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FEBRUARY 22 1995

Finley was awake early at 6, collecting the notes she had written for their new album, "As of Now".

All contained to be inspired by their growth as a band, and she was finalising everything before finally showing it to her band mates and getting ready to record all 6 of the songs she had written all throughout since Highschool till a month ago.

She hoped this album would just be as successful as their debut album, "Maybe not ever", talking about moving on not from a relationship, but from their past life of being obsessed with looking good and being cool.

She flicked through the 10 papers, narrowing her eyes as she tried to find the correct order, not noticing that Liam asked to crash at her place last night. She was only reminded of what had gone down last night when Liam was standing in the middle of her kitchen, playing with Edith.

She yelped as an instinct, realising it was only Liam.

"What are you doing here?" She held her chest, "I stayed the night, darling, don't you remember." He said in an almost mumble as his attention was still at Edith who was in his hands.

"Guess you've made a friend." Finley said, sighing as she folded the papers and slid it inside her leather hand bag.

"Yeah- she's lovely." Liam swayed around with Edith, "You tell anybody about this you'll lose your pretty little tongue."

There was the Liam she knew. She just grinned and leaned on top of the kitchen counter, crossing her arms.

"You're adorable." she talked as if she was talking to a baby, scrunching her nose and grinning. "I'm not adorable. I'm handsome. and tough." Liam looked at her, setting down Edith.

Finley just nods, "As you say."

"Why are you up so early?" Liam asked, leaning in, their faces inches apart. Finley shrugged and pouts, "New album." she said.

"That quick?" Liam asked. "Yeah, we're planning this April?" her eyes wandered to the ceiling as she thought if April was too early to be realising an album.

Liam nods, "Will you be needing a cat sitter then?" he grinned, he quite enjoyed Edith's presence. "And a driver, if you don't mind." Finley pecks his cheeks.

The two definitely had something going on but there's no label to it yet, which when Finley thinks about, it makes her frown.

She pushed herself back as she made her way to the front door, slipping into some tennis shoes.

Liam followed after her with Edith in hands, he's been rather clingy to her too. And they walked together down the stairs, out the doors and to Liams parked car which was right in-front of them.

"After you." Liam lets the cat in first instead of Finley, giving him a sarcastic glare.


Finley ripped the page of the magazine Michelle handed to her and angrily crumpled it, stomped on it and kicked it away from her. Her blood was boiling and her head was aching, 'These people don't know a thing about me., God how she hated the public.

"Fucking, gone to the dogs, wack heads." she mumbled with fury, kicking the studio's wall.

"Do you see the things they say about me? As if they've known me and my sex life!?" She cried pointing to the magazine that sat in front of them.

Her bandmates looking ever as scared of how mad she was. "They're fucking low lifes who should get a job. A REAL JOB." She runs a hand through her hair, "Shouldn't be illegal to be a reporter?!" she rambled, "all they do is annoy you and annoy you till it cracks you and when you crack because of how much they bother you they'd act the victim, they'd spread false shit about you and your relationship as if they know it better. What a bunch of manky chavs." she finished with an insult, lighting a cigarette she pulled from her pocket, "If I see one of 'em reporters, i'll pull their tongues straight away, liars and prats like them wont deserve em." she said with a cigarette in between her teeth as she light it with a lighter.

The group sighed, trying to calm down the angry environment. Finley took a drag before looking at her band mates who were avoiding her gaze.

She then goes to her bag and pulled out the folded papers, "I've got new music." she smirked, "two are of which were written by Maggie and Kitty, We'll be including them in this album."

Maggie and Kitty grinned at each other. "Let's sweep England off their feet once more." she referenced their first album which took over England off their rockers, being one of the best albums next to Parklife.

She had calmed down, and decided the more she payed attention to the press the more they'll get worked up and the more they'll bother her.

Being a rockstar is hard. She placed her cigarette in the middle of her index and middle, with the free hand pushing the papers in front of her to her band mates.

They all read each of them and Kitty and Maggie had already created a beat and rhythm that Finley and the rest liked.

And the day was spent with Finley and the JULY practicing and recording for their new album.

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