Chapter 15

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Leaving the hotel's entrance, I take a left and follow the GPS on my phone, I didn't want to get lost, I've never been in this city. I pass a group of girls who are younger and giggling like crazy. I overhear their conversation. "I can't wait for the BTS concert!" One of them is jumping around, another one speaks up, "Me either! I hope I make eye contact with Jungkook! He's so sexy." They giggle and another girl speaks up. "He is, they all are. I'm going to faint when I see V!" I laugh under my breath. "I can't wait to lay my eyes on Suga, I hope he gives us that gummy smile!" I giggle and hold my head down, so they don't see that I'm laughing at them.

I enter the print shop and walk up to their counters. "Hello miss, how can I help you?" The cashier askes me. "I need an image printed off on a poster board." He nodded happily to help me. "What size would you like?" I think about it for a second. "A 24x16 should be just fine." He handed me the USB cable. "Okay, connect this to your phone and send us the image you wanted printed off. It should only take about ten minutes." I smiled and took the cable, attaching it to my phone. I clicked the image and sent it off to the cashier's computer.

He smiled, "I've seen so many like this today, excited for the concert?" I nod and smile proudly. "Yes! This is my first one! I can't wait." He nods, "I'm going too after work, I've been an ARMY for six years now." I grin broadly, happy to hear that. It's always nice to run into family members. "Okay, I'm going to print this off, please feel free to wait."

Sitting down on one of the chairs, I open my phone to text my wonderful boyfriend. "Can't wait to see you guys perform, it's all I can think about." I scroll around on the internet while I wait. There are all kinds of hashtags on Twitter talking about the concert. Yoongi's name pops up on my phone, he replied. "I think you'll be pleased. We will do our best." I smiled; they didn't have to try hard. I thought they were perfect the way they were. BTS could just stand there and sing to us, and we would be captivated.

The cashier returns with my poster and hands it to me. I look over it and smile, "It's perfect!" I pay for it and roll it up as I walk back to the hotel. I could leave for the concert in three hours, so I wanted to get ready.

Upon arriving back at the hotel, I see groups of people crowding the doors. I determined that ARMY must have found out where the boys were staying. I try to sneak past them, but they see me going inside. I show my key card to the bodyguards, and they let me through. I hear screaming behind me. "Hey lady! Do you know what room Taehyung is in?!" I ignore them and keep walking inside. "Do you know BTS is in the same building as you?!" I shrug it off and walk onto the elevator.

I tap the third-floor button and sigh; they had made me nervous. As much as I love our family of ARMY, I don't like the sasaengs. They made me nervous, I knew what they were capable of. How would they treat me if they found out that I was with Suga? I shuttered at the thought. I opened my hotel room and went inside, sliding both locks in place. I take a quick shower and begin to get ready. I decided to do my makeup a little bolder than normal and put many curls in my hair. I wanted to look nice for Yoongi, for all the boys. I got dressed in my outfit that Hobi helped me pick out. I looked in the mirror pleased with how everything fit. It looked quite nice. These jeans were amazing. I knew they were $150, and they looked like it. I finished my outfit with some black ankle boots.

Only an hour remained before I could leave, I started to get nervous, but also very hungry. I ordered some room service and waited on it to arrive. I ordered some chicken alfredo and garlic bread. I inhaled it once it arrived at my room. It was perfect. I felt a little better after I had eaten.

It was time, I grabbed my things and my rolled-up poster and stepped outside into the hallway. There was a HYBE bodyguard there. "Miss, I'll drive you to the venue." I smiled and thanked him. I honestly felt a little better that I was going with the staff. We went out the backdoor, thankfully we didn't go out the front. I crawled into an all-black vehicle and was driven to the location.

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