14| you owe me

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       I WOKE UP in the middle of the night, feeling rather uneasy about something

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       I WOKE UP in the middle of the night, feeling rather uneasy about something. I felt my eyebrows furrow together in my sleep, my consciousness slowly pulling me out of my slumber. I couldn't open my eyes, though. It felt like someone was holding their phantom hands over my eyes. I didn't know what would not allow me to fully wake up, but I was still fully aware.

I heard footsteps. Heavy shoes thumping against the creaky floor, making my guard instantly raise, I heard the door shut with a slight bang. I felt my body jerk at the sound, but no matter how hard I was trying, I couldn't turn away from the wall to see what was going on.

I quickly realized that the steps I was hearing, did not belong to Fushiguro. He had a much lighter step and a longer stride. These steps were heavy, slow, and paced. Almost like they were stalking.

Something was not right. I could feel my stomach churning with anxiety. I willed myself and was finally able to turn onto my back.

But God, I wish I hadn't.

I felt my eyes go wide at the sight of Jett's face. It wasn't because I was surprised to see him, but because of what he looked like.

There were holes all over his face and the hands that he extended out towards my face. Some kind of black substance fell over his pale lips and ran down his chin. Sticky, globs of pus secreted from the holes on his face, and I could see flies dancing along the inside. His face was discolored, looking almost green instead of the normal light tan he kept throughout the year. I could partially see his left eyes, but it looked like it was hanging from the socket, dropped inside of his head.

I felt dizzy. I felt sick. He was getting closer to me, and no matter how hard I tried to, I could not pull back from him. I was paralyzed; I couldn't move. Everything was screaming at me not to let him touch me, but I couldn't fucking move!

The moment his hands grabbed my face, I jolted awake. I sprung up in bed, startling Gus who was laying at my feet. I could feel my hair clinging to my forehead, sticky with sweat. My chest heaved up and down as if I had just run through the forest and back in my sleep. I could feel my heart beating in my ears, the rapid pulsing making my head hurt.

A nightmare. It was just a nightmare.

I flopped back on the bed. Draping my arm over my eyes, I released a heavy breath. I drug my hands over my face before closing my eyes.

God, I haven't had one since I was a little kid. It was the first time I'd seen a curse kill something. It was only a deer, but at 6 years old, I was petrified. Boone had been there to comfort me when I woke up in tears. I had ended up crawling in his bed because I was so afraid. But I couldn't do that now.

I exhaled sharply. Tossing the blankets to the side, I stood up from the bed and began to get ready. Behind me, Fushiguro slept soundly, the blanket tucked under his chin snugly. I pulled the quiver around my back, clasping it over my shoulder before taking the bow from the table. I glanced back at the fire, taking a second to toss a few more logs into the fire to keep it alive.

tranquility - Fushiguro M. x Gender Neutral! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now