Forbidden Love

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Harry's POV

I think we take love for granted. We think just because we now have that special someone, that they would never leave. I beg to differ. It's been a week since Aria left. I've been coping, but barely. We've started having meetings with the big guys again, discussing possible tour destinations for when we begin touring for our new album.

I stay quiet the whole time. The only words that escape my mouth are mostly monotone one word answers. Simon could sense something was wrong but he never made the effort to ask. My derange mind was invaded mostly by thoughts of Aria; her location, how she was doing, if she's safe, if she's happy, if she's moved on...

Needless to say I was an emotional mess. It took a bit of effort to get me to smile... I mean, how can i when my reason to smile is gone? The boys like to keep away, giving me space when I'm most especially down which I appreciate. They say they understand my current situation, but really they don't. Maybe Niall does, but Louis, Liam, and Zayn- definitely not.

"I'd like to visit more European countries, like ones we haven't visited before." Niall pointed out, glancing at me before looking towards Simon who typed the following on his laptop. "And some countries in Asia too." Louis added.

"Lads this is starting to turn into a world tour." Simon chuckled. "It'll possibly take almost a year to visit all these countries and that takes commitment." he said. "We're willing." Liam told simon who nodded slowly and looked towards me and Niall. "Then we'll have to set some ground rules then. Last tour, Liam and Louis-" he looked towards the two who nodded. "both had girlfriends so you both have a general understanding of what's to happen to Harry and Niall."

I looked towards Louis for an explanation. "Basically no girlfriends on tour but they're allowed to come to a venue or two once every few weeks." he explained. I frowned and settled back into my seat. "That won't be a problem." I muttered. Simon looked at me worriedly. "Are you feeling well Harry? You seem a bit ill."

"M'fine." I murmured. "Just tired is all."

"Alright." Simon nodded slowly. He seemed unconvinced but shook off the last topic as he started to speak again. "That is all for now boys. We'll discuss this even further as the time approaches. For now get some rest and have some down time." simon smiled.

"Thanks again Simon." Liam leant over the table and shook Simon's hand. "No problem Liam, just doing my job." He nodded. We all stood up, being dismissed, and began to make our way out. Though I was called back by Simon who had his arms crossed and had an endearing expression on his face. I let out a short groan and made my way back to my seat.

I sat down slowly, folding my hands in my lap as looked towards him, watching him sit back down in his chair and open his laptop. "If you're wondering why I asked you to stay, you should know by now that nothing get's past me. I may be getting old but my mind's still intact." He turned the laptop around to face me and motioned for me to come sit closer.

I sighed and got up, sitting down in the seat closest to him. He showed me the screen and sighed deeply. "When did this happen?" he tapped the screen lightly, voice assertive as I looked at the screen with clouded eyes. "A few nights ago..." I answered.

"Why did you not inform me of this earlier? Regardless of her actions being a true or false I could have saved her from the comments, plus this isn't very good publicity for you or the boys either." He sighed as I shrugged. "Didn't think it mattered."

"Of course it mattered. Have you even read these?" Simon asked. I nodded meekly and sighed. "Yes." He looked at me oddly and shook his head. "Why don't you defend her? Did she really cheat?" He asked. "I-I- I don't know... it's complicated Uncle Si-" i bit my lip and blinked back tears. "I don't know what to do... ever since she left... I ju-just don't know what to do..."

"Is that why you lads want to do a world tour? You want to go look for her?" I looked up at Simon and nodded shyly. "Very well then." I blinked up at him. "You're letting us do a world tour? For real?" he chuckled. "Of course. It'll benefit your fans as well as yourselves."

"Thank you." I smiled softly, thsis being the first time I've smiled in a while. "Anytime Harry. I don't know if these rumours about Aria and Niall are true but I do know that Aria is as kind hearted and pure as she's been towards me and you boys. If only they were told differently to what's been shown to them." My eyes were tracing every letter, every syllable, being said and needless to say I was heartbroken.

Heartbroken that these words were being used against someone I care about. Heartbroken that i did nothing to stop it.

"Thank you for the insight Simon." I say as I stand up. "I better get back to the lads." Simon nodded and shut his laptop. "Okay. I'll try to simmer this rumour down in the meantime. I'm going to need an official statement from you though."

