Chapter 10

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Entering the hotel lobby, my breath was stolen from me. The lobby was absolutely stunning and looked so expensive. I felt immediately out of place. My poor self didn't belong inside anything this swanky. I followed the signs to the elevator and entered it. I pressed the button for the third floor. My heart that had been so calm began to speed up. I knew I was about to see Yoongi again and I couldn't wait. Even this elevator ride seemed too long. It had only been three days, but I just couldn't wait. I hated being apart from him.

The elevator dinged as the doors opened to the third floor. I turned to the right and walked down the long corridor. My heart was racing, realizing that BTS was inside some of these rooms. I began to panic, what if one of them just walked out and ran into me? What was I going to say? Luckily that didn't happen. They were all probably passed out.

I stopped at room 344 and took a deep breath before lightly knocking on the door. Yoongi opened the door a few seconds later and I was greeted with the sweetest, happiest gummy grin. He was just wearing a plain white t-shirt and some sweats, but he was still the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. His beauty never ceased to impress me. He pulled me inside and shut the hotel door and flipped the lock on it. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. His warmth made me feel safe at the instant contact of his body.

"Hi gorgeous," I said softly as I rubbed my hands up and down his warm back. He nuzzled his face against my neck and sighed happily. "Hi," he said back softly. Yoongi pulled back little bit and kissed me on the lips and then smiled that gummy smile again and my heart skipped a beat.

He released me and walked over to our bed, it was already undone, he was probably already laying in it. "Let's go to bed, it'll take us awhile to bounce back from the jet lag and time change." Yoongi said in his deep, sleepy voice. "Okay, let me change into something comfy to sleep in." I dug through my suitcase and pulled out a soft shirt and shorts to sleep in. I saw Yoongi crawl into the queen-sized bed as I went into the bathroom to get changed.

I quickly took my makeup off, brushed my teeth and changed before opening the door and walking back into the room. Yoongi's eyes were closed, I turned off all the lights and crawled into the soft, all white bed beside him. He reached out for me in the dark and found my arms, he pulled me to him, against him. I closed my eyes and inhaled his cologne; this was my happy place. In Yoongi's arms, I couldn't possibly be any happier anywhere else. With our legs and arms intertwined with each other, we both passed out almost instantly.


My body woke me up at some point, I had no idea what time it was. The thick hotel curtains blocked out any and all light. Yoongi was still sleeping beside me. I turned over slowly, trying not to wake him and looked at the time on my phone. With my new California time, it was eleven in the morning. I sighed quietly and rolled back over to face Yoongi. I ran my fingers slowly against his soft arm and rested my hand on his and laced my fingers with his. Laying like that, I fell back asleep again.

I woke up again a few hours later, it was one in the afternoon now. I finally felt rested, Yoongi was still passed out. There was sliver of light peeking through the curtains now. I could faintly make out his cute face. He always looks so peaceful when he slept. Non-threatening at all. Sometimes the resting face of Yoongi could be very intimidating if you don't know him. But I knew he was an angel.

I rolled out of bed and took my suitcase in the bathroom with me. I wanted to take a shower and get cleaned up. I'd let him sleep as long as he needed. He surely needed it more than I did. I laid out some leggings and a hoodie on in the sink. I also laid out a new pair of underwear and a new bra. I stripped and got into the shower. I quickly washed and got out.

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