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MARCH 4 1995 (7:39am)

"WHAT'S YOURE FUCKING PROBLEM, MICHELLE?!" Finley yelled throwing the magazine at the girl who just exited the bathroom from her shower, still in her towel and all.

Just yesterday, as they were getting all cozy, practicing and setting up for their gig, the reporters and journalists are already finished with their new page on Michelle's thoughts about Liam and Finley, them completely twisting her words, and to be honest, Michelle liked that.

Kitty jumped for the bed and tried to stop Finley before things gets worse, "Get your fucking hands off me you mug." She shoved Kitty away from her.

Kristelle and Maggie opened the door, trays of breakfast in hand when they suddenly saw Finley fuming, smoke was coming off her head.

Maggie sets the trays on a nearby table as she approached the scene, "What is going on?"

"Finley's off her rocker! Thats whats going on, babs!" Michelle pointes.

"Me? I'm not the one calling their friends a slag because she's fucking lonely! She's got a mouth full of dick, dont ya Michelle!" Finley pointed, she was basically turning red out of anger.

"Got too tired of sucking off balls you gotta go after me and the one i suck because you can't hold the fact someone else is having better sex than you and your dimwitted blokes, wont'cha?" She continued. "FUCKING ANSWER ME YOU STUPID INSOLENT SLUT YOU ARE!"

"FINLEY!" Maggie yelled as Kristelle and Kitty watched in pure fear. "RIGHT WELL I'M NOT THE ONE SLEEPING THEIR WAY FOR NEW MUSIC AINT I, AINSWORTH?" Michelle fought back.

She knew how much Finley hated getting accused of sleeping with band members just to steal their work and release it as her own.

Finley quickly threw a punch to Michelle's face, and she quickly went down. The others know that once Finley goes, there's no stopping her.

She had a fight with a journalist once who had called her something that made her mad and knocked three of the journalists teeth. And that wasn't even half of it.

They're not risking losing their guitarist and even though they know they'll fail badly, they tried to separate the two.

Michelle kicked and punched Finley's jaw making her tilt her head back with a yelp. Michelle took this chance and pushed her over, grabbing the cord of the telephone by the nightstand close to them as it drops, she quickly grabbed it by the handset and slammed it to Finley's head.

Finley gasped, everyone but Michelle did too and took a few seconds, her blood boiled and filled with adrenaline as she got up on her feet, holding her now bleeding temple. Michelle just glared at her, but she knows Finley's not yet down, not without one of them getting brain damaged.

Finley alertedly avoided Michelle going in for another slap perhaps, by ducking. She quickly ran to the table with glass cups with water and the trays of waffles and yogurt, grabbing a glass cup and throwing its liquid to Michelle before throwing the glass at her, but she moved a little to fast for Kitty who tried to push Michelle away, the cup smashing into bits as it hits the floor and Michelle and Kitty lands on the bed.

"Fucking hell, Finley!" Maggie shoved Finley who just stood there, panting, gulping. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead. Head aching as her temple continued to bleed.

She took one last look at Michelle and the scared and disappointed look of her band mates, choking back a tear. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, walking away and exiting the room.

"Finley- Wait," Maggie tried to go after her, concerned mostly about her wound. But Finley was already too far from the door.

Kristelle grabbed the magazine that Finley threw at Michelle earlier and checked out what sparked the argument.

Her eyes widened really quick and gave an upset look, as her stomach turned, at Michelle who looked at her with no shame.

As soon as Finley made her way out of the hotel she was certainly stunned in place to see journalists and reporters so early out there waiting for, well who other rockstar were staying in the hotel?

They went crazy as soon as they spotted her, she stood and just stared at them, thankful for security who seemed to notice what was gonna happen and pushed them back.

Questions rang through her head as she took a couple more seconds to take everything in, her head was bleeding and thumping, her jaw was numb and all these people could care was,

'Are you and Liam together?'
'Is Michelle saying the truth?'
'What do you think of Crain's comments on your relationship and sex life?'
'Will Oasis be in your gig tomorrow?'

Finley gave a shamed look before walking the other way, there must be an emergency exit by the back.

She just want a good smoke, think straight and shit but you can't get no privacy at this point when you're in a band like JULY.

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