16| kiss my ass

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I WATCHED FROM a distance as Jett and Boone fished around in the stream for fish

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I WATCHED FROM a distance as Jett and Boone fished around in the stream for fish. I sat on a tree stump on the bank, my left eye covered by the bandages Boone tenderly and tightly wrapped around it. Gus sat between my legs, softly growling whenever he would see a squirrel or Jett would come back to the bank to drop off a fish. However, his tail began to wag when he saw Boone coming towards us.

"How're you feeling?" He asked, putting his hand on the top of my head, pulling some hair away to look at the bruising peeking out from under the bandages.

"I'm fine," I replied quietly.

"You hurtin' any?" He asked, drying his hands on the rag that lay beside me.

"Just a headache," I mumbled, wincing when Gus started barking as Jett came closer. I grabbed him by his collar, keeping him from rushing at the blonde teenager. Boone hushed the canine, making Gus settle at my feet, still growling softly.

"C'mon," Boone said, extending his hand out to me. I stood up without taking it, tucking one of my hands into my pocket, the other dangling at my side. I snapped my fingers, signaling Gus to come to my side. He did, jumping up to hit his nose off my palm before returning back to my side.

However, before I got much farther, Gus was bursting into a fit before jumping up on me, knocking me onto the ground. Before I could yell at him, I saw a buck prance out past me, pausing for the group of doe to follow before jumping after them.

"Scout, you alright?" Jett asked, extending his hand out to me.

I slapped it away, making his face twist with hurt. But I didn't fucking care. Gus slid under my arm as I pulled myself up, dusting off the dirt on my pants. I brushed my arms off before shaking my head as if it would shake all the thoughts from it. I heard Jett take a step towards me, but the words died out in his throat as I suddenly took off.

I darted away from both of them, dashing through the forest. It was almost second nature as I ran through trees, twisting, jumping, and ducking as I ran. Gus followed after me, the two metal pieces on his collar jingling as he jumped over a log with me.

I don't know how long I ran for. But I ran until I couldn't anymore. I ran until my legs had turned to jello, and I'd fallen down onto the ground. Gus flopped on the ground beside me, nosing his way under my arm to lick at my face. I pushed him away and rolled onto my back.

Once I had caught my breath, I stood up. I reached up and ripped the bandages from my eye. I watched as they pooled to the ground at my feet. I closed my right eye and held my left hand to my left eye. I felt everything in me burn with rage when I saw nothing but darkness. I screwed both of my eyes shut.

I felt my fist slam against the tree hard enough for the pain to shoot into my wrist, and spiral up my arm. My chest heaved up and down as I caught my breath, still breathless from running as much as I had. I moved my hand away from the tree, watching the bark flake off the tree and fall into the lap of the man before me. Blood ran down my knuckles, tainting both my skin and the tree.

tranquility - Fushiguro M. x Gender Neutral! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now