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February 21, 1995 (7:45pm)

Finley just got off a very stress filled interview. And the last thing she wanted was attention from the flock of reporters about to ask her questions about what happened the night at BRITS awards.

She wasn't having it but she isn't gonna go at them with no filter that'll ruin her career because it can spark rumours of her being a

"Finnie, what do you say about the NME Magazine calling you a scrubber?" One nice lady (sarcasm) asked, Finley gave a sarcastic and irritated grin, "I say scrubber is the new word for rockstar." She commented with shade as she continued walking, honestly exasperated.

She hated how that one picture, everybody has been calling her a whore. I bet they praised Liam for it.

She puffs her cheeks and sighed as she made her way down the pavement the pavement and look who she bumps into. She quickly apologised but was stopped when she looked at who the person was and lo behold Liam Gallagher.

She smiled a bit, happy to bump to him but her face dropped when the group that had been following her freaked out. She also noticed a group following Liam with cameras and mics.

Liam cursed under his breath and grabbed Finley's hands as they ran into an alleyway, losing the crowd.

"Jesus, are they nosy." Finley catches her breath. "Bunch of wacker jobs." she adds.

Liam chuckled, "What're you doing here?" She asked him. "I knew you had an interview and wanted to visit but these gits are just so invasive." he laughed softly.

"Why'd you wanna visit me?" Finley asked, grabbing a pair of shades from her baguette bag, Liam shrugs, looking to see if the paps are still round. He also wore now his shades that was resting in his polo's chest pocket.

If the shades won't hide their identity, at least it'll help them not get blinded by the flashes.

"I've read the mags," he said, walking out the ginnel. "Not so very nice things they said about me." Finley frowned. "Well want to have some pop? We can forget about them and just hang."

Finley nods, "Sometimes I wish i never gotten any fame." she rolled her eyes as Liam guides her to his parked car, laughing quietly at her comment.


"Hey mum, Alright me luvver?" Finley answered her nokia that has been vibrating to recognize it was her mother. "You're from Bristol?" Liam gaped at her. She just pointed to the road.

Her mum spoke with a very deep rhotic accent, being a native to Bristol while her daughter and son moved to London to their aunt, without her.

"Alright mum. All right." she ended the call after a few minutes. Liam was already parking the car to a near diner. "What was that?"

"Me mum. Called because she heard about the mags." she grinned sarcastically. "Yeah, what she say?"

"How proud she is of me." she rolled her eyes. This earned a chuckle from Liam.

"No, she is." Finley seemed to gave a serious look to prove to Liam her mums another breed. He just raised his eyebrows at her before laughing in disbelief, "She's mad." Finley laughed a bit.

The laughter died out and the two just stared into each others eyes absolutely getting lost. "Are you alright?" Liam asker, concern lacing his voice as she looked at her.

The car parked and the two just stayed inside, they don't know why, it just felt right. Finley looked at him confused.

"Last night, you were all trembling and cold. 'ya feeling better now?" he elaborated on his question earlier. Finley parts her lips, she honestly don't know, she was scared it happened because it never did before, she gave a weak smile. "I will be better."

Liam was doubtful, but it's Finley, no matter how forced her smile was Liam finds it contagious. He nods raising his eyebrows for a second, "Pepsi?"

"and chips please." Finley grinned as they made their way out of the car and inside the diner.


"Now something you don't know about me is that i'm mad for Pepsi." Finley giggled, opening her can of pop. "Fascinating." Liam acted as if it wasn't common knowledge already, after all that pictures of her in concerts with always a Pepsi on one hand and a few partnerships with the brand.

He held his lit cigarette between his middle and index as he picked up a chip and tossed it too his mouth, somewhat to impress Finley who just gave him raised eyebrows of interest on how childish he was acting.

"If you wanna impress me, a compliment works." she remarked. "well then, did anybody told you how beautiful you look today?" he took a drag of his cig. "No?" Finley looked up at him, shaking some salt on her chips. "There's always tomorrow." he smugly grinned and it was honestly too good to even hurt Finley's ego, as she just gawked at him.

Her lips tugging into a grin of shock and disbelief, Liam just laughed. He was laughing a lot now whenever around the Bristolian.

"No but, in all seriousness you're actually quite lovely." Liam said it so casually that Finley's heart melted on how cool he said it.

"You-" she starts, "you are unbelievable."

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