Kitten Love

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Harry's POV

My eyes danced along the shimmering silver band that hugged her ring finger and I couldn't help but smile at how it seemed to perfectly fit. I glanced up at her under shadowed eyes and felt an array of butterflies in my stomach as I admired her breathtaking smile.

Her eyes were drawn to my own and I couldn't help but let a small tear fall. ''Yes.'' She repeated, nodding gleefully as I smiled even wider. I stood up quietly, but kept my eyes on the ring that sealed our promises. ''This is the happiest moment of my life.'' I admitted shamefully as I raised her hand up to my lips, pressing them against the ring as I shut my eyes, smiling inwardly as she giggled.

''Yeah.'' she nodded, pulling her hand away from mine to pull me closer. ''But the moment isn't over yet.'' she whispered, her lips ghosting over mine before they pressed against them, sending chills down my spine from the contact.

I closed my eyes yet again and wrapped my hands around her petitie form, admiring the way her soft lips felt against mine. It'd been a long time since I'd acquired a kiss like this from someone so special. Aria's kisses were always short and sweet, in fact the only time we'd ever had a proper snog was back when we were first dating.

Back when everything was much much much simpler, and there wasn't anything really holding us back from being with each other. Much like now perhaps, if I didn't have to leave the night after.

I was first to break our kiss, and pecked her nose instinctively before hugging her close to me once again. I rocked her from side to side and didn't realize at the time that we were dancing in the streets. I just wanted to stay like this forever. But instead I savored the moment for a little while longer before releasing her.

''How did you get out?'' I asked her blatantly, the thought finally crossing my mind as she sighed. ''It was extremely difficult actually, I don't even know how I made it out alive and undetected.'' she started as she reted her hands on her hips. ''I walked out through the front doors.''

''Well no shit.'' I rolled my eyes as I poked her sides. ''I'm serious, tell me!'' I pleaded as she chuckled and shrugged. ''Okay well I guess I'll just start from the beginning.'' Aria sighed as she tapped her chin.

''After you left, I was quiet for a while before I started laughing pretty loudly because there were mascara stains on my sheets.'' She explained as I pouted. ''That mascara's supposed to be waterproof.'' I whined. ''Where did you buy it anyways, the dollar store?'' I was silent. ''Maybe.''

''Anyways as I was saying, someone must have thought I was dying or something because then Jake came in and he looked worried-'' I growled. ''Jake.'' I spat.

''As I was saying Jake walked in and he asked what was wrong and I told him nothing then he asked about the mascara stains and I told him it was nothing and to just ignored it. He did, then he closed the door and walked up to me asking if I was okay and I told him I was. Then he kissed my cheek and he was smiling and stuff and-'' I cut her off with a long groan. ''Spare me the details, please!''

''Fine, Jake just checked me over then doctor Craig came in and we did the session for the day and then they left. I spent the rest of the afternoon to myself, you know, thinking about whether I should meet up with you or not.'' she explained as I nodded. ''But you did and that's all that matters.'' I grinned.

Aria rolled her eyes before continuing. ''If you would let me finish, while I was thinking about it Doctor Williams came by again and told me that I had a visitor who caimed to be visiting by my mother's orders. Naturally I thought it was you again but boy was I surprised to see Victoria standing there with a fruit basket and flowers.'' Aria smirked as I coughed meekly. ''Oh.''

''She and I talked.'' Aria sighed. ''About what?'' I asked her. ''What do you think?'' Aria rolled her eyes. ''About you of course, and us.''

I nodded. ''What did she say?''

Aria shrugged. ''She said she liked you, a lot. She said you really made her feel special in the short time you knew each other. Said that no boy or man has treated her the way you treated her.'' Cue the awkward silence.

I coughed and scratched the back of my neck nervously as I shrugged. ''Well I guess I was sort of nice to her and stuff.... yeah...''

''She also told me how extremely lucky I am and how she wished she was me.'' Aria finished as I drew a breath. ''See.... she's totally envious of you...'' I trailed off as Aria chuckled. ''Don't worry, this doesn't end horribly. She just came by to apologize for everything, even though she wasn't purposely doing it to hurt me in anyway. You were right about her. She's nice.''

