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       "WHAT DO you mean, why am I here?" The boy scoffed, fixing himself in the chair

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       "WHAT DO you mean, why am I here?" The boy scoffed, fixing himself in the chair. "You brought me here!"

"You must have a concussion," I muttered, tossing a few logs into the fireplace. "I meant why were you up on the mountain?"

The boy watched as I struck a match on the rough brick surface of the fireplace before dropping it into the pile of wood. Once I made sure that they had caught a flame, I put my hands on my thighs, pushing myself up. Gus waddled after me as I walked towards the table, probably waiting for me to toss him some scraps.

"So?" I said, bringing his attention back. "Why were you up this far?"

"I'm...a jujutsu sorcerer," He muttered, raising a hand to his head. "I was...I..."

"Don't think too hard," I said, walking towards him. "Now I'm sure you have a concussion. Look up."

"D-Don't touch me," He flinched away. I stopped.

"Do you want help or not?" I said.

"I don't need your help," He growled out, making me take a step back as he stood up from the chair. He was about 177 cm and was taller than I was. Not as much as he was towering over me, but enough to know that he had a little bit of height.

"You're injured," I said. "And there's a snowstorm. I don't know if you know anything about being up this far, but you aren't going to make it out there. You can't even stand up straight."

The boy glared at me. He tightened his grip on the back of the chair before slowly lowering himself down. However, both of us jumped at the pounding on the door.

I instantly reached for the bowie knife at my side. I raised my hand up, stopping the boy from going anywhere. I took slow steps forward as to not make the floor creak. I peered through the window, squinting at the dark figure standing in front of the door. I quickly realized that it had gotten dark and rushed to the door.

I slammed my shoulder against the door the moment it opened by an inch. Gus started growling, rushing forward to bark and snarl at the door. I struggled against the force, making me slam my foot on the ground and shove with all my might.

A loud screech filled the air as the door slammed shut, three dark, bony and disgusting-looking fingers trapped in the doorway. I slid my bowie knife out and cut them, making them fall against the ground.

"Gus, don't eat those!" I snapped, pushing him back with my foot. "Son of a--"

"What the hell is going on?" The boy exclaimed, stumbling onto his feet.

"Sit down! I got this!" I huffed, fully closing the door before pulling a chain across it. It was lined with paper seals. I pushed Gus back before collecting the three fingers, tossing them into the bucket with the bones from the game.

"They're called mimickers," I explained, tossing my gloves off to wipe away the goop dripping from them. "They take the form of the elderly or children mostly and appear to unsuspecting people. Once they lure them in, they kill them and then eat them. You said you were a jujutsu sorcerer, right? That's what you probably got sent after. Not really much use in it though. They just reproduce like rabbits. Fast and in huge fucking numbers."

"You killed it," He muttered. "You can see curses."

"Wouldn't still be alive if I couldn't," I said, slipping the bandages off from around my hands.

I cursed silently under my breath. The bandages were soaked with blood. Even with my gloves on, they still bled. I figured the cold may slow it down. I suppose I was wrong. But I need not worry about myself. I had to worry about this boy first.

"Are you a sorcerer?" He questioned.

"No," I said. "I'm just a kid who lives in the mountains."

He was quiet for a moment. I could tell he was watching me wrap my hands from behind me. I left my gloves off and grabbed a bucket of hot water and a rag.

"How old are you?" He asked, his voice a little quieter.

"I'll be sixteen soon," I said.

"You're just...a few months younger than I am," He said, a little bit in disbelief. "You live here alone?"

"In the winter, yes," I said. "Jett doesn't come back until Spring rolls around and all the snow clears. But...he won't come back this year. Or...ever."

I could tell he wanted to ask more questions, but he didn't. He just sat back and took his coat off, letting me cleanse his wounds with the hot water. I was glad he didn't question anything further and just relaxed against the chair.

After I finished cleaning and dressing his minor wounds, I ordered him to lay back so I could stitch the gash in his forehead. He complied. As I was working, more pounding began, but this time, it went all around the cabin. I could feel the boy tense and told him to relax.

"As long as those seals stay up on the door, nothing can get in here," I said, tying off the suture before wrapping it up to seal it away. "Don't move from this spot. Try and sleep as much as you can, kid."

"I'm older than you," He said, watching me stand up.

"Well, until you tell me your name, your new name is kid," I said, grabbing the pheasant I caught earlier.

"It's...Fushiguro. Fushiguro Megumi," He said.

"Well, nice to meet you, Fushiguro Megumi," I said, making Gus bark at me. "I'm Scout."

"Scout?" He repeated. "That a nickname or something?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I shrugged.

"What's your real name?"

I frowned behind the wooden mask. "It's none of your business. I go by Scout, and that's that."

"Then how do I know you're not some--"

"Look, Fushiguro!" I snapped, making Gus whine at the raise of my voice. He lowered his head down and laid on the floor, ears pinned back. "If I wanted to hurt you, then I wouldn't have picked your ass out of the snow and carried you back, I wouldn't have just spent four hours hunting down pheasant and rabbits to make sure you could eat something, and I sure as hell wouldn't have just used what last bit of bandages I had. So suck it up, shut your mouth, and sit the fuck down. I'm only helping you because I don't want anyone to die. Once the snow clears, your ass can leave and you can run back to the city and tell them about the wild fucking monster who lives in the woods."

Fushiguro didn't say anything after that.

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Fact: Scout never takes off the mask around other people

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Fact: Scout never takes off the mask around other people.

tranquility - Fushiguro M. x Gender Neutral! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now