10| my new best friend

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         THE GROUND, STILL WET from the heavy rainfall that came the night before, sunk under my steps

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         THE GROUND, STILL WET from the heavy rainfall that came the night before, sunk under my steps. I kept stepping in places that had been sunken in, making Boone pause to collect me into his arms. Water rolled off the leaves of the trees, droplets falling to kiss me on the nose as we departed away from the dryness of our cabin.

I always liked when it rained. It left a dewy smell in the forest and made everything twinkle with the water that coated it. Boone liked it too, but Jett didn't. He always got mad because he slipped in the mud whenever he'd try and do something. I thought it was funny, though. But Jett would have to get over his hatred of the wet forest. According to Boone, there was a lot that the two of them needed to do. I always wanted to help, but they always said I was too young to use a knife to catch fish.

"Don't go too far, Scout," Boone ordered, placing me on the ground as he and Jett stripped off their shoes and rolled their pant legs up, wading into the water.

"Stay where you can still hear us holler at ya," Jett added, already turning his gaze down to the crystal waters.

"Okay," I said, skipping over the rocks, hopping onto the other side of the brook.

As I ventured around the surrounding wooded area, I could hear the birds chirping out their songs, the coyotes yipping at each other, and the pheasants and partridges cooing to one another. I played around a bit by myself--it wasn't any fun without Jett, though. But soon enough, I could hear Boone calling my name.

"C'mon, Scout!" He called.

"Coming!" I called back.

I turned around, beginning to head back towards the brook. However, when I heard something, I paused. It sounded like a whimper. Curious as ever, I diverted away from my original path to find the source of the soft whining.

I gasped as I stumbled upon the wreckage of an old campsite. The gray and blue tent had been torn down--probably because of the storm. There were broken pieces of plastic around it, and the remnants of a campfire. I jumped when I saw something rustling under the fabric of the tent. Cautiously, I approached, picking a stick up from the ground. Once I was close enough, I moved the tarp away with the stick. I felt my eyes widen.

A...puppy? This didn't look like a wild dog, no this wasn't a coyote or a wolf. It was an actual puppy! It had a collar and everything!

I dropped the stick and crouched down, cooing at it. I watched, my lips pulling into a smile when I saw its tail start to wag when it saw me. It immediately ran to me, jumping up to lay kisses on my face, making me laugh.

"Scout!" Boone yelled, a little louder than before. "Now!"

"I'm coming!" I called back, scooping the puppy up in my arms.

tranquility - Fushiguro M. x Gender Neutral! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now