31| my love

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    "KAMO Y/n is only sixteen years old and therefore cannot make any decision for themselves

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    "KAMO Y/n is only sixteen years old and therefore cannot make any decision for themselves. They still have living relatives, and by the country of Japan, custody of the child will be awarded to their elder brother, Noritoshi Kamo."

I stared at the wall blankly, my eyes hooded. I heard Boone protest, and Megumi rose onto his feet, but I tuned everything out. I expected this. I knew this would happen.

The Kamo clan has always gotten everything they wanted. They wanted me, and now they have me. I cursed every God I knew about for not being old enough to legally make my own decisions. Noritoshi was only 18, only two years older than I was. He was still in school, so why was he considered a more suitable guardian than the man who raised me for ten years?

"You're lucky we don't press charges against you," An older woman of the clan scoffed, looking at Boone down her nose. "You kidnapped Y/n."

"I raised that kid better than any of you motherfuckers could have! Scout ran away for a good reason!" He shouted, his eyes slanted in a deep glare.

"Do not refer to them as such," A man said. "They were born as Kamo Y/n and will be called as so."

"I'll call them whatever the hell I please."

Boone was pissed off. But why wouldn't he be? That very decision just stated that I would never see anyone but my own clan for the rest of my life. I was trapped, just as I had been when I was five years old.

"Let's go," Noritoshi approached me, shielding my line of vision. I flicked my eyes up to him. "Don't glare at me."

"Would you rather me kill you?" I asked.

"Just stop for five minutes," He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I want to talk to you."

"Yeah, I bet you do," I muttered, my feet still planted on the floor, unmoving.


I met his eyes, narrowing them. "What makes you think you can call me that?"

"Well, what the hell do you want me to call you?" He scoffed. "Asshole? That's what you are."

I dragged my gaze over him. After a moment, I pushed off the wall and followed him out of the room. He led me down the hall to a set of tall windows. They stretched from the floor to the ceiling, and I could see the trees that surrounded the school we were in. The building was situated in the middle of a forest, but it didn't feel like one. It just felt like a prison.

Noritoshi slid his hands into his pockets and closed his eyes, sighing softly. The light from the setting sun poured through the windows, illuminating his face, and giving it a golden glow. He was taller than I was, and he'd let his hair grow out from when he was a child. I could see the remnants of stress scattered across his face, and his eyebrows always seemed to be furrowed together.

"I didn't run away to get away from you."

He lifted his head, his gaze meeting mine. "Then why did you?"

tranquility - Fushiguro M. x Gender Neutral! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now