I sighed and tell him. "Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone deserves to be forgiven. We're only humans afterall."

Simon nodded and twiddled his thumbs as I turned to leave. I opened the door and looked up at the boys who made thei way towards me. "What'd he say?" "What did he wanna tell you?" "Are we doing the world tour?"

"Stuff about Aria and yes." I tell them as they smile widely. "Awesome. Can't wait for this tour to start!" Zayn beamed. "Yeah mate s'gonna be the best one yet!" Louis agreed. "Why so glum?" Niall nudged me. "S'nothing, just thinking... What if Aria comes back and we're away on tour?" I sighed.

"We can't be too sure. Plus it's better if we go out there and try to look for her than stay here wallowing in delf pity." Niall patted my back as i nodded regardless. "I guess..."

"You're not losing hope now are you?" Niall asked. "Oh fuck that didn't come out right-" I chuckled as he began to freak out. "S'okay Niall, I get what you meant and no I'm not. It may seem like it but I know I'm gonna find her one day... just don't know if she'll still love me when I do." I tell him truthfully.

"I don't know how to respond to that..." Niall trailed off. "I wish I could tell you she still would but... you slept with another girl mate." He frowned. "My girl to be exact. I should be beating you lifeless right now but I know it was just a drunken mistake. But Aria might not take it as well."

"You're right. I'm an awful person aren't I? You really should have me hospitalied. I'm really sorry mate. If it's any consolation, you're welcome to punch me right now if you like?" I sighed. "Maybe later." Niall chuckled.

As we left the building and made our way back to the mansion, i realized how challenging my life was going to become without Aria. It's like every inch of happiness is going to be gone from my life. Everything we shared; jokes, smiles, laughter, little looks, hugs, kisses, pranks, everything... won't be happening any time soon.

I still haven't gotten used to waking up without her beside me. I'd like to think she's in the bathroom getting ready or with the boys who're awake but I know deep down she isn't but who wants to dwell on hallowed thoughts? As resilient I've been when it came to my consummation of alcohol, I knew it was going to be necessary if i wanted to keep myself from doing something really stupid.

Every night for the past week I've gone to the local pub; the one Aria used to work at. Of course I had a trusty companion with me everytime who brought me home whenever I get shit faced. Louis discourages my actions but is still there for me every night.

Tonight was like any other night. I had my usual; three shots of tequila and a bottle of vodka and coke. Music roared as the club came to life, people dancing suggestively with their group of friends or partner while they kept a tight grip on their red cup of whatever toxic concoction they bought tonight.

Louis was sat beside me, watching me drink myself to the point I didn't feel a thing. And that's all he did. Watch. He didn't make a move to stop me or anything. He did make sure I didn't drink too much, that being upon my request but other than that he's been very helpful.

Everyday for at least an hour he talks to me about Aria. We sit in her old room, talking about the good times we both shared with her. We remininced about how she had brought us closer together, and shared a few laughs as we brought back memories of her little pranks she liked to play on us to get us to live life.

Needless to say he was like a therapist. I found comfort in talking to him and he found comfort in me. The boys sometimes joined us and we would spend at least three hours watching old videos from her phone that we uploaded onto my laptop. I never did end up changing my screen saver on my phone. I didn't have the courage to.

Every night before I go to sleep I look at that photo and smile. It was the night when everything finally came together; when i realized that my life wasn't heading towards a dead end but really was meant for something greater. I never lost sight of hope and that got me the most amazing, most beautiful girl in the world and I can never forget that.

Soon I feee the numbness returning and I smile at the feeling. The pain goes away and it's like your body is floating on a cloud. It may be only for a night and the morning afterwards may be shit but it's always worth it.

Forgetting every night in comparison to remembering every single day seems like a balance. But it's the principal of the thing. Forgetting and remembering the good times or remembering and forgetting about the good times. There's a difference.

Aria's POV

"Welcome home Princess!" I smiled widely and laughed as the workers all engulfed me in a large hug. I closed my eyes and melt into their embrace. "Oh I've missed yo all so much!" I beamed.

