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FEBRUARY 17 1995 (4:15am)

Finley awoke, getting choked on a snore. She jolted up from Liams shoulder and saw that the night still wasn't over and quickly saw some of her band mates were already down.

She groaned as her head ached like an axe was slowing slicing its way in the middle. She jumped over Liams lap, stumbling a bit as she got out of the booth, her adrenaline was still high but she was mad tired and struggled keeping an eye open.

"You okay, love?" Liams raspy voice asked. Finley nods, "Just gotta grab the girls, don't want them sleeping here." She forced a smile, her cheeks numb.

Liam tried to get up too, stumbling next to Finley as she looked around for her friends. "I'll help you find them."

"Thanks Liam." Finley sighed as she stumbled around, swaying from side to side but thankful for her, Liam was beside her keeping her on her feet.

They found Maggie with Noel, she was drunk out of her mind and so was Noel, Noel promised Finley to take care of her and Liam trusted him to tell Finley to not worry, and so Maggie was going to get a lift from Noel.

The next the found was Kitty who was sleeping, head resting on the cold counter. She was knocked out. Finley was too tired to be embarrassed on Kitty's behalf, she shook her awake and helped her up, her left arm on Finley's shoulder and the other was on Liams.

They also found Michelle next, still awake with energy who Kristell on the other, was hanging onto dear life to not pass out tired as she had her arms wrapped around Michelle's arm.

"Mitch, hey, can you drive the twins to their flat?" Finley stammers. Michelle smiled, "I'll drive Kitty and Kristell." Michelle she assured, "You're not joining them?" she asked Finley, "I live far off."

Michelle nods, remembering that the twins shared flat with Maggie was an hour away from Finley's own flat. "Wait where's Maggie?"

Finley weakly smiled, "Noel's got her."

"You're not drunk or anything?" Finley hiccuped. "I know you guys would." Michelle shrugged, smiling, "Take care of her Liam." Michelle pats the boys should who nods his head left and right.

"Right well, we'll take the bus shall we?" Liam suggest as the two were too wasted to be driving.

Finley nods multiple times, unable to stop yawning as they waited for the night bus. Liam took off his coat and gave it to Finley, who was shivering despite having her own coat. She sighed as a thanks and he just nods.

They catch a bus and they childishly tried to fight over the seat by the window, but Liam got to it first earning a whine from Finley. He just chuckled and pats the seat next to him.

The bus was empty except for them and the old driver who was about to be in his 60s from his looks.

"Tonight was fun." Finley managed to let out, despite her fatigue figure. "Oh very." Liam chuckled as he rested his hands on her thigh, rubbing circles. This soothed Finley and tempted her to finally close her eyes, Liam noticed her head falling once and a while as she fought with her sleepiness.

He cups her right cheeks and guided her head to his shoulder, "second stop, my keys are on my coat's pocket." she told him and finally lets her head hit his shoulders as she was overtaken by deep slumber.

Liam sighed in content, he hasn't known Finley within twenty four hours but he's already feeling that god forbidden feeling that makes you all crummy and smiley.


FEBRUARY 17 1995 (12:30 noon)

Finley's eyes fluttered open to her cat jumping on her chest. She groaned quietly before smiling, "Hey Edith." she greets her orange tabby cat. The cat just turns around and jumped out of bed as soon as his owner had finally awoken.

She stretched and looked around to be welcomed by her beloved bedroom.

She still wore what she wore last night, as she can remember vividly. She sighed as she did, smiling to herself like an idiot. She looked to her night stand and saw a paper neatly folded into two. She knew exactly who it was from, and so she smiled once more like a little kid getting a new set of toys for Christmas, reaching for the letter.

She hasn't fully known Liam Gallagher other than the fact he was the lead singer for Oasis, but she was starting to feel butterflies for him despite her aching cheeks and head. It made her sick in an oddly good way.

She opened the folded paper and read it, his handwriting was hard to read since her eyes hadn't quite adjusted to the surroundings yet.

'Didn't knew you had a cat, scared me and tried not to wake you up as i brought you in. He's a nice fella though. Anyway, here's my number, looking forward to see you at BRITS.

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