''Well I must say I have a gift. I knew you were going to be very special to me.'' I winked at her. ''I knew Edward was going to be a douche. I knew Gus was going to be a good friend- ONLY a good FRIEND. I knew Matt was going to be a dick. You know what, next time you befriend a guy you should just let me meet him first so I can give hi the full evaluation.'' I chuckled as she looked at e wonderously.

''And what evaluation is this?'' she raised an eyebrow at me. ''It's simple really. First I give him a good look, you know- his appearance, his stature, his aroma- those kind of stuff. From that I can easily depict if he's a douche or not.'' I explained as Aria nodded. ''Then?''

''I talk to him. Get a feel of his personality and see if it'll coexist with yours.'' I shrugged. ''And then?'' she asked. ''Well if he passes the first two then he's in the friendship circle. But if he gets handsy or too close I get in there and punch the day light out of him.'' I told her as she nodded slowly.

''You know you never "punched the day lights" out of Edward.'' Aria smiled as I rolled my eyes. ''That's because I never got the chance to. Wish I did though, would have sent him to the hospital for hurting you.'' I scoffed. ''He may be some big shot honor student, and he may or may not be on steroids, but I could totally take him down.''

''You know, sometimes I think you're just jealous because Edward was my first kiss and you weren't.'' Aria smirked as she poked my sides. ''Why would I be jealous of an arrogant prick who got to kiss your soft lips before any other living breathing person why would be jealous of that.'' I rambled as Aria rolled her eyes and pecked my cheek quickly.

''But, you get my kisses for the rest of your life.'' She smiled as I nodded cheekily. ''Yeah you're right. TAKE THAT EDWARD YOU LITTLE SHIT!'' I yelled towards the sky, despite the fact he could definitely not hear me.

''I better get back.'' Aria sighed. ''It's getting pretty late.''

I looked at the time on one of the adverts and sighed, realizing it was nearly midnight. ''Yeah, I guess.'' I sighed. ''Do you want me to walk you back to the hospital?'' I asked her. Before she could respond I shook my head. ''What am I saying, of course I'm walking you there. I'm not letting my beautiful bride to be walk the streets alone, not after what I experienced.''

I took her by the hand and began to walk back towards the hospital. Tiny giggles came from Aria who shook her head at me as she blushed.

''So how was it? Being a woman for the day?'' Aria asked as she began to skip mindlessly beside me. ''Honestly?'' I looked towards her and watched as she nodded. ''Horrifying.''

''The overall look or just the creepy men?'' she chuckled. ''Both.'' I huffed. ''The amount of wakeup I was wearing felt like pudding, the wig I wore kept getting into my lipgloss, the dress was really tight and itchy, and the heels I was wearing gave me blisters. I have no idea why girls torture themselves like this. It's horrible!'' I yelled.

''Yeah well, you would never understand. You're a guy.'' Aria shrugged. ''You think we enjoy the pain any less than you lot? We don't. But we endure it. For you. Well I endure it for you. Guys- even though they're not fully aware of it- always set standards on the girls they want to be associated with. Some guys, well most guys, want to associate with tall, skinny, down to earth, drop dead gorgeous girls.'' Aria sighed.

''And when a girl can't reach those standards, they try their hardest to do so and they will stop at nothing to achieve it. They'll put themselves through hell just to be liked.'' Aria sighed as she frowned. ''Some people will even become someone they're not and lie to you then start bullying you for not being like them and soon enough you're beliving what they say and you turn into a monster and-''

''Whoa whoa whoa slow down there kitten.'' I pulled her closer to me and kissed her cheek. ''Remember what I said about those voices?''

''Not to believe them.'' she sighed as I nodded and kissed her cheek again. ''That's right kitten. Now as a member of the prestige male species, I personally want to apologize for all the pain I ever put you though. Whether it was emotional or physical, I'm so sorry.'' I sighed.

''I never want you to try to change yourself for me or anybody else. Finding a real girl these days is extremely difficult, and I know deep down you're one of the realest girls out there. You don't need any of that shit makeup and you don't need any of your fancy shmancy clothes to be mine. Kind of like now.'' I said as I smiled at her.

