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MARCH 9 1995

Their time making history in Manchester felt so short, Finley wanted to learn more about every corner of the town they played at, every experience Liam had whenever they turned to a store.

But their manager seemed to be nervous to stay around for longer, as soon as their third night ended they were all quickly forced to pack their bags, They were supposed to stay three more days, but it was cut to two days.

"Hey, Finley, nice show tonight right, I'm hosting a party as soon as we go back to London and I wonder is JULY would want to join." Damon neared Finley before getting in the train. Finley grinned, "The would be lovely yeah, don't mind if i invite Liam right?" she asked. "If you tame him well." Damon winked and Finley laughed as he backed away and gave a cheeky grin. She waved at him as she boarded the train, walking the aisle to their cabin.

MARCH 8 1995 (1:35am)

Damon and Finley smoked behind the hotel, Liam was off to wherever leaving Finley on her own on her last night at Manchester. Damon was friendly enough to stay with her and keep her mind off things.

There Finley spoke to him about her problems with Michelle as he mentioned the glares some fans was giving her, which she guessed was about the whole Michelle mess. When a secret photo was snapped of the two face to face looking like they were kissing was taken, thats where it gets messy.

Liam sighed as he closed the magazine, he was doubting that what it told him was true, Finley would never do that to him, he knows it. Her eyes held it. But the question still was there, lingering and haunting him. He would've been mad but he was just upset.

She opened the cabin door and forced a smiled at her boyfriend, "What'cha reading there?" her eyes darted to the paper in front him. He shrugged, "nothing doll."

Finley gave a suspicious look but brushed it off, as she took a seat next to him, humming whatever tune she has.

"Would've been lovely if we stayed for longer." Liam whispered, "I've got so many more places to show you." he kissed the top of her head.

"Right, Well Stacy aint having it." Finley sighed. She was off her rockers earlier this morning, making sure the girls leave quite early.

It was because she probably read the magazine and the fans didn't like one bit of it, Stacy thought that going back home far from Blur would quiet down the loud gossips and show that they were just friends in a way to protect Finley and her band.

But that kind of gossip isn't just gonna go away once they've set foot to london.

Stacy marched her way to Michelle's cabin and flung the door open, "Are you out of your mind?!" she whispered yelled. Michelle just look at her with eyebrows confused. "Have you lost it?! Finley and Damon, hot fucking chance!" Stacy scolded. Michelle just rolled her eyes, "There was a picture of them!" She defended, "Because you started it! Nobody would've gone out for those two knobs if you didn't spread word they were shagging." Stacy pinched her nose bridge. "You know how badly this'll affect Finley and once it does it'll affect all of you." Stacy emphasised on you.

Finley was unsure to talk to Liam, as from what she saw last night. She hoped it was a nightmare that just felt too real, looked so real. She wouldn't know how she'd be if it wasn't a nightmare and she did walk on them.

"Alright?" Liam noticed her demeanour change. "Alright." Finley sighed, smiling weakly. "I say, you don't mind joining me at Albarns party right?" Finley asked, her voice soft.

Liam scowled, "I do mind, I've finally got to not see his face in person once we've reach home." he murmured. "Ive behaved myself like why do you need to torture me more, Fin?"

"Lets have a cuppa once we've set." Finley just said, kissing his cheeks. "Finley." Liam whined. "Damons not all bad." She frowned a bit, "Yeah I bet." Liam retorts. "You know i go to parties of people i hate just for you so why not do this one for me?" Finley raised her voice a little, growing annoyed. Liam scoffed, thinking about it, "But hes like my rival! It'd be bad for my look to be seen partying around him." he sneered. "You care so bloody much of your look what about mine you dimwit." Finley shakes her head.

"What do you mean your look?" Liam frowned. "Your look of being a slag aye?" he comments.

Finley glared at him, "What is wrong you, you bloody bastard!" she scoffed. "It's a party you tosser ya, it's not torture unless you've drunk enough and snort a lot." She rolled her eyes.

Liam looked at her, she seemed really eager to go to this party with him, but it made him think is she actually going to have fun or just to see Damon again? It was so hard not to doubt her when she's acting all clingy to Damon and so he made a 'joke', "What you and Damon shagging? you lot are awfully close." he chuckled.

Finley furrows her eyebrows, "You'd love that won't you though?" she snapped.

Liam gave her a look before sighing, letting her win, "Fine. I'll come. This is the last though, sound?"

"perfect." Finley sighed through her nose.

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