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(skipping a day) MARCH 2 1995 (7:30pm)

Finley helped Maggie dry her hair quick as they were running late, their train about to leave in an hour. And the drive to the station was about 40 minutes from Maggie's and the twins shared flat.

The twins weren't actually joking when they said they were getting a pet dog, it was a white terrier they named Cloud. Cloud was a very noisy terrier and Finley's head was aching as she ran around Maggie's flag, helping them grab their bags all the while Cloud jumped at her, wanting to play.

"I'm sorry Cloud! We're running late!" she yelled, enough for Kitty and Kristelle to hear the frustration in her voice. They walked out and grabbed their bags, Maggie coming out of the bathroom, hair was a mess and top of her dress was wet from trying to dry her now dyed blonde hair, she ditched the brown idea.

"Hurry up! Hurry up, you slugs!" Finley impatiently yelled by the door, Michelle busy reading a magazine.

Kitty was putting on her earrings as she neared the two girls, Kristelle followed with her and her twin's bag, then comes following a noisy, playful Cloud that Maggie carried back inside the house, "Where's the skiver of a dog sitter you hired Kris?" She groaned, also getting quiet infuriated with Cloud's barking.

"There she is now!" Kris points to a girl in all black, her hair in a messy bun and she looked quite gothic. The girls looked at her and then at each other. "No matter, come on now! You take care of Cloud and we'll be off." Finley says in a hurried tone.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" Finley shouts as they all ran down the stairs, their baggage hitting the steps as they go down.

They quickly loaded and got in their shared cab, "The train station please, hurry." Finley begged the driver and soon they were on the road.

They've reached the train station with 15 minutes to spare, the group all ran like mad men to their train, seeing an impatient Gallagher waiting for them.

His head raised up and he brightened up a bit, "Well? Are you gonna stare there? Help us you wanker." Maggie chuckled and Noel helped them, Kitty and Kristelle on their own.

"He's in there." Noel points to a cabin, Finley smiled appreciatively.

She slides open the door and smiled at Liam who flinched, "It's just me." she grinned. "Thought you guys weren't gonna make it." he chuckled. "Maggie dyed her hair another colour impulsively this morning and the twins dog was a work." she sighed, plopping next to him.

"Tired?" he asked, closing the newspaper he was reading. "Stressed." she forced a smile. "Excited however." she looked up to him. He just gave her a peck on the lips, "Mwah." Finley mocked.

Finley invited the band Oasis to their three day tour, hoping to have fun with them as they were the only Mancunian JULY knows.

The train started to move and Finley sighed loudly, resting her head on Liams shoulders who continued to read his newspaper.



The two bands walked out of the station in hopes that they wouldn't be seen by reporters, at least Bonehead, Guigs, Kitty, Kris and Michelle hoped they wouldn't be sighted, they were tired.

Liam and Finley couldn't give two fucks and Maggie surely wouldn't be that noticeable that she was Maggie from JULY because of her new hair, that Noel was madly in love with.

Liam held Finley's hand with pride, the other hand carrying Finley's bag.

"Anyone for lunch?" Finley yells, checking her wallet with the hand that Liam wasn't holding. Everyone all cheered in agreement as they were starving.

"I know a place." Noel suggest. "Follow the leader!" Kitty teased.


Lunch went on by quick and the boys helped the girls get all comfy in their hotel they were staying at.

While Finley took out a new pair of shirt, Kristelle popped in a question, "You and Liam, aye?" She grinned.

Finley chuckled, and almost all the girls looked at her as if she was a deer and they were a lion. "Jesus, Fin." Kitty laughed, "You're a joking thing!"

"No but I'm serious you daft bimbo." Finley scoffed, grinning. "How'd he ask? was it romantic?" Maggie pats the back of her head.

She scrunched her nose as she flung her hands over to Maggie, as if to shoo her away.

Michelle wasn't all that interested, oh how quickly Michelle lit up a cigarette as she snuck out while the rest of the girl are excited for Finley.

"Well, we were having a good shag- he's quite the charmer in bed." Finley grinned, pointing her index fingers all around as if to say that what she was saying was true.

"And then he asked me, right before we finished he went," and with her best Liam impression, "right d'cha wanna be colled me girlfriend like."

They all burst into laughter but Finley shushed them, clearing her throat as she held a stupid wide grin, "And he didn't give me no time, alright? i couldn't say yes as he went on." she claps her hands laughing. "obviously when you're shagging you'd yell, "yes yes yes", and i was yelling yes because i wanted to be his girlfriend- but also because he was quite good."

Kristelle playful shoves her, laughing her arse out. "And then when we finished finally-"

"Finally?" Kitty howled in laughter. "Finally! Yeah! When we finished finally." she stammered, rambling almost, "He tried to double check and asked me again."

Michelle on the other hand wasnt interested she was unimpressed. She had liked Liam a lot, she loves him. And she thought Fin was just his little toy and she'd stand a chance, no but hearing that Finley and he are actually a thing made her blood boil and she didn't know why.

She was finalising a plan in her head when a couple paps approached her and asked her not so politely, "Michelle Crain! What do you think about Liam and Finley taking your spotlight at your 23rd?"

She rolled her eyes, "They're a bunch of lovely slags. Couldn't take their hands off one another it's honestly so romantic, have you heard they're dating, those two? What a perfect match, right they are." she said with much hate and obvious shade as she shoved past them.

Guess who's getting a raise with the new tea?

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