Baby I

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Harry's POV

Being a young handsome man like myself, I knew I had nothing to worry about in terms of Aria seeing other men behind my back especially after everything that's happened between us. I really feel like it's brought us closer together than rather farther apart.

But yet again being the young handsome man like myself, I still had to look out for her. So when she mentioned a friend she was meeting at noon, curiosity got the best of me and I enlisted Liam to go see who she was meeting with.

Luckily he mentioned something about going out to the city today anyways and looking after Aria would just be another errand for him on his to do list. He was reluctant to give in to my request at first but eventually gave in when I mentioned how I was only doing this because I was afraid for her- I mean, she's been through so much; the least she can have is a proper day out with someone she's friends with.

If I'm not going to be there to keep an eye out, I'm gonna need another set of eyes.

It was three in the afternoon now, and still Aria hasn't returned but she has been texting me non stop. Apparently the friend she was meeting up with was Liam and it left me confused as to why she hadn't told me she was seeing him and why he hadn't told me he was seeing her... and why he didn't want to be my look out. But I shrugged it off and went on with it.

I grunted as Dusty leapt onto my lap, curling up into my side as she purred loudly. ''Don't worry baby girl, mummy will be home soon.'' I cooed as I petted her gently. I took it upon me to pick up Dusty from my mum's while Aria was out. While I was there, I bumped into my not so pleased sister who was in town while she was off Uni for the holiday's.

She reallty wanted to see Aria, but was disappointed because Aria had always been busy. I made sure to remember to ask Aria when she came home to call Gemma or else she'll be furious with me.

I also took it upon me to go grocery shopping- being sure to remember the milk this time. I sighed as I stood up. I should start on dinner.

''What should we have for dinner babe?'' I asked Dusty as I mindlessly rummaged through the cupboards and the fridge for something good to eat and easy to cook. I pulled out my trusty cook book and flipped through the pages. ''How about stir fry? Or maybe ramen noondles...'' They both sounded pretty good.

''What do you think?'' I asked Dusty who had managed to jump up onto the counter. Of course she couldn't answer, so I just smiled. ''I'll just ask mummy then.'' I said as i took out my phone and dialled Aria's number.

Ring ring

''Hi honey!'' Aria giggled as I smirked and chuckled lowly. ''Hello to you too honey.'' I emphasized as she giggled again. ''So why did you call? Everything alright?'' She asked as I nodded, despite the fuck she couldn't see me.

''Yeah I'm just getting started on dinner and I'm cross between stir fry and ramen.'' I told her as I scratched the back of my neck. ''Oh okay um how about stir fry? I'm craving some stir fry.'' Aria said as I sighed in relief. ''Alright okay stir fry it is, thanks babe.'' I said as she chuckled.

''No problem, see you soon! Li and I are heading home now.'' She said as I nodded. ''Okay, come home safe. Love you.'' I smiled. ''Love you too curly.'' She giggled before hanging up.

''Alright.'' I sighed as I tucked my phone back into my pocket. ''Stir fry, stir fry, stir fry, stir fry, stir fry-'' I murmured to myself as I flipped through the pages again before stopping on the page with the stir fry recipe. I gawked at the page and sighed deeply.

''Dusty, love, you're going to have to get off the counter.'' I grunted as I lifted Dusty of the counter and placed her on the floor. ¸

''Go, run, be free, kill a mouse or something- actually don't kill a mouse or mummy will hurt daddy for letting you kill an innocent mouse- again.'' I looked down at Dusty worriedly as flashbacks to the first time Dusty killed a mouse and decided to bring it inside and leave it by her feeding bowl.

Aria was not happy.

I returned to the kitchen and started on the stir fry, but not before turning up the stereo.


''All I'm tryna say is you're my everything baby!'' I belted as I seasoned the vegetables. ''But everytime I try to say it words they only complicate it Baby, Baby ooh whoa ooh whoa Baby, Baby-'' I began to stir the fry as I continued to sing along to Ariana's song that was currently on full volume.

''Baby I'm so down for you, no matter what you do- real talk- I'll be around-'' I bopped my head and danced as I sang and twirled around but stopped in my tracks at he sound of her familiar laughter. I looked over to Aria who had her phone out, her hand shaking as she laughed loudly into the palm of her hand.

I quickly turned down the volume and wiped my hands on my apron as I approached her. ''Um, how long have you been standing there?'' I asked her awkwardly as she giggled. ''Long enough to know you're a fan of Ariana Grande.'' She smirked as she put her phone away.

''Well I-I-'' ''Don't even try to deny it. Her album is the most played album on your phone.'' She smirked as I sighed. ''I just really like her music okay, nothing is wrong with that!''

''Who said anything about it being wrong? She's amazing!'' Aria grinned as she turned up the volume on the stereo.

''Straight up, you got me-'' Aria sang.

'' All in, how could I not be,I sure hope you know-'' I sang as I smiled widely at Aria.

''If it's even possible, I love you more, than the word love can say it-'' Aria winked as she took me by the hand.

''It's better not explaining, that's why I keep saying-'' I sang as I twirled her around.

''Baby I!'' We both belted slash yelled as we tried to reach Ariana's impossibly high notes but our failure resulted in us both landed in a heap on the floor, laughing loudly at ourselves as the song came to its end.

''Oh my god, I can't even believe we even tried!'' Aria cried, wiping her eyes as I held my stomach. ''I-I just- I can't!'' I yelped. ''Whoo but that was fun.'' Aria smiled as she stood u and held out her hand. I took it gently and allowed her to pull me up. ''Yeah, you know your voice isn't actually that bad.''

