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MARCH 20 1995

two weeks or so, since it all went to shit, since Finley started doing drugs more often, since Liam bitterly looked at the posters of JULY pasted around the streets, since Michelle had been visiting Liam more often, since JULY made it clear she doesn't want to be doing no nothing with Finley, since Finley almost broke the band off after tantrums and tantrums. one of the tantrums(or two) ended up on the total destruction of her bmw, dont ask why.

"Michelle get your fucking throat checked and stop shoving dick down it you sound horrendous." she yelled, obviously on something, her eyes flushed red and her voice all raspy as she keeps on sniffing.

Kitty looked at her friend, worried, "Finley you alright?" she asked, nearing her, "No but your guitar isn't, tune that shite up it's ruining my song." she spits. Kitty looked at her offended, "mate are you sure you alright? You're definitely on something, you crashed your car twice and you've been treating us like shite!" she spoke for everyone in the studio.

"i wouldn't be treating you guys like shite if you weren't." she said whining. "You know what, I give up, Im sick of you Finley, you've fucken change and until you change again, I quit." Kitty walked out.

Finley frowned, "Nobody needs you anyways you git."


Liam sighed as Michelle wouldn't shut her mouth, always talking about how Finley was a cunt and how she deserved what she was getting, Liam was getting irritated and irritated the more she continued. He hated to admit but he fucking loves Finley. He does, he'd go and beg for her forgiveness if he wasn't too cocky that he thinks and believes she'll do it first.

He sighed and started to get up and walk away from Michelle who just frowned at him, he rolled his eyes, "going for a smoke."

"can i join?" Michelle pitched her voice, her damn annoying voice. Liam glared at her, "no."

He didn't look back to her not listening to him as she jogged next to her. "Whats yer problem, lad?" she frowned, acting all cute too. "you." he answered shortly.

Michelle scoffed, "You still like that slag, ay?" she giggled, rather mockingly. Liam couldn't take her anymore, "at least she doesn't taste like dick." he chuckled, shading her.

Michelle stood, too stunned to speak and Liam just walked away, victorious he had shut her up, he raised his middle finger at her and she just gaped at him.

Finley sobbed into her sheets, missing the meows of her cat and Liams laugh, Edith died a week ago. Old age. And she felt so lonely, Kitty had left the band too, temporarily as her twin said, until she stopped whatever she's taking.

but she just couldn't, not right now when she has no body, whatever she was taking was her only friend now.

nobody even came to call her, check up on her. she'll die without anyone knowing. the paps have been shitting on her like they always do
and she just lets herself get degraded and destroyed, she doesn't even know who she is anymore.

she stared at her ceiling, missing Ediths soft purring as a way to comfort her, she missed her old life. she hated herself, how she had been acting, how everything went down.

she hated Michelle, she hated Kitty, she hated Edith, she hated Liam, JULY, herself. they all left Finley Ainsworth.

all alone.

until she heard someone banging on the door. it cheered her up a bit, since there was noise in the eerily quiet flat, but frowned when she remembered she needs to open it.

she looked like a mess, skinny and eyes red from crying and the drugs she takes.

she slumped as she walked, opening the door and she almost stopped breathing when she saw who it was.

"care for a pint?" he smiled weakly. "Liam-" Finley scowled, "what're you-" but before she can finish, Liam made his way in.

"Wheres the lovely old lady?" he called out for Edith, this made Finley's heart ache even more, it broke her how much Liam didn't even get to say goodbye to his best friend, "she's passed." Finley sighed shakily.

Liam snapped his head at her, "oh." he stammered. "old age."

Finley very vividly remembers how she held Edith in her hands as she breathed her last.

She choked back, trying not to cry once more.

Liam looked at her with a pained look, his body ached seeing her like this. He sighed and set the pack of beer on the coffee table as he approached Finley and pulled her in a tight hug.

"I'm here." he whispered. "i'm here."

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