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Harry's POV

The meeting was straight forward and possibly the most serious one yet since we got together. Not only were we worried about our safety but Aria's as well. Simon understood completely and listened to our view on the whole ordeal. He was enraged most definitely; that someone would actually try to harm us. We were only teenagers after all.

"We were planning on going to New York for the weekend since it's New Years and all." Liam explained to Uncle Simon who nodded. "Alright, you may go. It'll give us a chance to sort out this fiasco and keep you out of harm's way." Simon said as he typed away at his laptop. "There. I've booked a flight for you six to leave this Friday. You'll be in New York for five days max but I'll call you if there's any changes." Simon looked up at us and we nodded before shaking his hand.

"Before you leave, could you send in Ms. Hope?" Simon asked. We obliged and Louis quickly scuttled over to the door and opened it slightly. He called Aria's name and she walked in slowly. I gave her a reassuring smile as she joined our side. "You wanted to see me?" She asked Uncle Simon who nodded and motioned or her to take a seat. "Yes, could you please take a seat?" she nodded and sat down.

"I'd like to ask you if you'll be pressing charges." Simon smiled sympathetically at Aria who sighed. "I suppose, but I do not want money from this. I just want this person caught and put in jail. That's good enough for me." Aria told Simon who nodded approvingly. "I like you already." He said, making her giggle. "Thank you."

"That's all for now Aria. You may leave." Simon said and Aria nodded before getting up and leaving the room. We turned back to Simon who was looking at each of us skeptically. "Alright who's girlfriend is she?" He asked us, my eyes widening at his straight forward question. "No ones..." I trailed off, confused as to why he would ask us.

"Too bad." Simon chuckled. "Huh?" Niall breathed out awkwardly. "She's a very nice girl. I can see what being around her has done for you lot." Simon smirked at us. "You may leave now as well." He said and slowly we awkwardly made our way out of the room. The door shut behind us with a loud bang, startling Zayn who looked very tired.

"Can we go home now? I'm shit tired right now." Zayn mumbled as we all nodded in agreement, yawning while we made our way to Paul and Aria who were waiting for us at the end of the corridor. "Are we going to New York!?" Was the first thing Aria asked me when I got to her. I nodded and she beamed excitedly, jumping up to wrap her arms around my neck in a hug. I chuckled and politely pulled her off me and rested my arm around her waist. "Jeeze I should tell you we're going to New York more often." i winked at her as she chuckled and shook her head with a yawn.

Then I yawned, then Louis yawned, then Niall yawned, and lastly Liam who yawned less quietly. "Alright you all are probably knackered so we best be getting home. Harry will you be alright getting back to your flat or should we drive you?" Paul asked me as I shook my head. "Drive me please." I told him politely. Paul nodded slowly and turned to the others. We made our way down to the lobby and out of the building and stood together in a huddle as we waited for Paul to come with the SUV.

Aria's teeth were chattering and she waddled like a penguin to keep warm. Eventually I just pulled her closer to me and her arms found her way around me in a tight hold as she shook. "I'm soo cold!" she mumbled into my chest. "M-Me too..." I shook again. "I h-hate winterrr..." Niall muttered, his ears turning a light pink from the extreme cold.


"OH PRAISE THE HEAVENS!" Louis screamed and bounded towards the black SUV. Liam followed after him and together me and Niall formed a human shell around Aria as we shuffled to the car. We got in and embraced the warmth. I sat down beside Aria in the back with Zayn to my right. He was out cold as soon as he got buckled in.

Paul began the drive back to my place and Aria had found herself resting against me with my arm around her to try to warm us up. Fuck you bipolar England weather. "Hey."

"yeah?" She asked. "since we got nothing going on tomorrow, how about we go get some starbucks and hang out like old times?" I asked her. She frowned and shook her head. "Sorry Harry, I've got plans with a friend."

"I thought we were your only friends..." I trailed off, earning a light hit in the gut from Aria. "only joking." I sighed as I leant my cheek against the top of her head. "Who's this friend of yours?" i asked her. "A person." she smiled cheekily at me as I rolled my eyes. "Male or female species?" I asked her. "Female."

"Good. I'm still waiting on the day my fist meets edward's face you know." I sneered while Aria let out an annoyed breath. "Can you drop that? Trust me I'm not looking to get into a relationship. At all." She mumbled. "Ok, I'm sorry. But seriously who are you- hey who are you texting?" I looked down to see Aria focused on her phone instead of me. "Tweeting actually." she said. I looked at her oddly and read the screen.