"We've missed you too dear Princess, however we are more interested in your adventures while you were away." Miss Grey smiled warmly as I giggled. "Was Jake right? Is their really such a thing as ice skating?" Miss Alexandra asked curiously as I nodded. She'd always been fascinated by the outside world but was only given a glimpse of it on the telly or in books.

"Oh yes! I've tried it before and it was simply magical." I smiled as Donna nodded at me knowingly. "Did you fall in love while you were away?" Miss Rachel smirked as I blushed profoundedly. "Oh what is with all these questions? I feel like I'm being interrogated or something." They all chuckled as they pulled me along.

"We're just excited to hear about your adventures in the real world Princess. We understand you've been wanting to leave the palace walls all your life and with us being in the castle all the time doesn't leave much to the imagination." Miss Jen chuckled as I sighed. "What,s all this Princess nonsense going about? We're all friends here. Call me Aria." I smiled at the young maid who blushed and nodded. "yes Prince- I mean Aria."

I grinned and continued to walk down the hall with them. "Have you spoken to your parents yet?" Miss Grey asked as i nodded. "Yes I have. I'm on my way to having afternoon tea with my mum actually. My papa's off in America checking on our oil trade so he won't be joining us." I explain to her.

"That's good. It seems like business really has taken off hasn't it?" she smiled as I nodded. "It really has. I'm proud of papa."

As we reached the garden, I could already see my mum waiting under the gazebo, sitting patiently in her usual seat with a cuppa already in her hands while two of our guards, Winston and Ted stood beside her standing absolutely still but ready to pounce when danger approaches.

Winston and Ted have been my parent's head of security and executive head of security for as long as I can remember. Other than that they were also my god fathers and baby sitters. I smiled at the three as I made my way towards them.

I step onto the gazebo, planks creeking as I made my way towards the garden table. "Afternoon mother." I kneel before her and send a smile towards Winston and ted before sitting down. "Afternoon darling. Tea and biscuit?" I looked down and watched her pour me a cuppa and place it neatly on the saucer along with a biscuit.

"Thank you." I say as I bring the cup to my lips, maoning under my breath from the soothing warmth it brought to my throat as I swallowed the delectable liquid. "I see you've been conversing with the workers again." mum chuckled. "I never really understood why your siblings never found interest in them; maybe you,re just very special."

"I guess so." i shrug as I take a bite out of my biscuit. "But that's not why you called me for tea is it?" I ask straight forward. I watch her gulp and look away and by then I knew something was up. "Oh my little Rose... always so smart and filled with curiosity." she smiled. Suddenly she snapped her fingers behind her and I jumped, not expecting the noise at all.

I watched as Winston handed her a a stack of folders and a magazine. She placed the magazine in front of me first. "Who is he?" She asked. "Just some boy I met." I tell her quickly. "I don't think he is some boy or else he wouldn't be on the front cover of this magazine with you. There's many others I've seen but this one stands out the most." she tapped on the glossy page as I sighed.

"One Direction's Harry Styles in love? Could Harry's new fling be the one he's been looking for?" she read the heading out loud as I cringed. She did not seem happy at all. "I looked into this Harry boy. I was confused you see. Why would my youngest daughter be on the front cover of a magazine with this- Harry Styles fellow?"'she picked up the magazine before dropping it back down in disgust. "he is not a good person Rosaria how could you do this to your family?"

I was shocked by her words. "He is a good person mama, they just make him out to be a bad person but he's not!" I protested. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me Rosaria. If I say he is a bad person, he is a bad person. And I refuse to let my daughter have any relations with this boy whatsoever. He has brought dishonor to this family name before and I'm not letting him do it again. You are forbidden from ever seeing this boy again." she spoke as I gasped.

"Mum you can't do that!" I yelled. "I believe I can sweetie. You have to think in perspective Rosaria, you never do and that's what brought you into this-" she stabbed the magazine with her finger as she growled. "in the first place. For Gods sake Rosaria you are going to become Queen in a few years time and will need to be wed. Over my dead body will you and this boy ever be together."

"But mum I love him!" I cried, pounding my fists on the table causing her to jump and look at me in shock. "Oh sweetie you are too young to know what love is. I promise we'll find you a good man suitable enough for you to be wed to." She rested her hand on mine and I pulled it away, looking at her in frustration.

