

As he continuesly shouting his name,
Jungkook suddenly turned to him.
He was crying...
But it was a bloody tears...
Jin couldn't believe on what he saw..

He wants to hug Jungkook,but his feet don't letting him to move.
He was stuck there helpless...

But the next scene broke him into pieces,
As Jungkook extended his hands to Jin not knowing whether he's asking for help or what.
While letting himself fall from the abyss of sorrow...

"No JUNGKOOK!!... Noooooo!!!",

Heavy breathing...

In the middle of the night as he woken up from his nightmare,
Sitting at the king size bed,
holding or more like gripping his sheets as he remembers it.
He was still panting and sweats clearly be seen on his forehead,
as the moonlit shines on his face.

Suddenly a pair of muscular arms wrapped around his waist,
trying to comfort him.

"What happened did you have a nightmare", Jungkook softly asked as he wanted him to calm down.

But instead of answering,Jin just hugged Jungkook tightly.
He was really scared of what the outcomes of his nightmare would be.
And definitely he was scared to loose him,

" n-nothing,I don't want to remember that ".

" Hey calm down,I'm here so don't be afraid, I'll go get some water stay here".He kissed Jin's forehead before walking out of the room,
he immediately took some water at the kitchen.
And returns handling a glass full of water,
as he gave it to Jin.

"Are you okay now?," he was caressing Jin's face as he stares at him with loving eyes.

He just nodded after drinking the water,and calm himself as he takes a deep breath.

"I'll never gonna asked about your dream if you don't want to,
I'll be more worried if you keep it to yourself.
Just remember I'm here to listen,
I love you...", he leans to kiss Jin on the lips as he returns it to him.

And that's the moment were his worries fade away, only Jungkook's touched can do that.

Time skip...

It's already 9 in the morning as Jin went on the station, still uneasy and a lot of thoughts were clouding on his mind.

He didn't even notice Regine who's approaching him, and he just passed by her.

A frown crept on her face when he did that, so she followed him and said..

" Hey!Jin, are you okay, you seem so lost, what happened to you?".

"Oh, you're there, what are you saying?",

" so you didn't hear me, huh!, surely you have a problem."Crossing her arms on her chest and leaning her head on the side,
she scan Jin from head to toe.
To see if he's fine or what,
definitely he's fine outside but inside he wasn't.

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