Chapter 8

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The next day was a hectic mess. All morning the only thing I did was pace back and forth. Walk from room to room, packing and remembering things to pack. I would pack some socks and then remember that I needed several pairs of shoes. I would pack underwear and then remember I needed to pack perfume. My brain couldn't seem to focus on one category of things to pack. I googled what the weather was going to be like in California and packed accordingly.

It was hard to pack for something you didn't know was going to happen until yesterday. I had so much stress sweat, I was excited but nervous at the same time. I tried to pack only my pretty bras and panties. I had some lingerie that I hadn't had to wear for a long time. I packed and was nervous as I did so. Now that Yoongi and I had been intimate, I had a reason to break that lacey piece out.

At some point, I even realized several hours later that I completely missed lunch. It was three in the afternoon now; I had been so frantically packing and trying to figure out everything that the day has truly disappeared before my eyes. I didn't even realize I got a text from Yoongi.

"I informed RM about you coming with us. He was super surprised to know you even existed."

"Did only J-Hope know about me?"

"Yep. Lol, oops."

I giggled at his text. He's so absent-minded. He probably didn't want to be teased about having a girlfriend, that made sense. I wasn't offended, I know how the guys can be. Jimin did his dance moves for 'Save Me' with so much passion and the boys teased him relentlessly for several years. But the cat was most definitely out of the bag now. I would have to meet them all, this thought made me sweat even more. I'm not even a heavy sweating person, but all this sudden change gave me anxiety.

I made sure I had credit cards packed, you never know when something might happen. I wasn't even sure how things were going to proceed. I was assuming I would be staying in Yoongi's hotel room with me, but sometimes the boy's shared rooms, so I hoped me coming along would mess anything up.

Before I knew it, it was six in the afternoon. I collapsed on the couch, exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I exhaled sharply. I was trying to get my poor heart to calm down after so much heavy beating today. My phone started ringing, I looked down at the screen, my adorable boyfriend's face popped up. I answered it promptly.

"Hi Yoongi."

"Hey, I booked you a flight to the same airport we will be arriving at. You're going to be a little behind us though. I'll send a car for you; it'll pick you up and bring you to our hotel."

"Thank you so much honey, I could have done that though. It's very appreciated though." He was quiet for a moment. Probably processing that I just called him 'honey.'

"You'll be staying in my hotel room, J-Hope has a connected room to ours."

"Yay I will get to see Hobi more!"

"Don't get any ideas." Yoongi said coldly. He sure gets defensive quickly.

"Oh shut up, you know I only love you." I was laughing, he was so silly. How could I look at anyone else?

"You better. Did you quit your job yet?"

"No, I'm supposed to work tomorrow but I'll probably quit after my shift. It's a shame I can't put in two weeks' notice."

"Sorry, if I had thought you'd even actually consider coming with me, I would have mentioned it sooner."

"Don't be sorry, you're worth all the hassle."

"I've got to go, I won't have time to see you before the flight, so.." He trailed off, quietly. "Be careful and I love you."

"I love you too honey."

After the call ended, I smiled and bit my bottom lip. Hearing Min Yoongi say he loves me makes my heart feel a way I can't possibly describe. Sure Yoongi loves all ARMY, we know that. But he's in love with me and that realization will never seem real to me. I'm not sure what he sees in me, but I am thanking my lucky stars every single day that he sees it.

I threw together some dinner, while it was cooking, I was throwing out food that I knew would expire while I was gone. The food items in my pantry I left. Things like milk, yogurt, ice cream and other things I threw out. I wouldn't be back here for 3 weeks. I also needed to go see my mom and tell her. I was wondering how she was going to take it.

Finishing my dinner, I decided to get into bed. I was dead tired. I was rethinking about going into work tomorrow. What's the real difference between quitting before or after my shift? It's going to look negatively anyway. I had so much I needed to do and so little time to do so. Only 2 days were left. My racing thoughts finally slowed after a half hour, and I passed out.

My alarm went off and I shot up in bed. I picked up my phone and called my boss. He answered after a few rings, sounded confused. I never called off, so I never had a reason to call him. "Hey Jim, I'm so sorry to do this to you." The other end of the line was dead quiet. "I won't be in today because I'm quitting. Something unexpected has come up, I have to leave for 3 weeks, maybe longer. I'll be on the other side of the country." I waited nervously for the yelling to come. "What?" Was all he said at first. A call like this early in the morning must be confusing. "You're quitting? Wow, this is extremely unlike you. You're one of my best workers. But I've known you for years, if something came up then it must have the utmost importance. I wish you well on whatever you're doing. We will miss you. I'll deposit your last check into your bank account." I sighed and my tensed shoulders relaxed.

"Thank you so much Jim. I just found out about having to leave yesterday. Trust me, I would have given you more notice if I was able to." I felt so guilty for doing this, but love makes you do crazy things sometimes. Love is so mad. "Well, if you need your job back when you're back in New York, give me a call, I'll see what I can do. It was a pleasure working with you." I thanked him again and hung up. I wanted to update Yoongi.

"Morning, job is dealt with. My boss actually wasn't too angry."

Practically running into the bathroom, I wanted to hurry up and shower. I had so much to do and very little time. I really wanted to go see my mom and tell her what was happening, and I didn't want to do it over the phone. That would be rude, especially if I was going to be gone for 3 weeks. Once I finished getting ready I checked my phone to see if Yoongi texted back. He had.

"Good morning. That's great, I'm happy to hear that. I'll forward you the information for your flight."

"Okay, thanks sweetheart."

"I miss you." I bit my lip, I wanted to see him again so badly.

"I really miss you too." I said back and it was so true. I couldn't wait to see him again in a couple days.

"Here." Yoongi said and sent me a selfie. My heart smiled so much. I loved seeing him, it made me so happy.

 I loved seeing him, it made me so happy

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"So handsome as always, I sure am lucky. ;)"

My morning routine was wrapped up now, I texted my mom to see if she was going to be home so I could visit her. She told me she had a doctor's appointment later today but was free until then. I grabbed my keys and was out the door. I hoped my mom would take this news well.

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