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FEBRUARY 18 1995 (a/n here, my sister was actually born in this date too lol)

Two more days till the BRITS Awards and JULY surely couldn't be more excited. They've been nominated this year as the same category with Oasis, British Breakthrough Act.

Finley was out of all the girls the most ecstatic, since she was the leader and she formed the band, and wrote the songs too with the help from Kitty often.

She was having her morning tea over at Kitty's shared flat with her twin and Maggie who was telling the girls her moments with Noel Gallagher from a night ago.

"He was such a sweetheart." Maggie dreamily sighed, her hands clasped together. "Sure he is." Michelle took a sip of her coffee as she read through the morning magazine.

"He is!" Maggie frowned. "Don't be like that, Chelle. You know Maggie." Kitty snickered. "And what's that supposed to mean you wank?" Maggie scowled. "It means that you don't know when a guy is flirting with you or being polite." Kristell sets a plate of sausages and eggs for the band on top of the kitchen counter.

"But I know he wasn't being polite this time! He was genuinely sweet! Ask Finley?"

Finley raised her head in the mention of her name, "Hm?"

Maggie groaned, "He was flirting with me! That's just it!"

"Oh my god, they're already at it." Michelle gasped making everyone look at her. She drops the magazine onto the counter for everyone to see and there was a picture of Finley and Liam waiting for the night bus.

"They're everywhere." Kitty states in disbelief, "Liam Gallagher and Finley Ainsworth, dating?" Kristell reads the headline. "They couldn't even come up with a good one." she snickered.

Finley blushed a bit, 'dating?, oh she wished.

"She's red! Our kid's in love!" Maggie points. "What?! No! Blushing doesn't mean in love!" Finley defended herself. "What would you know anyway you think a guy opening the door for you is them saying they wanna sleep with you!" She teased Maggie who rolled her eyes. "Atleast I get laid."

Finley gasped and so did the other girls, except for Kitty who just snickered "Oh no you didn't!"

this was typical for the girls, they don't mean it, what they're saying but sometimes Maggie can't accept she's a whore and Finley can't accept that she's too busy with her band to have sex.

But they don't tell that to anyone since in the end they're still best mates whose insults are personal at times but they don't really care.

"Hey don't you have Liams number?" Michelle chimed in. Finley looked at her and dug through her pockets for the crumpled paper from yesterday.

She showed it to the band and they all gave each other knowing smiles before facing Finley. "Call him." Kristell spoke their minds out.

"What? No. Not with you guys here." She frowned.

"we promised we'll be quiet!" Kitty pleads. "No." Finley said with a straight face. "Come on, Finnie, you're no fun." Michelle whined.

"You guys are insane." Finley yells. "Just call him! Make the phone number useful." Maggie begged. "Or are you a pussy?" Kitty challanged.

Finley got up and shakes her head, "You guys are mad as a bag of ferrets of you think i'll let you listen to our call."

She made her way to the living area, scanning the coffee table for any box of cigarette. "If Noel was sweet, how was Liam?" Kristelle followed her. "I don't wanna talk about Liam, hey do you have any cig?" Finley furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why not?" Kristelle pried, handing her a cigarette from her pant's back pocket. Finley smiled, "Thanks, and because someone might get jealous they got the wrong Gallagher." She winked and Kristelle instantly knew what Finley was suggesting.

"I doubt I'd get jealous that you got Liam." Maggie walked in. "slag." Finley rolled her eyes, lighting her cigarette and took out the crumpled paper from her pocket, looking at it and contemplating to call him now, because she hates to admit, she misses his voice.

"Enough about crushes. Anyone want a pint? We have a few more hours before photoshoot." Kitty yelled, already by the door.

Michelle whined as she followed the blondie out and Kristelle grabbed a coat and followed. Maggie and Finley stared at each other for a while.

"I think Noel likes you." Finley shrugged, referencing to what they were talking about earlier.

Maggie turned red and Finley smiled, genuinely.

"Maggie! Finnie! You come later and you gots to buy us the drink." Kitty yelled, getting impatient.

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