Chapter 1

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I dreamed again last night; I relived the moment Min Yoongi asked me to be official with him. The dream felt so real. I relived signing the NDA agreement and him sweeping me off my feet, literally and cradling me in his arms. The scene seemed right out of a movie. A happy ending, ending with a kiss and a promise. My alarm began singing its lungs out.

I woke up and stretched. Turning off the alarm and I instantly smiled because it was the end of the weekend now, and Yoongi was coming to my apartment! I leapt out of bed and got ready. It was 8am and he was going to be here at 11, I needed to get ready. I also needed to straighten the house up again.

I connected my Bluetooth speaker to my phone and blasted some BTS while I showered. "Everybody say la la la la!" I was singing loudly to 'Fire' that came on my shuffled playlist. I was doing half of the dance while I washed my hair and body. I hopped out of the shower and danced more while I finished getting ready.

My heart was so happy today. My boyfriend, Min Yoongi would be here soon. I couldn't wait to see his beautiful smile. I couldn't wait to hug and kiss him again; he was mine now. It still felt like a dream, I constantly needed reality checks. Yoongi would always text me saying "Stop asking me if you're dreaming." I thought it was funny, and hopefully I wasn't annoying him. I just honestly couldn't wrap my head around why this perfect human being wanted me.

I finished my hair and makeup. It was a little chilly today, so I chose to wear a plum-colored turtleneck dress with some black leggings and black ankle boot wedges. I sprayed on some perfume and sat on my couch. I anxiously watched the time tick on my phone. It was 10:55.

My doorbell buzzed and my heart sped up. He was here! I practically ran over to the door, but stopped, and took a breath. Now wasn't the time to show him how madly in love with him I was. I didn't want to scare him away. Yoongi has high walls and troubles showing his feelings. I needed to be patient.

I opened the door and he instantly smiled, and I returned the smile. He looked amazing, as usual. He was wearing a black bucket hat, a white tee shirt with ripped light-colored jeans and high-top converse. Over his white tee he was wearing this gray plaid coat that hung to his knees.

"Come in Mr

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"Come in Mr. Min." I gestured for him to enter. He walked a few steps inside and then said "Hi, how are you?" He laid this messenger bag he was carrying on my counter. "I'm amazing." I gave him the sweetest smile. I looked him up and down, I wanted to hug him so bad. Yoongi took his bucket hat off and fluffed his black hair back up.

I closed my front door and turned back towards him, and he was right beside me. He slid his arms around my waist and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his small waist and hugged him back. He kissed the top of my head. "It's good to see you." I smiled against his chest. It was always nice to see him too. He was wearing cologne again today. He smelled delightful.

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