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FEBRUARY 23 1995 (4:45pm)

Another day of recording, they were down to the last three songs as they've decided instead of 12, they'd go with 6 in an album.

The girls decided to all celebrate after their recording, producing the album tomorrow and releasing it in a month after their, get this, three day tour at Manchester Arena for 3 thousand on their first day, tickets already sold out.

It's still on March 5th, but the girls couldn't be more excited. Noting that Oasis is from Manchester, Finley wouldn't get a good introduction because of the press and the 'scandal' she had with Liam.

Well those scandal are somewhat true, as Finley and Liam have been hanging out a lot with no intention of Finley stealing songs whenever she exchanges it for her body, obviously.

She expected that JULY will all celebrate at a pub nearby. What Finley didn't expect was the girls ditching her because a certain someone is waiting for her outside the studio.

"What do you mean you guys are too busy to celebrate?" she scowled. Maggie tried so hard not to spoil Liams plan, "I'm sorry Finnie, but my brothers in town." she bids her goodbye, Michelle followed, "yeah, and i've got a date." she winked, not lying though. Finley frowned, "THATS RUBBISH!" and looked at Kitty and Kristelle, her eyes pleading, hoping they weren't also gonna ditch her, "Sorry Finnie, we need to clean up our flat, we're getting a dog."

Finley sighed, "Congrats on getting a dog anyways."

she was left alone in the studio, puffing her cheeks, she'd really wanna celebrate with her band mates for solding out tickets and finishing a new album in just two days. she was disappointed.

but her spirits was raised when she saw Liam walk in and lean sideways by the door frame, Kitty and Kristelle giggling was faintly as they walked farther and farther.

"Guessing you're free tonight, then, love?" He smirked.

Finley gave a soft smile, looking around.


Finley was jumping in her seat, talking to Liam about their tour like a little kid, excitement evident on her wide grin, her cheeks started to numb. "9 thousand! And we're all sold out just yesterday." her eyes glowed. "That's mint, love." Liam smiled, taking a drink of his milkshake, "I bet it'll be shite."

Finley laughed, licking whipping cream off her fingers before drinking her strawberry milkshake.

In all seriousness, Liam was proud of Finley, and oddly also so excited for her.

"I want you to come." Finley smiled at him, he raised his eyebrows at her. "Invite Oasis. The girls would be chuffed to see you guys there." she adds.

"You have a support, right?" Liam asked, "Yeah. Don't be mad but it's Blur." she nervously smiled with her teeth out.

Liam was mad alright, "Blur?" he should've heard her right. His tone scared Finley a bit. "Y-yeah, Blur." she stammered, looking down.

Liam bit his lip and thought about it, "You do know I hate Kellogs Allbarn's arse right?"

Finley just nods, "They're just support, alright? Would've went and asked Noel if it weren't for the press tryna put dirt in our name whenever next to yours."

Liam nods, the press has been trying so hard to ruin JULY's and Oasis's named because of Finley. "Noels a tad pissed at me because of it." he said. "but he's in love with a certain some one from your mates."

Finley chuckled, "Will you be there?" she hoped he said yes, "And will you not cause any trouble with Blur?" she also hoped he'd say yes.

Liam sighed, "Only for you, I will. I'll bet it'll be bloody shite anyway and I'm down to see that." He grinned, and the girl felt her cheeks warmed up, "Thank you."



The two walked down the streets, head in the skies as they laughed at nothing.  "Hey, I know a record store a few walk." Liam points. "Are they still open at this time?" Finley slurred, "Hopefully." Liam answered.

The night was cold, but their presence warmed each other, Liams arm around Finley's shoulder as they waltzed down the pavement as if they own the city.

They stood in front of a Record Store, green and light blue lights made the place stand out like a sore thumb.

"Mint." Finley grinned as she opened the door, the bell rang indicating someone had entered, but the cashier couldn't be quite bothered.

Finley quickly went to the shelves filled with Vinyls for The Beatles, she took out a vinyl for The Beatles Revolver, "Ah, I don't know what I'd do without Beatles." she grinned, she checked the price and it was surprisingly cheap and so she held it under her arm.

Liam grinned down at her as he also picked out a vinyl for Sgt Peppers, "You listen to Zeppelin?" Finley asked as she grabs his hands and drags him to the other side.

Finley adored record stores, it reminded her of a good time, its her escape from her now life, as the lines of CDs and Vinyls bring back memories of how simple life was.

She remembered sitting down, browsing for new music her dad would recommend, every after school. She wasn't too keen in showing emotions and she found the way to show it through music, like her father. Who blasted songs from the cassette her dad made her mom when they were in college, as they danced.

She remembered how every song had its story behind, this was why she wanted to start a career on music.

Every word has a meaning to it, every rhythm and every performance.

She showed Liam a vinyl of Led Zeppelin's Led Zeppelin lll, her fathers favourite.

Liam eyed her and the vinyl, "Zeppelin's shit."

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