''Is that a kind way to say I sound like a dying horse?'' She raised an eyebrow at me as I shook my head. ''No of course not, you have a beautiful voice whether you're singing or not.'' I smiled cheekily as she rolled her eyes. ''Whatever you say Styles, so what about that stir fry?'' She asked as she pushed me aside and walked towards the stove.

''Almost finished, just a few more minutes and it's good to go.'' I told her as I wrapped my arms around her her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder as I moved from side to side. ''So how was your day out with Liam kitten?'' I asked her as she sighed. ''It was relaxing- we ate lunch at Nando's then went window shopping for Christmas presents and presents for Louis.''

''Right, Christmas is in less than a month. Damn time flies by so fast, it's almost new years too.'' I sighed as I pulled Aria closer to me. ''And this year I get to have my very special midnight kiss with my very special girl.'' I smirked before kissing her neck teasingly.

''I wonder who she is?'' Aria turned and placed her arms around my shoulders as I rested my hands on her waist. ''Well correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's the beautiful lady standing right in front of me.'' I told her smartly as she gave me a thoughtful look. The pout on her lips had my head spinning, especially when they curled up into a devious smile.

''That sounds about right.'' she nodded before leaning up to kiss me. ''Hmm I'm always right babe.'' I murmured against her lips as she giggled. ''Shut up and just kiss me.''

''As you wish princess.'' I smirked against her lips as she giggled again.

It was moments like this that I learned to cherish second of. I could never get used to the taste of her lips as it always brought a new sensation to me everytime ours touched. It was like kissing her for the first time every single time, and it made my heart race and body collapse yet she still stands, being the cheeky little monkey she is.

I loved the way she always had to stand on the tips of her toes in order to kiss me properly. I find i really cute and adorable how short she is compared to me but she didn't like her height at all. She tells me it's the reason she wears heels a lot of the times we go out.

Sometimes I have to lean down myself to kiss her and this notion often got us into some interesting positions. It was easy to over power her kisses, no matter how har she tried. I'd always have her against the wall, my hands either on her body or against the wall while I kissed her hard.

She'd cling on my shirt with tiny fists while moans escaped her lips and entered my own. It often got me so aroused that I felt like my pants would burst at any moment. She didn't have to do much to set me off. One look and I'm in bed waiting.

I pulled away from our heated kiss and pressed my lips to her forehead. ''I love you so much.'' I say these words not often enough, but I try to and she does as well. ''I love you more.'' she sighed as she hugged me close to her. ''More than you'll ever know.''

''I think the stir fry is done.'' I told her as I reached behind her to turn off the stove. ''Hmm it smells delicious.'' She moaned as I froze and stared at her for a few moments. ''Never do that again.'' I told her.

''Do what?'' She asked. ''That- that thing you just did- that moan. Don't do that.'' I told her as she burst out in laighter. ''What's wrong with m moaning, I thought you liked it.'' She smirked as she took out two plates from the top cupcoard. ''Harry! Oh Harry!'' She moaned as I shook my head at her disapprovingly.

''I don't think I deserve this kind of torture.'' i told her as I took the stir fry off the stove and placed the food in a nice bowl. I picked it up and made my way to the dining room. ''Oh s-shit Harry!'' her moaning nearly made me drop the bowl as I placed it down quickly before returning to Aria who had a lazy smile on her face.

''You're mean.'' I pointed at her as i took out the cutlery. ''Oh, oh yeah! Harder Harry Harder! Oh yeah baby! Yeah right there!'' She moaned even more enthusiastically than before as she waltzed towards the dining room with the two plates she had taken out.

I groaned and bit my lip as I glanced down at the predicament growing in my basketball short. I sighed and walked to where Aria was sitting with an innocent smile on her face, shaking my head at her as I narrowed my eyes. ''You like pissing me off don't you.'' I muttered as I sat down again.

''Maybe I want you to be angry.'' She smirked, biting her lip before giggling. Ah the holy trinity. The three things she just has to do to set me off. And now I've been set off.

''How about we skip dinner?'' I raised an eyebrow at her as Irested my hand on her thigh. ''Hmm, I could go with that.'' She nodded as she took my hand and stood up, leading me into the main hallway and up the stairs.

I bit my lip as I followed her up-

Ding dong

''Are you fucking kidding me!?'' I yelled in aggravation as I whipped my head towards the front door. If it's one of the boys I'm going to break their face in.

''Wo are you and what do you want!? I'm about to have some rough- possibly kiny sex with my beautiful horny fiancé right now and I'm missing... o-out...'' I trailed off as I looked up at Ariana who was at the top of the stairs, her hands massaging her breasts while a cheeky smiles rested on her lips. ''Seriously, I need to go!'' I yelled, my voice cracking at the end.

''It's us.'' Two voices sighed and I muttered a few colorful words as I opened the door.

''What the hell do you two want, I'm about to-'' Niall cut me off with a disgusted look. ''We know, please don't repeat it.''

''Louis?'' I looked over to him. ''It's Matt mate.'' Louis whispered as I rolled my eyes at the sound of his name. ''What about him? I'm in the middle of something.'' I snapped lowly.

''He's back in town Harry.'' Louis sighed worriedly. ''And he's not to happy.''

I stood up straighter as I closed the door behind me momentarily, catching aglimpse of Aria's confused face before turning to Louis and Niall again.

''I told him to leave her alone.'' I told them quietly. I nearly killed the piece of shit in order to get that message through his thick skull. ''He's not after her though.'' Niall whispered. ''Then who is he after?'' I asked the two who looked up at me worriedly.

''You Harry. He's come back to finish what you both started.''

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