Chapter 3

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I was getting ready for bed and my phone notified me of a text. It was from my boyfriend. "Goodnight Ggyul." I smiled to myself and typed back. "Goodnight Yoongi." I stretched and yawned. Time for bed, I've got to work tomorrow.

**ggyul means tangerine in Korean**

Morning came before I knew it. I had to get up and shower for work. I typed Yoongi a 'Good Morning' text. He probably stayed up late like he usually does. I hated that I had to go to work. I desperately wanted another day with Min Yoongi. But I've got to pay the bills.

My workday progressed quickly. When I came back from lunch my coworker Jennifer called me over to her desk. "Hey. These arrived for you while you were gone." She gestured towards a gorgeous, giant bouquet of flowers. They were the prettiest flowers I'd ever seen.

                They were teal and deep purple orchids sitting in a purple vase

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They were teal and deep purple orchids sitting in a purple vase. I'd never seen flowers like this before. "They are from a guy named Mark." Jennifer added in. I looked at her kind of annoyed, for reading my note. I picked up the note and read it for myself. It read; 'I hope these will improve your day. Mark.' My smile spread across my face while I read it. "Is Mark your boyfriend?" Jennifer pried again. I nodded. She giggled, "well is he hot?" I nodded again. Yoongi isn't just hot, he's stunning.

I took my flowers with me and decided to take a picture of them. I wanted to show my mom what tier of boyfriend Mark/Yoongi was. I decided to text him after I took a picture. "Thank you for the flowers, they are absolutely remarkable. What kind of flower is this?" Time to go back to work, but he was right. It improved my day for sure.

It was after I got off work when Yoongi finally texted back. "I'm glad you like them. They are called Ocean Breeze Orchids." I smiled, well now I know what my favorite flower is. I never cared much for flowers, but these were so gorgeous, you couldn't help but be in awe. "I do like them, but I'd rather see you." I typed back to him. Flowers were lovely, but not as lovely as him. He replied instantly. "You'll see me soon." Then attached an adorable selfie. He is too cute for words.

                I send the picture to my mom when I got home

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I send the picture to my mom when I got home. I told her to look at the flowers my boyfriend sent me. I made myself some quick dinner and flopped down to watch some tv. My mom finally replied. She's so slow to reply sometimes. "WOW. What a guy! Please let me make you guys dinner soon." I smiled; he was quite the guy. But I wondered how I would introduce him. My mom doesn't know who BTS, so she wouldn't catch on, but I'd have to explain why I called him Mark at first. As I went to type her back my phone began to ring. Yoongi's cute face appeared on the screen, he was calling. I answered it promptly.


"Hey, how was your day?"

"It was fine for a workday, but the flowers certainly helped. Especially the picture." I giggled.

"If you say so."

"How was your day?" I was honestly curious.

"It was fine. I bought you something." He is good at deflecting questions.

"Send it back." I said sternly. My voice firm.

"You don't even know what it is."

"I don't care, I don't want a gift, there's no need." I was a little annoyed. He owed me nothing.

"Please let me show it to you first." I sighed after he said that.

"Fine. But then you'll take it back." I firmly stood my ground. I wanted no gifts, I wasn't dating him for his money, I know that was probably hard for him to understand. Him being in my life was the best gift I could ever receive.

"You're stubborn. Goodnight tangerine."

"Goodnight Yoongi."

I hung up and grinned. Him calling me tangerine was adorable, but I'm still mad about this gift. My phone dinged and it was a picture from Yoongi. It was a picture of a necklace sitting in a white case. It was a tangerine charm filled with orange gems and a dangly green leaf. It was so cute, I immediately felt bad for how I reacted to him.

I decided to response. "Hang on to it, I'll think on it." He just said 'okay' and that was the end of that conversation. I got ready for bed; I had another day of work.

The next day came and went. Word had circulated around work that I had a boyfriend. Everyone kept asking about him. I only gave very vague answered. I signed an NDA; I can't let anyone know who he is. For now, he will stay Mark.


I got home and threw together a salad to have for lunch. As I was chewing, lyrics came to my mind. Lyrics that made me think of Yoongi. I started to write them down. Maybe if I finish this song I can give it to him one day if things don't end badly with us.

I rinsed out my bowl and glanced down at the notebook I wrote the lyrics down on. I decided to add a few more lines. After I finished my phone dinged. I quickly unlocked my phone and read it. It was from Yoongi.

"You're off tomorrow, right? May I come over?" Of course, you can. Why would I ever say no to this man? I told him he sure could. "Okay, be there around noon. Goodnight." I wished him a good night as well and I decided to try to go to bed. I needed sleep or needed to try to. I didn't want to look haggard for my boyfriend. 

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