''So you're saying you'd still love me even if I was old and no longer young and beautiful?'' she asked quietly. ''Definintely.'' I smiled and nodded as I looked down at the ring that rested on her finger. ''Through sickness and in health till death do us part.''

''Afterall I'm going to be one fugly looking old man so I expect you to still love me too.'' I chuckled as she giggled and nodded. ''Of course!''

As we neared the hospital, I could sense Aria's tiredness; if her sleepy figure swaying from side to side didn't give it away, then I don't know what did. I stopped walking and gently shook her awake. ''Kitten, we're here.'' I whispered.

''Huh? Oh yeah, right.'' She stood up straight and wrapped her tiny arms around me, hugging me tightly as she pecked my cheek. ''Good night.''

''Will you be alright heading in alone from here?'' I asked her as I pulled away from the hug, cupping her cheeks as she nodded sheepishly. ''Yeah, it's not even that far.'' She said as I nodded. ''Alright, well I'll come by tomorrow before I leave-''

''You're leaving? Tomrrow?'' She frowned sadly as I nodded. ''Unfortunately yeah, I'm sort of supposed to be in Brazil right now.'' I chuckled as she shook her head at me. ''You shouldn't be ditching gigs for me Harry.''

''Oh well, you're worth it anyways.'' I smiled cheekily as she blushed. ''Well if you say so... that was extremely sweet of you to do.''

''Anything for my beautiful-'' I stopped myself, coughing awkwardly as I realized Aria wasn't technically my girlfriend anymore or officially my fiancé. ''Fiancé.'' She nodded and my eyes widened as I looked at her cautiously. ''Are you sure ?''

She shrugged and raised her left hand, wiggling her fingers as she smiled at the silver ring. ''I said yes didn't I?'' she smirked as I chuckled and nodded. ''You sure did.'' I smiled as she grinned. ''My beautiful Fiancé.'' I sighed dreamily. ''Aria Styles. It has a nice ring to it doesn't it?''

''I suppose yeah.'' she giggled.

I sighed and pulled her closer to me. ''Have I ever mentioned how much you mean to me?'' I traced her cheeks with the pads of my thumbs. ''Because you mean the world to me, you know that?'' she nodded.

''I'm going to kiss you now.'' I smiled cheekily before kissing her once again. ''I love you.'' I smiled against her lips, causing her to giggle. ''I love you too.''

She moved away from me slowly and turned, tucking her hands inside her pockets as she began to walk back to the hospital.

I myself began to make my way back to the motel, not fully realizing what my actions were going to cause in the future.

Aria's POV

''Mrs. Styles. Mrs. Rosaria Styles. Mr. And Mrs. Harry Styles. Aria Styles.'' I smiled to myself as I toyed with the ring that rested on my forth finger. ''It does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?'' I looked towards Jake who'd been silent the whole time.

In fact he hasn't said a word to me since yesterday afternoon, and quite frankly I'm worried. He's usually very upbeat and eager to have our daily discussion but today was much different. He had a distant look in hsi eyes, and he seemed to be having an internal crisis with himself.

'You alright?'' I asked him. He gave me an odd look and opened his mouth to speak, but he only shook his head and sighed. ''Yeah I'm fine it's just- are you sure abou this?'' I looked at him and blinked a few times at what he'd asked. ''About what? This?'' I pointed at the ring. He nodded. ''Well yeah I am. Why?'' I asked.

''It's just... with all due respect Aria... I know you... love him... and I know he... loves you too but... what about your mum? And your dad? And the kingdom? Your coronation is in two years and you'll have to be married by then, but to him? Does he even know what he's going to become once you two are married?'' I hate to admit it, but Jake had a point.

Amongst all this drama I had forgotten my duties as a Princess- future Queen of my country. If Harry and I get married, he'll have to serve his duty as a King. Being a King has it's pros and cons. Its pros are you rule the land and its people, you are capable of doing many things for the greater good, you'll travel the world though it'll be for business purposes only, and the title is quite an ego boost.

The cons of being a King, in Harry's case is that it's a huge responsibility and honor... he'll have to be focused on his job 24/7 meaning, no more One Direction. And I can't do that to him or the boys or the fans.

