12| i ain't sleepin'

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        I MOVED THE mask away from my face, breathing in fresh air from the freshly laid snow

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        I MOVED THE mask away from my face, breathing in fresh air from the freshly laid snow. Resting on the branch of a tree, I let my feet dangle over the edge as I waited. I'd set a few rabbit traps around, hoping to catch something. Now that the storms had passed over, all of the animals were coming back out to forage.

The air was quiet, the sound of the early morning birds rising in the air. Snug against the tree, I waited to catch something in the traps I'd set up. Further off in the distance, I could hear Gus barking as he and Fushiguro wandered around to search for any game on the opposite side of the cabin.

I closed my eyes, tucking my chin under my scarf. With my knees pulled into my chest, my hands safely tucked away in my pockets, I found myself drifting off to sleep.

"Hey, Scout, you get anything in those traps yet?"

Opening my eyes, I looked down at Boone. He leaned against the trunk of the tree, crossing his arms over his chest. He grinned a little.

"No, not yet," I muttered.

"Really?" He asked, holding up two rabbits. I jumped up, making him laugh. "You fell asleep in the tree, didn't you?"

"No!" I lied, shuffling closer into a ball. 

Boone raised a thick brow. 

"Okay, maybe I did. It was warm right there! The sun was shinin' and it felt nice."

"You can't keep fallin' asleep in the trees," He said, extending his arm up to me. "C'mon down."

I slipped from the tree and into Boone's arms, where he gently set me back on the ground. I rubbed my eyes, yawning tiredly as I watched Boone pack up the rabbits before offering his arms out to me. After he slung the back over his shoulder, he picked me up, letting me rest my head on his shoulder.

"Scout," He began. "One of these days, you're gonna fall out of tree cause you fall asleep in 'em so much."

"Nu-uh," I muttered. "I can keep myself up."

"What if somethin' startles ya?"

"I can catch myself," I said. "You ain't got no faith in me, Boone."

"What if a cougar decides you're fresh meat?" He asked, tickling my neck. "He'll gobble you all up in one big bite!"

I squealed and squirmed from the man's arms. He laughed as he chased after me, racing me back towards the cabin. He swept me up before I could get to the door, throwing me over his shoulder. I continued to giggle as he pushed open the door, making me duck my head to avoid hitting it off the frame.

"Sounds like the two of you were havin' fun,"

My giggling began to die out as Boone set me down on the bed. Jett was sitting in front of the fire, one arm on his knee, the other draped over his lap. He sounded annoyed.

tranquility - Fushiguro M. x Gender Neutral! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now