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MARCH 14 1995 (recap on what happened with Finley and shi ya get)

Finley hasn't been well, she has been all over the magazine for drug abuse. You can see it in her eye.

Everyday she was flocked with reporters asking her about it and every time she escapes them and continues to take more and more. She has lost count on how much she had been taking, what kind she had been taking. All she knows is that she's a goner, as she stared at her ceiling.

She hears Edith meow and she smiled softly, as the cat she loved sat on top of her lap. She curled up in ball of fur and Finley noticed her breathing.

"Edith?" she weakly lets out as the cats breathing became more and more slow, "Edith." Finley begged out of confusion as the cat just purred, breathing was almost gone. "Edith don't leave me." Finley stated, panicking.

It was only a matter of seconds when Edith didn't respond anymore. Finley shaking sighed, hugging the cat she loved firstly more than anyone. No words can explain how she feels. She cried softly and quietly as she looked at Ediths peaceful state, "Thats it. I've got nobody."


Finley was known for her tantrums, but ever since she took those drugs, it has been more on abuse than tantrums. She bangs the table where they all sat and discuss their songs and albums in the studio. Angered and filled with annoyance, "Can't you guys just fucking do what I say to do." she grumbled. "I own this fucking band, i made this band and everything goes as I say." she points.

Maggie looked away in fear, "When I say this song goes this way, It goes this way." She almost threatened. "Jesus you guys are fucking useless!" She cried.

"Finley.." Kristelle frowned. "What is up with you?"

"She's definitely on something." Michelle snickered bitterly. "Shut your bin, Mitch." Finley groaned. She winced as she held her head on her palms, her head felt like it was gonna explode.

Maggie and Kitty looked at each other in pure nervousness at how their leader was acting.

"Are you all just gonna stand there?!" Finley yelled, "We don't have all fucking day right lets get this bleeding album done."

They all began to play the tune, and they waited for Finley to start, but she just stood there by the mic, out of her mind. They all continued to stare at Finley, before Maggie spoke up almost laughing, "Finley you daft git you forgot to sing."

"I didn't!" Finley snapped back into reality, "You guys were just too early!" she tried to counter.


March 22 1995

Finley walked inside the studio, taking a deep breath as she looked back on how fast everything was going.

Definitely on her first day of being sober, no drugs no lsd no nothing.

Her head pounded and had this really painful migraine as she stood in front of her band, minus Michelle, who all looked at her with a pitying smile, "Im guessing you've guys heard?" she asked, sighing.

"Michelle picked up her stuff earlier." Kitty took a drag of her cigarette, Finley didn't noticed her and when she heard her voice she gaped, head looking up to Kitty, "I thought you would need me, now that you're finally getting a grasp." Kitty shrugged.

Finley pursed her lips, sniffing as she tried to keep it in, tilting her head to the ceiling as if to not let the tears run down, Kristelle chuckled, "We're sorry Finnie."

"No i'm sorry." Finley said, still looking up, "I've been shitty. Like, really shitty. I didn't know who I am." She apologised, really on the brink. "I was a mess but that was no excuse to abuse you all." her voice cracked. Really regretting it all, "I'm sorry."

The three looked at each other before breaking into a relief laughter as their eyes watered too, running to Finley and tackling her into a group hug.

Finley winced before laughing, "Finley Ainsworth apologising? Should be today's headlines."

They were interrupted with someone knocking on the door, Maggie pulled away from the group to open the door to reveal a grinning Noel, a tray of coffee in his hands, Maggie gave a giggle and kissed his cheeks.

Kitty and Kristelle cheering and welcoming Noel in, Finley giving a friendly and appreciative smile towards him which he returned.

They all grabbed their drinks, Finley thanking Noel multiple times not only for the coffee but for being there for Maggie like she hasn't.

"I've 'erd about Liam." He sighed, "It's messy, innit?" Finley leaned her head back a bit. "I hope the best comes for you too." He said cringing a bit, "Look Liams a pain, but i love him, he's my brother." He starts, "And i love you for taking such good care of him for the weeks you've spent together."

"He was just as worse as you were, he was sulking and throwing tantrums that git and he keeps this tough 'i'll kick ye arse ya punk' persona but he's a very soft hearted guy." Noel rambled, Finley humming and softly smiling, "Ya take care of 'r kid, won't you Finley?"

Finley looked up to him, a sly grin growing on her lips, "I will." She said, "I love him."

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