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MARCH 10 1995 (10:46pm)

Liam and Finley sat together of, Finley with an ice pack to her jaw, her legs resting on-top of Liams lap.

They just stared into nothingness in pure silence you can hear their thoughts as they processed what had happened in the past few hours, days.

Everything was suddenly a blur to each other, one minute they were madly inlove the next they were doubting it.


Liam was annoyed he had to come with Finley to Albarns party. But it was just too hard to say no to her. Her big smile, he was convinced she hypnotised him to go to this party.

And as soon as they entered the party, the smell of alcohol had hit them. This made Finley smile wide as she was basically holding herself from jumping in excitement.

This made Liam worry, what if the way she was reacting confirmed what the magazine says about her relationship with Damon?

He knows he shouldn't believe it easily, the press just wants drama and trouble. But still.

"C'mon Li, I want to get fucked tonight." She said to him, a little flirty as she licked her teeth. Liam just smiled and kissed her, almost forgetting he was at his rival's party until he came and interrupted them.

"The rooms upstairs." Damon laughed.

Finley was about to speak, and it all suddenly went too fast from there on.

One thing, Liam saw Finley went for the glass of beer on Damons hands as he held himself down from insulting him to Finley's wishes and then the second thing she was on the floor, her jaw bruised and coughing blood.


"YOU ACTUAL FUCKING WHORE." Justine yells as she continued to punch the living hell out of Finley who tried to fight her off, "WHAT THE BLOODY FUCKING HELL AYE?" Finley gasped and grunts.

"JUSTINE!" Damon pulled his girlfriend away, Finley sitting up with pain with the help of Liam, "Have you lost your fockin mind ya geez?!" Finley cried. Even the music stopped to look at the commotion. "Is that why you chose Blur ah? To sleep with Damon?" Justine points. "As if you don't sleep with other men! I know you best thankful he was gone, gave ya freedom to suck off other balls!" Finley screamed.

"So you admitting you slept with him, aye?" Justine tried to tackle her once more but Damon's grip on her waist was tight.

"No!" Finley shakes her head, "You you really gone mad havent cha?"

"Lets go Fin." Liam whispered, "I'm not done!? Let me at her! She wants a fight i'll give 'er one!?" Finley stood up, stumbling. "Oh yeah! I want a fight right Ains-slag, you!" Justine spits. "I'll give it to you!"

"Fin enough." Liam said a little aggressively. This made Finley stop for a bit, her glare didn't calm though as she tried and burn a hole to Justine's head. "Lets go, right." Liam wrapped his hands around her waist, guiding a rather stubborn Finley who at first didnt budge.



"Alright?" Liam broke the deafening silence, "right." Finley mumbled. another uncomfortable silence fell upon them.

"how do you feel?" he groaned, pushing a hair out of her face. she tried to smile, "numb."

his face was laced with more than just worry for his bird, he had doubt and betrayal in every inch of his blue piercing eyes which Finley stared at, her eyes getting glassy.

"So did you sleep with him?" Liam frowned, his face now turning into an angry expression, his voice full with doubt. "Jesus, Liam-"

"Just, answer me. please."

he never says please. this made Finley look away, trying her best not to cry, 'no obviously she hasn't.'

"No." she said, "Well its all over the mags, and Justine said it too." Liam rolled his head away from her.

"You believe them?" she asked, her voice cracking.

Liam stood up, "what's not to believe Finley? Justine literally beat you up because of it." he just stated, his eyes looking for any kind of lie in her eyes, that she was actually sleeping with Damon or he'd look like a fool, to admit be doubted her loyalty when he wasn't all that holy.

but it said nothing but the truth, "no." she frowned.

He scoffed, Finley groaned, "You kidding?" she didn't feel like fighting so she just said one thing.

"Believe me or not, at least i know who im with in the end." she rolled her eyes.

Liam looked at her confused, "whats that supposed to mean?"

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