13| it's not your problem

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            WHEN I WOKE up the next morning, I knew that I had woken up a lot later than usual

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            WHEN I WOKE up the next morning, I knew that I had woken up a lot later than usual. By the time I had shifted away from the wall (where I'd been laying most of the night), the sun had already begun to shine through the windows. The empty cabin was flushed with natural light, giving me a perfect view of the missing occupants. Still hazy with sleep, it took me a moment to realize that Gus was no longer laying at my feet, and Fushiguro wasn't in the chair, or anywhere inside to be frank.

I quickly sat up in alarm. My eyes scanned around the cabin. The bow and quiver of arrows were gone. Gus was gone, and so was Fushiguro. I pieced it together rather quickly, but I couldn't help my uneasement. I looked to the table and felt my eyes widen at the white mask that rested there.

Fumbling out of bed, tripping over the blankets wrapped around me, I stumbled to the table as I grabbed the mask. It broke instantly in my hands, cleanly split down the middle. I certainly didn't break it when I just picked it up. Did Fushiguro break it?

Shit, his face wasn't covered. What if the Noppera-bō showed up? Fushiguro didn't know how to fight it, and Gus wouldn't be any sort of help! He couldn't fight it by himself!

I rushed to get dressed. I quickly threw everything on, not even bothering to get a coat before shoving my feet into my boots. I almost fell over as I tried to stomp my foot into them. I ran to the door and grabbed it.

The door opened, and I screamed in surprise at the figure in front of me. I jumped a little, quickly realizing who was standing there. I turned my head away and closed my eyes, realizing what the hell I had just done. I put my hand on my side, the other over my chest as I tried to calm my racing heartbeat.

Fushiguro snorted. "Did I actually manage to scare you?"

"A little!" I yelled. "I wasn't expecting you to be right fucking there! Where the hell were you?"

Fushiguro held up a small basket. "I found a blackberry patch. Gus just ran out the door with me."

"You shouldn't have left without something covering your face," I frowned, watching as he walked inside, closing the door behind him. "I thought something bad happened when I saw your mask on the table."

"I stepped on it by accident," He said, placing the basket onto the table. "And you were asleep, so I didn't want to wake you up. Plus, I could still see the cabin from the patch."

"You should have woken me up," I said.

"You looked peaceful," He said. "Besides, I think that's the first time I've ever seen you sleep."

"That's a little creepy," I said, shifting through the basket. "Fushiguro, have you eaten any of these?"

"No, why?" He asked, facing me. "Are they poisonous?"

tranquility - Fushiguro M. x Gender Neutral! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now