But I know Harry, and I know us; we've already been through so much. I'm sure we'll figure things out.

''Instead of worrying about the future, let's just focus on right now and right now, I'm feeling pretty happy; happier than I've ever been in the past month or so.'' I smiled widely as Jake sighed and nodded. 'Yeah... yeah you're right, whatever.''

''So now you're in a mood with me? Come on Jake, when was the last time I was this excited about something? Don't bring me down mate.'' I pushed him jokingly earning a half hearted smile and dreary eyes. ''Sorry, I'm happy for you really... I just have a lot on my mind right now.'' he sighed.

''Really, what?'' I asked him. ''Is it girl?'' I smirked as his cheeks turned crimson, proving I was right. ''It is a girl! Oooh Jake has a crush!'' I sang as he swatted my words away with a cough. ''N-No...'' I gave him a look. ''Okay fine it's a girl.''

''Who is she? Do I know her?'' I asked him. ''Erm yeah...''

''Why don't you ask her out?'' I asked him curiously. ''From your awkwardness from talking about her I think she might be very special to you.'' I winked at him. ''Oh she is special to me... in fact she's my best friend. I've known her since we were toddlers and truth is I've been in love with her all this time.'' he sighed.

''What stopped you?'' I frowned. ''Her mum. She didn't like me. At all. She pretty much hated me with a burning passion.'' he explained. ''She thought I was only friends with her daughter because they had money, but really it was because she was the only person who understood me. I could tell her anything and she would keep it a secret. I was quite poor but she never judged me. She accepted me for who I was and we became really close.''

''She seems like a lovely girl.'' I smiled. ''What's her name?'' I asked him.

''Everyone called her Rosaria, but only I was allowed to call her Hope.''

I blinked a few times as I let his words sink in. Jake used to call me Hope. It was a nick name he'd accustomed to calling me instead of my full name or Aria because he felt that Hope suited me more perfectly that something so simple as Aria.

''Jake-'' ''It's me.'' he breathed. ''I was going to tell you sooner but... I thought it would be better if I told you when you were less miserable, and we were alone.''

I stood up and began to pace the room. ''No you're not my Jake... you're just a nurse. My Jake died-'' he cut me off again. ''Of alcohol poisoning? Drug over dose?'' I looked at him in shock. ''No he's dead. He's been ead for a long time. You're not him.'' I was freaking out.

Jake couldn't be him, he just couldn't.

''If I'm not him then how do I know that you have a cat named Mr. Squeaky.'' I gave him a look. ''How do I know that when we were six we went down to the water hole and you got stuck in the mud and I spent hours trying to get you unstuck but I ended up getting stuck as well!''

I looked at him worriedly, his eyes burning with intensity as if he was trying to tell me something. ''Tell me how I know that when we were growing up you never wanted to become Queen. You just wanted to be normal, fall in love, live until you're old and brittle and die with no regrets. How do I know you want to own a bakery some day? How we were supposed to move to New York and do everything together? Tell me how else I'd know any of those things!''

I was breathing heavily, his words swimming in my mind with no other deeper meaning. As he began to approach me I shook his hands away, not wanting him to touch me.

''Hope it's me. It's Jake.'' He cupped my cheek and for some reason I allowed him to. I felt tears start to fall as I took in those beautiful emerald eyes I'd come to adorn as I grew up. ''Your Jake.'' He sighed as he wiped my tears. ''I'm sorry I left you Hope. I never wanted to. It was your mum.'' he whispered but I continued to cry.

My best friend. My first love. My Jake.

He's alive.

And he's standing right in front of me right now.

''Hey Aria it's-'' I quickly pushed Jake away from me, from instinct of course. I looked towards Harry who was standing by the door holding a bag and his heart in the other. I could sense his weariness from where I stood and so I quickly cleared my throat and walked towards him.

''It's not what you think.'' I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek before taking the bag from him. ''It sure looks like it.'' he mumbled, pushing past me towards Jake who was glued to his spot. ''Your feet working mate?'' Harry raised his voice, and I could tell he was angry though he didn't need to be. Jake nodded hesitantly.