@AriaH: @AnneFoxyCoxy can't wait until Tuesday night!! :D

@AnneFoxyCoxy: @AriaH same babe! Don't forget our plans tomorrow ;) x

@AriaH: @AnneFoxyCoxy I wont C: waking up early so we can get the good stuff #shopping

@AnneFoxyCoxy: @AriaH ok hunny :) i better let u rest now. Night x

@AriaH: @AnneFoxyCoxy night anne xxxx

My jaw dropped and I immediately took out my phone and clicked on the twitter app. I typed in a new tweet and tweeted it.

@Harry_Styles: @AriaH @AnneFoxyCoxy What's happening? Oh God.

They were planning my death. Oh my God.

Aria looked up from her phone and kissed my cheek. "You worry too much Harry. We're only going shopping." She said. "yeah shopping for what you'll need to kill me. Seriously you two meet once and already you're like best friends." I sighed as Aria clicked her tongue. "tsc tsc I'd tell you what we're shopping for but you'd murder me." she chuckled as I scrunched up my nose in disgust. Jesus please tell me they're not shopping for lady personals. "Ok never mind I don't want to know anymore." I told her, child running up and down my spine from what they could possibly be shopping for.

Aria smiled to herself proudly and went back to resting on my shoulder. "Ok so basically you're ditching me for my mum? Are you seri-"

"YES FOR ALL ALLAH'S NAME YES SHE IS SERIOUSLY GOING SHOPPING WITH YOUR MUM NOW CAN YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH BEFORE I DO IT FOR YOU!" Zayn raged form beside us, startling me and Aria and the others to see what was going on but Zayn had already fallen back asleep. All eyes went on me and Aria, the silence around us so thick that we were cautiously waiting for Zayn to wake up again. Aria motioned for us to move closer to her. I looked at her oddly but lean in closer to her. Niall, Liam and Louis leaned over the seats as well to hear what she had to say.

"I like pizza..." she whispered.

"Me too." Zayn whispered, turning to smile at Aria before he fell asleep once again.

We were silently watching Zayn, waiting to see if he'd wake up again. Luckily he didn't and was out like a log. The rest of the ride went smoothly; not a single peep coming from any of us except for the soft music playing on the radio.

Eventually we got to my flat and we came to a stop. "Bye Harry." Aria hugged me tiredly, yawning before letting me go. "Bye mate." Liam smiled, patting me on the back before letting me out. Louis and Niall were asleep on each other. "bye, thanks for the ride." I said to Paul who nodded. "No problem Harry." I sighed and shut the door before making my way into my flat. I unlocked the door and walked in. The t.v was blaring and the lights were dimmed. What got to me however was the familiar sickening smell.

"What are you doing?" I asked Sierra, my eyes widening at what I was witnessing. "Relax Harry, it's just weed." she rolled her eyes, bringing the blunt back to her lips and sucking on the end before releasing the smoke that was once captured in her mouth. She brought the bottle of vodka to her lips and took a long sip before swallowing. "Are you drunk?" I approached her and grabbed the bottle and blunt from her.

"HEY GIVE THAT BACK!" She yelled, grabbing the two items from me and repeating the process again as she moaned contently. "Yeesh you act like you never done this before." she rolled her eyes. "Excuse me?" Harry scoffed.

"Oh please." she snorted. "Everyone in this God damn fandom knows about your little escapades. Your little one night stands and the smoking and drinking. So don't go pretending like you haven't done this shit. You need to loosen up Harry."

"I'll be honest with you, I never suspected you to be this kind of girl. I suspected you to be a good girl." Harry smirked but kept his serious facade on as he placed his hands on his hips. "Not everyone you meet will be who they seem Harry. I'm not a good girl like you think I am." She stared up at him, drinking from the bottle again before swallowing, licking her lips seductively at Harry who flinched. "Because you smoke and drink? What teenager doesn't?" He shot back as she smiled evilly. "I've done worse than just smoking and drinking."

"Like what?" I asked her, generally curious. "Of course you'd like to know." She sighed. "It's a long story." she said. "I have time." I shrugged, and sat down beside her on the sofa. She stared at me for a few moments before opening her mouth to speak.

"I was eight when it all started. Started as just verbal abuse from my mum who kept telling me I was a mistake and a dad who called me worthless. When I turned ten, they started hurting me physically. Two years later, mum dies in a car accident and my dad has to take care of me alone now. Instead of doing so, he pimps me.-" I watched her tell her life story to me and I couldn't help but look down every time she drank from the bottle of vodka or when she would take a long hard puff from the roll of weed. It's been almost seven months since I've had one and the temptation was thrilling.

