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(outfit reference for finnie on the header, feel free to change it if you think our girl has bad style)

FEBRUARY 16 1995

"Have you seen this?„ Noel slammed a magazine infront of his brother, who furrows his eyebrows as his eyes caught the big pink headline "JULY" with accompanied picture of five girls.

The middle girl with a black mullet and a light purple sweatshirt, body leaning to the camera and right to her was a dirty blonde girl with her hair in a messy ponytail as she wore a pink tank top, pulling her eyes. Next to the dirty blonde was a brunette with an absurd amount of flower and butterfly clips on her hair as she smiled ever so wide.

Then to the left of the black haired girl was another blonde similar to the other blonde, wore a yellow tank with white cardigan and had a pixie cut and the final girl was next to the pixie blonde, she had her tongue stuck out and she had a fringe, her hair was dyed a bright orange and she wore a neon top.

They all looked girly and it shocked him to read that they were an alternative, indie pop band. He had expected them to be maybe, like a kpop band, but they weren't. Their style clashed with their music.

And he would be lying if he didn't found the girl in the middle attractive.

He looked up to Noel and he gave his younger brother a look to keep on reading.

The band was called 'JULY'. And apparently, having such a good mix of The Beatles and Led Zeppelin(according to critics and fans)to their songs had gotten them the attention out of the closet, like a strangely good pair of trousers that looked bad when not worn by the wearer, especially since because they're an all girl band.

Liam being interested was an understatement as he continued reading, full attention on this new band that was growing bigger as he scanned the page.

Apparently, they have been nominated as the same category Oasis was nominated for the BRIT Awards and this made Liam gape.

Noel nods at his brothers reaction, "Intriguing?" he asked, as if he read his mind. "Very." Liam agrees.

"And we'll get to see them." Noel announced. "What d'you mean by that?" Liam furrowed. "I've invited them to our party."

Oh the pub was noisy, and frankly smelled like Finley's highschool bathroom, sex and piss.

People were all laughing and dancing and snorting and drinking and all sorts you would see in a party of famous rock stars.

"Aint that swell." Maggie chuckled, her hands wrapped around Michelle's arm. "Cheers, lass." Finley yelled over the loud music, grinned as she draped her coat over her shoulder, beginning to walk into the crowd and to the bar.

Kitty cheers as she danced around with strangers and Kristell stuck with Michelle to flirt with a couple of lads, Maggie following behind Finley as she grabs a bottle of beer.

Over the loud music and people chanting for their mates to take a shot, Finley could hear Noel's voice not to far.

"There she is! The lovely cunt from July!" He cheered. "That's me, the lovely cunt" she returned. "Ah didn't expect you to come." Noel gave her a hug. "But we did."

Noel looked at Maggie and pointed at her, trying to guess her name, "Maggie." She answered, noticing how he was having a hard time guessing with himself.

"Ah Maggie." He gave a hug, Finley was surprise Noel was actually sort of enthusiastic about their appearance. "Right, Finnie, Maggie, my dead from the neck up brother, Liam." Noel dramatically insulted-introduced his brother, he wore a navy polo shit and denim.

Finley smiled and turned to look at Liam but, cheesy as it is, everything went into slow motion. Her smiled faltered a bit as she parts her lips, he was astonishing to say the least. Liam chuckled at her reaction, but he himself would also admit that she was breathtaking in person.

"Hi, I'm Finley Ainsworth, this is Maggie Hughins." Finnie snaps back into reality and introduced her and one of her best mate. "There's Kitty and Kristell-" she yelled over the loud music, pointing to two blondes, just like in the picture, one has short hair(Kitty) the other had long hair(Kristell), they seemed to already lost themselves into the crowd.

Finley struggled to find Michelle in the crowd, when she did, she introduced her like how she introduced the twins. The four heads looking over to the brunette flirting with a guy.

"Seen she's already met our drummer." Noel laughed over the loud music.

"Oh Michelle." Finnie sighed, sarcastically. "Maggie, you want a drink?" Noel took interest on the other girl. Finnie nudged her making her turn red, "Sure!" She yelled over the music and soon it was just Liam and her and the awkward tension mixed within the loud music and bright lights.

"I fancy me a drink, you?" Finnie cut the tension. Liam gave her a smirk. And soon they too were drowned in alcohol.

"You've seriously never done this before?" Liam asked as Finley pushed back her hair, and snorted the white line. She sniffed and sighed, tilting her head back. "Once, but then never again." She wiped some powder off her nose and waited for the drug to kick in. "until now." she smirked and Liam ultimately knew who she would be in his life as he also joined her.

The two high and drunk, head bopping to the music as they danced like maniacs in the crowd. Finley laughing hard when Liam danced like a teenage girl, shaking his arse and head from left to right, his hair flying, then, he held his hand out to Finley and she gladly took it as he twirled her and danced her like old married couple to what was now playing, Heaven Knows Im Miserable Now by The Smiths.

It was all such a blur honestly, Finley singing to the song with the top of her lungs as Liam swayed with her, making faces which made the high and drunk girl burst out into laughter, resting her head on his shoulder.

And that was the last they've done after crashing by a booth, Finley's head resting on Liams shoulder as both their mouth hang open, snoring, sleeping.

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