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MARCH 8 1995 (2:30pm)

I walked to my shared hotel room, tired out of my mind. I just hoped Michelle's already asleep, would be a pain to stare at her. The girl thought to herself. After a good drink with her friend, she sure wanted to be with her bed till tomorrow morning.

She twists the doorknob to her room after inserting the keys. And as she opened it, her heart dropped, as if she couldn't breathe anymore.

There was Liam, and a kneeling Michelle. He seemed to be enjoying it, as his head tilted back and Michelle did her best, was absolutely nailing it, in giving him a blowjob.

Finley felt sick to her stomach, she wanted to throw up, say something. But all the words was taken from her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks, she stood there frozen, unable to speak, think and move, as her stomach turned.

Liam moaned, "Ah, jesus, i love ya." he said in between pants. Finley brought the back of her palm to her hands as she backed away, emitting a whimper before finally looking away and processing what she just seen, what she just heard.

She gagged a bit as she felt sick to her stomach, running down the hall, in pure mess and betrayal.

MARCH 10 1995 (10:49pm)

"What are you talking about." Liam frowned.

"Michelle!" Finley yelled, "Michelle?" Liam scoffed, utterly confused.

" 'I love ya!' " Finley mocked, with a smile that shows how much she was pained to repeat the words.

Liam still didn't get what she was saying.

"Finley-" Liam tried to form words, as he was speechless and confused.

"Oh piss off, dont act like you don't remember. You were enjoying it!" Finley laughed bitterly, "Bet she gives a real good blowie huh? She's got so many other blokes to practice it with, right."

Liam scoffed, raising his voice, "Right she was fucking lovely!" he played a long, as he was angry off his head and didn't know what else to do.

This made Finley choke back a sob. The room had never been this threatening, as Finley shakily inhaled.

"Alright?! Finley?! She was fucking lovely!" Liam repeats, in a more taunting tone this time.

Finley looked away from him as she chewed her cheeks, trying not to look weak when she already looked like it's definition.

"I bet Damon was good too, right, Finley?" Liam bit his tongue. He cupped her face and aggressively made her look at him, shaking her a bit, "WASNT HE? FINLEY?!"

Finley bit her lip so hard it started to bleed a bit, opening the scar from the punch Justine gave her.

She couldn't hold it back anymore as she sobbed, looking down but Liam brought her face back up to face him, "How did he taste, huh Finley? Was he also lovely like Michelle?" he taunted and mocked her.

Finley shakes her head, she was full on ugly crying, "I didn't sleep with him!" she sobbed. "And neither did I shagged with Michelle!" Liam stared into her eyes.

but Finley didn't believe, she saw it.

"you see Li, I actually walked in on you two." She spits, "Did you walk in me shagging that bloke?"

Liam was furious, no way was she accusing her of sleeping with her mate when she was clearly out with Albarn. What he doesn't know is that he was wrong and she was right. He shoved her a bit making her wince as she just sniffed back a sob.

He ran his hands through his hair, confused and irked.

"You know, our kid said you were special." he points and Finley just stared at him, her eyes filled with hatred. "But you-" he covers his face with his palms, obviously... irritated. All he knows is that his blood was boiling.

Finley just stayed quiet, she wanted so badly not to ever see his face again but she couldn't look away.

Liam was honestly speechless, beside oneself, and betrayed and all the bad feelings, he tensed up as he walks out the room to think and to not further hurt Finley as she just stared, completely lost, slamming the door really loudly making his lover flinch.

He walked out for one other reason too, to cry. He didn't want to cry in front of Finley, he wasnt gonna show her how much it pained him to be what he just acted as.

He was confused as hell. He did lie, he does remember, a girl giving him a blowjob and him slurring words, but he was so torn down when he realised it was Michelle, who was pleasing him and not his girl, when she (at least he forced himself to believe so he wouldn't feel much guilty for being the one in the absolute wrong) was sleeping with his biggest nemesis.

He sighed and kicked the wall, crying, why has it come to this? Was it because they were moving to fast?

Finley dropped her ice pack as she hugged herself, crying. Her lover not believing her and acting dumb with her, her best mate absolutely stabbing her multiple times with a knife she trusted her with and getting beat up by someone she looked up too.

what has she done to deserve such misery?

she honestly was contemplating on OD-ing, as she pulled a packet of cocaine from her pockets.

everything other than her career was going down, her love life, her relationship with friends, and sooner or later it'll affect her career which will make things worse for her.

she just shakes her head as she leaned back the couch, crying like a baby. she weeped and sobbed until she couldn't breathe.

why? was all she ever asked herself.

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