"No! I refuse to have an arranged marriage, they never work! I want to be married when I'm older, to the man I love- not a man who meets your expectations." I grunt as she shook her head. "Arrange marriages do work honey, take me and your father for example-"

"You don't understand mum! You and dad were already in love when you were arranged! I already love someone else mum okay, I love Harry and there's nothing you can do about it!" I yelled. "Nothing you can do will stop how I feel about him!"

"Well don't you come running back to me young lady when he does the same thing Jake did." She spat. I slowly sunk into my seat again. "I will keep you away from him- make you stay behind these walls again, heck I will place a restraining order that won't allow him or any of his band members into this country. I will do everything in my power to make sure his blood doesn't mix with ours." she snapped, lips blazing fire while mine poured rivers down my cheeks.

"You can't do this... y-you can't! I'll- I'll run away!" I wanred her. "I'll run away again!" her eyes darkened as she folded her hands in her lap. "Then you leave me no choice." she sighed as I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Ted, Winston?" she looked towards the two old men who turned towards her with a short nod. "Take her to the North Tower." I gasped as Winston and Ted nodded slowly and took me gently by the arms. "The N-North Tower? Mum-" I let out an inaudible squeak as I was taken away from my mother who hadn't spared me a second glance. "Maybe some time away from this will help make you realize what a mistake this is." she says as I look at her in pure shock.

The North Tower was only used for prisoners or mental patients that needed to be kept from the outside world. Of course we don't use it for those purposes now since we have the newly build dungeons down beneath the cellars of the castle, but the tower was still intact and almost impossible to get in and get out.

There used to be a steel door leading into the tower but it has since been bolted shut and left that way after a few prisoners tried to escape. When the dungeons were bult, everyone was taken out and put in there, leaving this doorless tower to stand alone, towering over the castle like it is told in those stupid fairy tales.

The only way in now was by a series of pulleys that are attactched at the top of the tower. "I'm so sorry princess." Winston sighed as he set me onto the little swing that I had to sit on. "Winnie you can't do this... pl-please... teddy-"

"Shh princess... it,ll only be for a little while." Ted reassured as he began to pull on the rope, sending me to the top. Cringing I open the battered doors and climb into the tower. All there was in the circular room was a bed, cabinets for clothes, long red velvet curtains and a little bear covered in dust.

"We'll send your things up tonight princess!" Winston yelled before he and Ted set off back to the castle. I looked out the window and down below, watching their bodies turn into little specks as they got further and further.

As nightfall came along, I leant against the walls of the eerie tower, shaking in fear and sadness as I cried. I don't know why I bothered crying. No one will hear me or see me.

I guess I just miss the boys. I wonder how they are. I'm sure Harry's coping quite well, probably has a new girlfriend already... I wonder if Niall and sienna are back together? I smile at the thought. Niall really does love her and I still feel horrible for using him.

As nightfall came long, I stared out into the starry night, smiling at the moon that shone bright- thank the lord it's getting pretty dark in here without a source of light- and I spoke to it, wondering if Bruno Mars was right about the whole Talking to the Moon gist.

"I wonder if I ever return to them... if Harry would still love me." I smile at the thougth of being in his arms again as the words swim in my mind like a fish in crystal clear water. I always did feel like I was living a fairytale when I was with him.

The fairytale doesn't end here though. If there's one thing I've learned love is that happy endings don't exist. Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet.


Hello again! this was a bit of a filler chapter because I'm having a bit of a writers block issue but its all good :) still got this chapter up!

so harry is drinking again :( its his only way to cope with the hurt he feels because arias gone :( because hes not used to it :( but lou's taking care of him and the boys are helping him find Aria so its just a matter of getting through the hardship now.

Aria on the other hand has been forbidden from seeing Harry. ever :( bc remember he dated ava? well their whole controversy will be brought up in the future bc harrys done some intense shit when he was with her. so arias been locked in a tower :( she'll be allowed to come down but only for strict princess/queen business only

everything has taken a turn for the worst :( what will happen to harry and aria? will they ever be together again? is another band member falling for Aria o_O

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