''Then use them.'' Harry's glare was hard and cold, and without another word Jake was out the door, his voice wavering as he managed to slip me a piece of paper. I quickly hid it under my pillow, hoping Harry hadn't seen it.

''I thought you were coming after my session.'' My voice thankfully didn't fail me, and to my surpricse had Harry convinced that I was not crying earlier though I knew he'd seen me. ''I was... but I decided to come early. And I'm glad I did.'' he rolled his eyes. ''Why were you crying? Did something happen between you and him?''

''Nothing really just feeling emotional about the ring again. Jake was just trying to calm me down.'' I smiled steadily. Harry seemed to believe me, and continued to talk as if nothing had happened. ''Well I must admit I'm feeling much happier now that I know you'll be walking down an aisle for me one day.'' he smirked. ''And whatever comes after that comes. Hopefully it'll be me.''

I gasped and threw a pillow in his direction. ''Perv! We're not even married yet you arse!''

''But all that matters is that we will be! So I've already thought of the perfect names for our children.'' My eyes widened as he mentioned children before I burst into a fit of laughter. ''We're not even properply engaged yet and you're talking about children? Jeeze Harry when was the last time you had some?''

''Approximately eight and a half months, 2 days, six hours, three minutes and eleven seconds.'' Harry shrugged. ''You keep count?'' I raised an eyebrow at him. ''I was joking kitten, just a very very long time.'' Harry chuckled as I nodded. ''Yeah, sure.''

''Hey you lost your virginity to The Harry Styles, I think you can cut me some slack for knowing how long it's been since we've had sex.'' he pouted as I rolled my eyes. ''You make it seem like it's a big deal to lose it to you!'' I laughed. ''It is! Girls will literally kill for all this!'' Harry began to gyrate his hips, pulling a uck face as he nodded towards me. ''But it's all yours. You gotta own that shit kitten.''

I sighed and reached up towards his hips, running my hand down his lower torso and over the bulge in his tight jeans that squeezed against the fabric obscenely. ''Mine?'' I looked up at him, my eyes growing bigger as his own eyes stayed glued on mine. ''All yours.'' he whispered as I sent him a wolfish grin.

''Erm kitten?''

''Yes tetra tits?''

Harry's jaw dropped as he pushed me slightly. ''I THOUGHT WE WEREN'T GOING WITH THAT ONE!'' he yelled as he tackled me onto my bed, causing us both to laugh and fall onto the soft surface that is my home.

''Yes my curly cupcake? Better?'' I asked him as I rolled on top of him. ''Much better my sweet smelling shmukums.'' Harry smirked and pecked my nose, causing me to giggle. ''Stop that my precious little stud muffin.''

''What were you saying again my darling?'' I asked him, resting my chin on his stomach as I smiled up at him. ''Well my beautiful brown headed princesses I was going to say you were causing quite a stir in my pants which has yet to be settled.'' he smiled down at me lazily.

''Oh so that's the bump below me right now! My cutie pizza pie of a boyfriend is turned on.'' I laughed as Harry's cheeks turned bright red. ''I must admit my adorable cuddly boo, you don't need to do much to set me off.''

''You're making me blush my... cheeky sweetums.'' I was running out o+-f names. Frick.

''I think I win this one my gorgeous teddy boo.'' Harry smirked as I shook my head. ''Fine. You may have beaten me this time curly. But I'm still the cutest and the brainiest of us both.''

''WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO LET THAT GO!?'' Harry yelled as I laughed. ''As soon as you admit that I really am the cutest of us both and the braniest- if that's even a word.'' I drummed my fingers on his stomach , making him chuckle and wiggle in his spot.

''You know only married men are suppose to suffer this kind of abuse.'' Harry groaned as I raised an eyebrow at him. ''B-But of course, you're the cutest of us both honey. And the braniest. You're my cute and brainy honey bear.'' Harry answered uneasily, making me smirk.

I crawled up towards him, feeling his breathing hitch as I looked down at him intensely. ''But I'll always be your little cookie right?'' I smiled down at him and felt him relax as he nodded, resting his hands on the small of my back.

''Always.'' he whispered before kissing me gently.

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