"And now here I am today, in a living room with the harry styles telling him my life story." she finished. I hadn't listened to everything she said but I nodded sadly. "I'm so sorry." I told her. "It's fine. I'm over it." she shrugged. She looked at me intently before handing me the bottle of vodka. "You look like you could use one." she smiled at me lazily, swaying back and forth in her drunken state.

"No thank you." I quickly denied, however the intoxicating fumes were exhilarating when she brought the roll of weed to my face. "A smoke?" She asked and I shook my head again. "No."

"Why not? You a pussy?" She smirked, taking a sip from the vodka before breathing in my face. "No.." I shook my head at her. "It's just, I've been clean for almost seven months now and Aria-"

"OH BOO HOO! IT'S ALWAYS ARIA THIS, ARIA THAT! IT'S LIKE THE GIRL CONTROLS YOUR WHOLE BLOODY LIFE!" Sierra yelled, thrashing about before holding out the vodka. "One bottle won't hurt you Harry. Besides, she's not here right now. She'll never know!" Sierra reasoned, shaking the half empty bottle in my face. "Just drink it Harry, I won't tell."

What Aria doesn't know won't hurt her. I nodded slowly and took the bottle from Sierra. My friendship bracelet jingled against the glass as I brought the rim to my lips. I hollowed my cheeks and threw my head back, letting the clear liquid cascade down my throat as I chugged it down. Before I knew it the bottle was empty and the adrenaline in my veins started to pump through as my eye sight became blurry. "C-Can I have the blunt too?" I mumbled and took the blunt from Sierra and brought it to my lips.

I took in a long puff and exhaled. Total bliss. "Guess what?" Sierra giggled, causing me to giggle as well. "What?" I asked her. She brought her hand from behind her and flashed another bottle of vodka. I smirked and watched her pop it open before chugging some of it down. She let out a loud gasp of pleasure before handing me the bottle. "N-No. One's good for me..." I shook my head at her but she only held it out to me even more. "Harry she won't find out. I promise." Sierra sighed in exasperation, taking the blunt from me to smoke the rest.

"If she finds out, I'm fucked." I muttered before taking the bottle from her. I welcomed the burning liquid in my throat again and sighed contently. It'd been a while since I got shit faced and I had forgotten the feeling of what being high felt like. The euphoria was amazing and I felt like I was on the top of the world. Sierra was right. I needed to loosen up a little bit, plus on the road to recovery you're a lowed a little slip here and there right? Well this is my first slip. Aria will never know. The boys will never know.

We finished the bottle together and I knew I was drunk once again from the familiar blurred vision and childish words coming from my lips. My lips weren't moving any more when I felt another pair on them. They were soft and reminded me of Aria in my dreams. No Harry. This is sierra you're kissing, not Aria.

The kiss grew heated and I found myself fumbling to unbutton her top as she pulled down my trousers. Completely unclothed and only the feeling of skin on skin left to touch, she hopped up and wrapped her thin legs around me as I carried her to the bedroom. The door opened with a loud crash but I didn't mind it. I pushed her onto the bed and fell atop of her, keeping myself up with my hands; just hovering over her. And so began a night like many other nights I've had in the past. She was loud, no doubt about it and it comforted me. I don't know why, but it did. It had just been so long since I've experienced this type of pleasure...

It was like my old life had come back to me and Aria had never existed. When we finished for the third time, I pulled out of her and removed the used condom from my limp length before stumbling backwards onto my back beside her, completely tired and just wanting to go to sleep. "Night." She breathed out uneasily, turning in her spot to sleep facing towards the door. I waited until my breathing went back to normal before responding.



Heyy guys! I'm soo soo sooo sorry for the delayed uploads! Last week was exams week so I was really busy and couldn't find the time to write a new chapter and post it :'( I'm also pretty sure i failed my history exam but im thinking positive and hoping I got a 70%+ on it :P But I'm back now and that's all that matters :D

Moving on... HARRY YOU FUCK FACE WHY ARE YOU DRINKING AND SMOKING WITH SIERRA WHO YOU FUCKED 3 TIMES JKGKFJHJKFSASADF and so begins the drama ;) Please know that Harry was drunk and probably won't remember what happened the night before but imagine his reaction when he wakes up naked beside Sierra who is also naked and he sees the empty condom and the empty bottles and the weed... :O

DRAMAAAAAA!!! Plus what if Aria finds out? And the boys? aND SIMON!??? Not gonna be pretty if it does...

Anyways thank you for reading the chapter! Sorry if it was short and kinda bad I have a bit of writers block :P too much info still in my head from exams. But please FAN ME and VOTE on this chapter to see what happens when Harry wakes up the next morning! (15+ VOTES FOR NEXT CHAPTER TO BE POSTED!) Thank again for reading, byeeeeee <3 .x

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